Monday, April 6, 2020


1. If an enzyme obeying Hills reaction shows negative cooperativity. It means
(a) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme decreases affinity
for other substrate to other sub-units
(b) Binding of substrate to any one site of single unit enzyme decreases affinity for
other substrate
(c) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme increases affinity
for other substrate to other sub-units
(d) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme makes enzyme nonfuntional
2. In mitochondria succinyl CoA synthetase produces
(a) ATP (b) ADP
(c) GTP (d) AMP
3. l-phage insert their DNA into bacterial host. The site for recombination on host is
termed as-
(a) attP (b) attB
(c) Xis (d) Int
4. A person heterozygous for sickle cell anemia has advantage for both malaria and
sickle cell anemia. It illustrates
(a) Directional selection
(b) Heterozygote advantage
(c) Disruptive selection
(d) Directed mutation selection
5. Vibrio cholrae causes diahorrea by
(a) Opening ion channels
(b) Constitutive expression of adenylate cyclase
(c) Closing absorption of water from gut epithelium
(d) Destroys cells of intestinal lining
7. The fungus which is pathogenic to human is
(a) Candida albicans
(b) Saccromyces cervesae
(c) Penicillium
(d) Rhyzopus

7. During photorespiration which organelle is involved in conversion of glycolate into
(a) Mitochondria (b) Peroxisomes
(c) Chloroplast (d) Nucleus

8. Which pump is activated by light during closure of stomata
(a) H+-ATPase
(b) K+-ATPase
(c) Na+-H+-ATPase
(d) Na+-K+-ATPase

9. The steady state hypothesis for enzyme suggest that
(a) Rate of formation of ES complex by substrates is equal to rate of breakdown of
ES complex into products
(b) Rate of formation of ES complex is equal to rate of formation of products
(c) Rate of formation of ES complex and its dissociation into E and S are equal
(d) Enzyme are steadily consumed in the reaction
10. Which is correct for a-helix of a protein
(a) It has H-bonding in two or more parallel running chains
(b) There is interchain H-bonding in single helix
(c) No H- bonding is seen
(d) is tertiary structure

11. Which cell is involved in eliminating antigen by engulfing them without recognition
(a) phagocytotic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Killer T-cells (d) B-cells

12.Among the following which gene is not concerned with induction of cancer
(a) Src (b) Ras
(c) P53 (d) Actin
13. The morphological distinct sexual dimorphism is absent in
(a) Peacock, Myena, bulbul
(b) Crow, peacock, bulbul
(c) Hyena, bulbul, Sparrow
(d) Myena, bulbul, Hyena
14. Among the following Mendelian inheritance is obeyed by
(a) Quantitative traits
(b) Transposons
(c) Organelles
(d) Gene for vertical transfer of disease
15. Which species concept stress mainly on failure of interbreeding to keep them in
distinct species
(a) Biological species concept
(b) Ecological species concept
(c) Morphological species concept
(d) Phylogenetic species concept
16. The cells of warm blooded animals can be best stored at temperatures
(a) 37 °C (b) 0 °C
(c) –100 °C (d) –196 °C
17. The polysome can be describes as
(a) A special ribosome occurring in prokaryotes
(b) A DNA strand which is being transcribed by may RNA polymerase
(c) String of RNA occupied by many ribosomes
(d) Involved in control of transcription in prokaryotes
18. If there is no correct initiation of transcription. Which subunit of RNA polymerase
holoenzyme would have defect
(a) a subunit (b) b
(c) b' (d) s-subunit

19. The pattern of genomic imprinting is maintained from one generation to another by
(a) Phosphorylation of DNA
(b) Methylation
(c) Acetylation
(d) Glycosylation

20. Recently reptile fossils of age 200-250 MY have been found in Brazil and Ghanaportion
of West Africa. The landmass during that period was a portion of
(a) Pangea (b) Laurasia
(c) Gondwana (d) Tethys Sea  

 21. The most variable stage of cell cycle is
(a) G1 (b) G2
(c) Go (d) S
22. Among the following which order of arthropods has maximum species richness
(a) Hymenoptera (b) Lepidoptera
(c) Coleoptera (d) Diptera
23. The probability of a son to be color blind for parent with color blind father and normal
homozygous mother would be
(a) 0 % (b) 25 %
(c) 50 % (d) 100 %
24. Which statement is correct for following biological reaction:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 ®6CO2 + 6H2O
(a) Entropy of system will increase
(b) Enthalpy for system will increase
(c) Free Energy for system will increase
(d) No change would be seen in free energy
25. Second most affecting green house gas after CO2 is
(a) Methane (b) NOx
(c) CFC (d) Ozone
26. Among the following which gas was totally absent during period of primitive origin of
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen
(c) Methane (d) Ammonia
27. If a certain parasitic bacteria on insect prevents cross breeding among them. It will
lead into
(a) rapid speciation
(b) Divergence of insects
(c) Extinction of insects
(d) No effect
28. Among the following which compound links glycolysis and Kreb's cycle
(a) Acetyl Co A
(b) Pyruvic Acid
(c) Glucose
(d) Oxaloacetic acid
29. Secretion of histamine by degranulation from which cell leads in immediate
(a) Basophils (b) Mast cells
(c) T-helper cells (d) B-cells

30. The organism with high parental care will also show
(a) Semelparity
(b) Iteroperety
(c) Maturation at early stage
(d) Small size of offsprings
31. If any one of the parent invest more time for parental care on offsprings it would lead
to differences in
(a) Life span (b) Mental level
(c) Metabolism (d) Differential sex mate
32. The development of social behavior is related to
(a) Complex Brain size
(b) Genetic relatedness
(c) Size of population
(d) Size of organism

34. The acidic nature of orange juice is mainly due to citric acid. What would be pH of
0.1 M citric acid, if K1 for citric acid is 8.4 × 10–4.
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
35. Vavilov’s origin of centre for sorghum is
(a) South East Asia (b) Central Africa
(c) India (d) East Asia
36. Oogenesis in human females results in
(a) 1 egg and 3 polar bodies
(b) 2 egg and 2 polar bodies
(c) 3 egg and 1 polar bodies
(d) 1 egg and 1 polar bodies
37. Direct correlation between recombination frequency and distance between genes can
be disturbed by presence
(a) Heterochromatin region between genes
(b) Exons
(c) Introns
(d) Euchromatin
38. Among the following interactions which will not force co-evolution
(a) Commensalisms (b) Parasitism
(c) Mutualism (d) Interspecific competition
39. Antibiotic resistance among bacteria represents
(a) Balancing selection
(b) Stabilizing selection
(c) Directional selection
(d) Disruptive selection
40. In a population a single gene locus has two alleles A and a with allele frequency of
‘a’ = 0.3. If genotype Aa is lethal and only individual with genotype AA and aa are
favored then over several generation
(a) Allele frequency will be 1:1
(b) Allele frequency will remain same to that of present
(c) Allele ‘a’ would be lost from population
(d) Genetic drift will be seen

41. The eukaryotic mitochondria is more similar to
(a) Bacteria (b) Virus
(c) protist (d) moulds

42. On buyout density centrifugation of certain DNA band was observed as high peak
corresponding to low density as compare to other DNA. It means
(a) DNA is AT rich
(b) DNA is GC rich
(c) Equal AT to GC ratio
(d) Single Stranded DNA
43. Which of the following can induce SOS response in bacteria
(a) Thymidine dimers (b) Hydorxylamine
(c) 5-Fluro Uracil (d) 2-Aminopurine
44. Cyanobacteria out competes the green algae in eutrophic lakes due to organic
pollutions because they can
(a) tolerate low oxygen level
(b) tolerate high phosphorus level
(c) fix nitrogen, so it is not limitating for them
(d) low light is required for photosynthesis

45. In a massive earthquake on island only few related species of lizards survived and
occupied the island. The phenomenon is also referred as
(a) Founder effect (b) Bottle Neck effect
(c) Vodka-Bertoni effect (d) Darwin's effect
46. Numerical taxonomy involves
(a) Overall similarity (b) Phylogenetic relationship
(c) Evolutionary relationship (d) Molecular taxonomy
47. Genetic Drift occurs by
(a) Chance (b) Immigration
(c) Emigration (d) Mutation
48. Organism inhabiting water scarce environment are likely
(a) Uricotelic (b) Ureotellic
(c) Ammonotellic (d) to have small kidney size
49. Circadian rhythms are controlled by
(a) Medulla (b) Cortex
(c) Pituatory gland (d) Suprachaismatic nucleus
50. What is prophage
(a) l phage DNA
(b) Stage of cell cycle
(c) DNA of temperate phage inserted into host chromosome
(d) A transposons

1. If an enzyme obeying Hills reaction shows negative cooperativity. It means
(a) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme decreases affinity
for other substrate to other sub-units

(b) Binding of substrate to any one site of single unit enzyme decreases affinity for
other substrate
(c) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme increases affinity
for other substrate to other sub-units
(d) Binding of substrate to any one site of multisubunit enzyme makes enzyme nonfuntional
2. In mitochondria succinyl CoA synthetase produces
(a) ATP (b) ADP
(c) GTP (d) AMP
3. l-phage insert their DNA into bacterial host. The site for recombination on host is
termed as-
(a) attP (b) attB
(c) Xis (d) Int
4. A person heterozygous for sickle cell anemia has advantage for both malaria and
sickle cell anemia. It illustrates
(a) Directional selection
(b) Heterozygote advantage
(c) Disruptive selection
(d) Directed mutation selection
5. Vibrio cholrae causes diahorrea by
(a) Opening ion channels
(b) Constitutive expression of adenylate cyclase
(c) Closing absorption of water from gut epithelium
(d) Destroys cells of intestinal lining
7. The fungus which is pathogenic to human is
(a) Candida albicans
(b) Saccromyces cervesae
(c) Penicillium
(d) Rhyzopus
7. During photorespiration which organelle is involved in conversion of glycolate into
(a) Mitochondria (b) Peroxisomes
(c) Chloroplast (d) Nucleus
8. Which pump is activated by light during closure of stomata
(a) H+-ATPase
(b) K+-ATPase
(c) Na+-H+-ATPase
(d) Na+-K+-ATPase
9. The steady state hypothesis for enzyme suggest that
(a) Rate of formation of ES complex by substrates is equal to rate of breakdown of
ES complex into products

(b) Rate of formation of ES complex is equal to rate of formation of products
(c) Rate of formation of ES complex and its dissociation into E and S are equal
(d) Enzyme are steadily consumed in the reaction
10. Which is correct for a-helix of a protein
(a) It has H-bonding in two or more parallel running chains
(b) There is interchain H-bonding in single helix
(c) No H- bonding is seen
(d) is tertiary structure
11. Which cell is involved in eliminating antigen by engulfing them without recognition
(a) phagocytotic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Killer T-cells (d) B-cells
12.Among the following which gene is not concerned with induction of cancer
(a) Src (b) Ras
(c) P53 (d) Actin
13. The morphological distinct sexual dimorphism is absent in
(a) Peacock, Myena, bulbul
(b) Crow, peacock, bulbul
(c) Hyena, bulbul, Sparrow
(d) Myena, bulbul, Hyena
14. Among the following Mendelian inheritance is obeyed by
(a) Quantitative traits
(b) Transposons
(c) Organelles
(d) Gene for vertical transfer of disease
15. Which species concept stress mainly on failure of interbreeding to keep them in
distinct species
(a) Biological species concept
(b) Ecological species concept
(c) Morphological species concept
(d) Phylogenetic species concept
16. The cells of warm blooded animals can be best stored at temperatures
(a) 37 °C (b) 0 °C
(c) –100 °C (d) –196 °C
17. The polysome can be describes as
(a) A special ribosome occurring in prokaryotes
(b) A DNA strand which is being transcribed by may RNA polymerase
(c) String of RNA occupied by many ribosomes
(d) Involved in control of transcription in prokaryotes
18. If there is no correct initiation of transcription. Which subunit of RNA polymerase
holoenzyme would have defect
(a) a subunit (b) b
(c) b' (d) s-subunit
19. The pattern of genomic imprinting is maintained from one generation to another by
(a) Phosphorylation of DNA
(b) Methylation
(c) Acetylation
(d) Glycosylation
20. Recently reptile fossils of age 200-250 MY have been found in Brazil and Ghanaportion
of West Africa. The landmass during that period was a portion of
(a) Pangea (b) Laurasia
(c) Gondwana (d) Tethys Sea  
 21. The most variable stage of cell cycle is
(a) G1 (b) G2
(c) Go (d) S
22. Among the following which order of arthropods has maximum species richness
(a) Hymenoptera (b) Lepidoptera
(c) Coleoptera (d) Diptera
23. The probability of a son to be color blind for parent with color blind father and normal
homozygous mother would be
(a) 0 % (b) 25 %
(c) 50 % (d) 100 %
24. Which statement is correct for following biological reaction:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 ®6CO2 + 6H2O
(a) Entropy of system will increase
(b) Enthalpy for system will increase
(c) Free Energy for system will increase
(d) No change would be seen in free energy
25. Second most affecting green house gas after CO2 is
(a) Methane (b) NOx
(c) CFC (d) Ozone
26. Among the following which gas was totally absent during period of primitive origin of
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen
(c) Methane (d) Ammonia
27. If a certain parasitic bacteria on insect prevents cross breeding among them. It will
lead into
(a) rapid speciation
(b) Divergence of insects
(c) Extinction of insects
(d) No effect
28. Among the following which compound links glycolysis and Kreb's cycle
(a) Acetyl Co A
(b) Pyruvic Acid
(c) Glucose
(d) Oxaloacetic acid
29. Secretion of histamine by degranulation from which cell leads in immediate
(a) Basophils (b) Mast cells
(c) T-helper cells (d) B-cells
30. The organism with high parental care will also show
(a) Semelparity
(b) Iteroperety
(c) Maturation at early stage
(d) Small size of offsprings
31. If any one of the parent invest more time for parental care on offsprings it would lead
to differences in
(a) Life span (b) Mental level
(c) Metabolism (d) Differential sex mate
32. The development of social behavior is related to
(a) Complex Brain size
(b) Genetic relatedness
(c) Size of population
(d) Size of organism
34. The acidic nature of orange juice is mainly due to citric acid. What would be pH of
0.1 M citric acid, if K1 for citric acid is 8.4 × 10–4.
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
35. Vavilov’s origin of centre for sorghum is
(a) South East Asia (b) Central Africa
(c) India (d) East Asia
36. Oogenesis in human females results in
(a) 1 egg and 3 polar bodies
(b) 2 egg and 2 polar bodies
(c) 3 egg and 1 polar bodies
(d) 1 egg and 1 polar bodies
37. Direct correlation between recombination frequency and distance between genes can
be disturbed by presence
(a) Heterochromatin region between genes
(b) Exons
(c) Introns
(d) Euchromatin
38. Among the following interactions which will not force co-evolution
(a) Commensalisms (b) Parasitism
(c) Mutualism (d) Interspecific competition
39. Antibiotic resistance among bacteria represents
(a) Balancing selection
(b) Stabilizing selection
(c) Directional selection
(d) Disruptive selection
40. In a population a single gene locus has two alleles A and a with allele frequency of
‘a’ = 0.3. If genotype Aa is lethal and only individual with genotype AA and aa are
favored then over several generation
(a) Allele frequency will be 1:1
(b) Allele frequency will remain same to that of present
(c) Allele ‘a’ would be lost from population
(d) Genetic drift will be seen
41. The eukaryotic mitochondria is more similar to
(a) Bacteria (b) Virus
(c) protist (d) moulds
42. On buyout density centrifugation of certain DNA band was observed as high peak
corresponding to low density as compare to other DNA. It means
(a) DNA is AT rich
(b) DNA is GC rich
(c) Equal AT to GC ratio
(d) Single Stranded DNA
43. Which of the following can induce SOS response in bacteria
(a) Thymidine dimers (b) Hydorxylamine
(c) 5-Fluro Uracil (d) 2-Aminopurine
44. Cyanobacteria out competes the green algae in eutrophic lakes due to organic
pollutions because they can
(a) tolerate low oxygen level
(b) tolerate high phosphorus level
(c) fix nitrogen, so it is not limitating for them
(d) low light is required for photosynthesis
45. In a massive earthquake on island only few related species of lizards survived and
occupied the island. The phenomenon is also referred as
(a) Founder effect (b) Bottle Neck effect
(c) Vodka-Bertoni effect (d) Darwin's effect
46. Numerical taxonomy involves
(a) Overall similarity (b) Phylogenetic relationship
(c) Evolutionary relationship (d) Molecular taxonomy
47. Genetic Drift occurs by
(a) Chance (b) Immigration
(c) Emigration (d) Mutation
48. Organism inhabiting water scarce environment are likely
(a) Uricotelic (b) Ureotellic
(c) Ammonotellic (d) to have small kidney size
49. Circadian rhythms are controlled by
(a) Medulla (b) Cortex
(c) Pituatory gland (d) Suprachaismatic nucleus
50. What is prophage
(a) l phage DNA
(b) Stage of cell cycle
(c) DNA of temperate phage inserted into host chromosome
(d) A transposons

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Founder Principle OR Founder Effect

When a few individuals or a small group migrate from a main population, only a limited portion of the parental gene pool is carried away. In...