Monday, April 6, 2020


1. Maximum recombination frequency between two genes is-
(a) 25 % (b) 50 %
(c) 75 % (d) 100 %
2. The distance between two base pairs in Watson-Crick B-DNA is
(a) 34 nm (b) 3.4 nm
(c) 0.34 nm (d) 0.034 nm
3. The stage of meiosis I in which crossing over takes place
(a) Zygotene (b) Diplotene
(c) Diakinesis (d) Pachytene
4. Among the following which mutagen induces formation of thymidine dimmers in
(a) UV (b) Ethyl methyl sulphate
(c) Nitrous oxide (d) Ethydium bromide
5. Na+ – K+ pump is-
(a) Symport system (b) Antiport system
(c) ABC transporter (d) Diffusion pump
6. Consider the following statements. Which is correct?
(a) Intracellular concentration of Na+ is always high
(b) Intracellular concentration of K+ ion is low
(c) Extra cellular concentration of K+ and Na+ ion is isotonic to intracellular
(d) Extra cellular concentration of Na+ and intracellular concentration of K+ is always
high in normal cell
7. Exrachromosomal inheritance can be detected by-
(a) Back cross (b) Test cross
(c) Reciprocal cross (d) Dihybrid cross
8. Dosage compensation occurs in-
(a) Insects and mammals (b) Reptiles and mammals
(c) Reptiles and aves (d) Insects and reptiles
9. Drosophilla with chromosome complement XXXXY/AA will be-
(a) fertile female (b) meta male
(c) normal male (d) Intersex
10. During fusion of Rat and Human cell it was found that chromosomes of one species
was selectively eliminated, this had opened new doors to study-
(a) Transgenic study
(b) Chromosomal incompatibility
(c) Gene and linkage mapping
(d) Dominance of genes
11. B and T-cells of immune system are activated by-
(a) T-cytotoxic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Macrophages (d) B-cells
12. Immunoglobulin playing role in allergic reaction
(a) IgG (b) IgM
(c) IgD (d) IgE
13. A bacteria growing exponentially with doubling rate of 10 minutes. The intrinsic rate
of growth would be maximum when bacterial numbers are-
(a) at carrying capacity
(b) half of carrying capacity
(c) start of log phase
(d) remains constant at all phases
14. The nutritional medium was supplied to growing bacteria. If whole nutrient get
depleted in 20 cycles, then stage at which the amount of nutrient was half used-
(a) At end of 10 cycle (b) At beginning of 19 cycle
(c) At end of 19 cycle (d) At end of 11 cycle
15. Regarding gene expression in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, which statement is correct-
(a) m-RNA and DNA are colinear
(b) m-RNA and protein synthesis can occur simultaneously
(c) processing of hn-RNA yields m-RNA
(d) RNA polymerase can bind to promoters situated upstream to gene
16. DNA fragment between size 2000 KD and 500 Kd can be separated using-
(a) PAGE (b) chromatography
(c) centrifugation (d) Pulsed field gel electrophoresis
17. The strongest evidence which suggest that RNA was ancient then DNA
(a) RNA can act as template for DNA synthesis
(b) RNA can work as catalyst
(c) RNA is single stranded
(d) RNA is genetic material in certain viruses
18. In an polypeptide if alanine is replaced by praline then-
(a) Its tendency to form á-helix increases
(b) Its tendency to form â-sheets increase
(c) The hydrophobicity of chain decreases
(d) There would no effect
19. Phosopho fructokinase is allosterically regulated by-
(a) ATP (b) ADP
(c) AMP (d) Fructose-6-P
20. cdK-2 exerts its effect during which stage of cell cycle
(a) G1 phase (b) S phase
(c) G2 phase (d) M phase
21. Diploid maize have 10 pairs of chromosome. Number of chromosome at Metaphase-I
will be-
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 30 (d) 40
22. For an endothermic reaction to occur spontaneously the
(a) DG = 0 (b) DG > 0
(c) DG < 0 (d) independent of DG
23. Which enzyme is involved in detoxification reaction-
(a) glutathione oxidase (b) topoisomerase
(c) catalse (d) restriction enzymes

24. The birds in tropics are generally smaller in size because of-
(a) To increase surface area to volume ratio
(b) To decrease surface area to volume ratio
(c) For easy flight
(d) Aestivation
25. In an pond ecosystem, net productivity by zooplankton is ‘p’ and biomass consumed
by small fishes is ‘c’, then the ratio of c/p is termed as-
(a) Assimilation efficiency
(b) Net secondary productivity
(c) Consumption efficiency
(d) Conversion efficiency
26. For climax which statement is INCORRECT?
(a) Number of perennial species increases
(b) Dependency on detritious food chain increases
(c) Vertical stratification of community increases
(d) Exploitation competition is more then normal competition
27. At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as
(a) They both have common ancestors
(b) Human have evolved from monkey
(c) Both have very distinct phylogeny
(d) Relationship can not be established
28. Most of new species are formed by the process of –
(a) Anagenesis (b) Cladogenesis
(c) Sympatric speciation (d) Phylogenetic evolution
29. The alternative pathway of respiration can be inhibited by
(a) Cyanide (b) SHAM
(c) Arachodoic acid (d) Amphicillin
30. Dendrogram is-
(a) Arrangement of chromosomes
(b) graphical representation of phylogenetic tree
(c) taxonomic key to establish relationship
(d) evolutionary time scale representation
31. Development of sporophyte directly from gametes without fertilization is termed as-
(a) Apogamy (b) Apospory
(c) Adventive embryony (d) Apomixis
32. Goblet cells are located in-
(a) Liver (b) Oesophagus
(c) Intestinal villi (d) Duodenum
33. The phytohormone which provides desiccation resistance to embryo in germinating
seed is-
(a) Gibberlic Acid (b) Ethylene
(c) Abssicic acid (d) Cytokinin
34. Plants growing in cold environments generally have
(a) high cholesterol (b) high saturated fatty acid
(c) high unsaturated fatty acid (d) short chain fatty acids
35. Which is not true about TCA cycle-
(a) takes place in mitochondrial matrix
(b) Single largest source of direct ATP
(c) is linked to glycolysis via pyruvate
(d) there is formation of NADPH and FADH
36. Which is correct relationship between habitat disturbance and biodiversity-
(a) Areas with no habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(b) Areas with high habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(c) Areas with moderate habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(d) Areas with no habitat disturbance tends to have low biodiversity
37. The probability of capturing an individual of certain species is Pi, then total biodiversity
can be represented as
(a) S(Pi)2 (b) 1 – S (Pi)2
(c) 1– S(1-Pi)2 (d) 1/S(Pi)2
38. Hardy Weinberg law operates on-
(a) Non-evolving population (b) Slow evolving population
(c) Random evolving population (d) Fast evolving population
39. If a gene have a three alleles namely p, q, r. Then Hardy- Weinberg law can be
represented as-
(a) (p + q + r)2 (b) (p + q + r)3
(c) (p + q + r) (d) (p + q)2
40. In a graph population density is plotted on X-axis then what should be plotted on
Y-axis to get a bell shape curve
(a) dN/dt (b) 1 – dN/dt
(c) T (d) Nt – 1
41. In an organism G + C content is 50 %. What is probability of matching 6 nucleotide
sequence in genome
(a) (0.25)4 (b) (0.25)5
(c) (0.25)6 (d) (0.25)7
42. The bacteria which are classified on basis of morphology are-
(a) Spore forming bacteria
(b) non-sporulating bacteria
(c) aerobic bacteria
(d) anaerobic bacteria
43. Among the following which groups do not obey Linneus Nomenclature?
(a) Virus (b) Bacteria
(c) Archae (d) fungi
44. ICBN stands for
(a) International Code for Botanical Nomenclature
(b) International Code for Biological Nomenclature
(c) International Code for Botanical Naming
(d) International Code for Binomial Nomenclature
45. The differences in chromosome morphology between different species can be compared
(a) chromosome banding
(b) Tritium Hydrogen labeling
(c) Fluorescence screening
(d) in-situ hybridization
46. Typical mendelian dihybrid ratio for F2 generation is-
(a) 9:3:3:1 (b) 9:7
(c) 1:2:1 (d) 9:7
47. Smallest unit which can evolve is-
(a) Individual (b) Species
(c) population (d) cell
48. Nerves are connected to each other by
(a) hormone (b) neurotransmitter
(c) bones (d) muscles
49. Endocrine signaling is analogous to-
(a) Making a telephone call (b) Radio transmission
(c) Talking to self (d) Talking to partner over walky-talky
50. Examples of connective tissue are
(a) Bone and muscle (b)Muscle and Blood
(c) Bone and cartilage (d) Blood and skin


1. Maximum recombination frequency between two genes is-
(a) 25 % (b) 50 %
(c) 75 % (d) 100 %
2. The distance between two base pairs in Watson-Crick B-DNA is
(a) 34 nm (b) 3.4 nm
(c) 0.34 nm (d) 0.034 nm
3. The stage of meiosis I in which crossing over takes place
(a) Zygotene (b) Diplotene
(c) Diakinesis (d) Pachytene
4. Among the following which mutagen induces formation of thymidine dimmers in
(a) UV (b) Ethyl methyl sulphate
(c) Nitrous oxide (d) Ethydium bromide
5. Na+ – K+ pump is-
(a) Symport system (b) Antiport system
(c) ABC transporter (d) Diffusion pump
6. Consider the following statements. Which is correct?
(a) Intracellular concentration of Na+ is always high
(b) Intracellular concentration of K+ ion is low
(c) Extra cellular concentration of K+ and Na+ ion is isotonic to intracellular
(d) Extra cellular concentration of Na+ and intracellular concentration of K+ is always
high in normal cell
7. Exrachromosomal inheritance can be detected by-
(a) Back cross (b) Test cross
(c) Reciprocal cross (d) Dihybrid cross
8. Dosage compensation occurs in-
(a) Insects and mammals (b) Reptiles and mammals
(c) Reptiles and aves (d) Insects and reptiles
9. Drosophilla with chromosome complement XXXXY/AA will be-
(a) fertile female (b) meta male
(c) normal male (d) Intersex
10. During fusion of Rat and Human cell it was found that chromosomes of one species
was selectively eliminated, this had opened new doors to study-
(a) Transgenic study
(b) Chromosomal incompatibility
(c) Gene and linkage mapping
(d) Dominance of genes
11. B and T-cells of immune system are activated by-
(a) T-cytotoxic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Macrophages (d) B-cells
12. Immunoglobulin playing role in allergic reaction
(a) IgG (b) IgM
(c) IgD (d) IgE
13. A bacteria growing exponentially with doubling rate of 10 minutes. The intrinsic rate
of growth would be maximum when bacterial numbers are-
(a) at carrying capacity
(b) half of carrying capacity
(c) start of log phase
(d) remains constant at all phases
14. The nutritional medium was supplied to growing bacteria. If whole nutrient get
depleted in 20 cycles, then stage at which the amount of nutrient was half used-
(a) At end of 10 cycle (b) At beginning of 19 cycle
(c) At end of 19 cycle (d) At end of 11 cycle
15. Regarding gene expression in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, which statement is correct-
(a) m-RNA and DNA are colinear
(b) m-RNA and protein synthesis can occur simultaneously
(c) processing of hn-RNA yields m-RNA
(d) RNA polymerase can bind to promoters situated upstream to gene
16. DNA fragment between size 2000 KD and 500 Kd can be separated using-
(a) PAGE (b) chromatography
(c) centrifugation (d) Pulsed field gel electrophoresis
17. The strongest evidence which suggest that RNA was ancient then DNA
(a) RNA can act as template for DNA synthesis
(b) RNA can work as catalyst
(c) RNA is single stranded
(d) RNA is genetic material in certain viruses
18. In an polypeptide if alanine is replaced by praline then-
(a) Its tendency to form á-helix increases
(b) Its tendency to form â-sheets increase
(c) The hydrophobicity of chain decreases
(d) There would no effect
19. Phosopho fructokinase is allosterically regulated by-
(a) ATP (b) ADP
(c) AMP (d) Fructose-6-P
20. cdK-2 exerts its effect during which stage of cell cycle
(a) G1 phase (b) S phase
(c) G2 phase (d) M phase
21. Diploid maize have 10 pairs of chromosome. Number of chromosome at Metaphase-I
will be-
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 30 (d) 40
22. For an endothermic reaction to occur spontaneously the
(a) DG = 0 (b) DG > 0
(c) DG < 0 (d) independent of DG
23. Which enzyme is involved in detoxification reaction-
(a) glutathione oxidase (b) topoisomerase
(c) catalse (d) restriction enzymes

24. The birds in tropics are generally smaller in size because of-
(a) To increase surface area to volume ratio
(b) To decrease surface area to volume ratio
(c) For easy flight
(d) Aestivation
25. In an pond ecosystem, net productivity by zooplankton is ‘p’ and biomass consumed
by small fishes is ‘c’, then the ratio of c/p is termed as-
(a) Assimilation efficiency
(b) Net secondary productivity
(c) Consumption efficiency
(d) Conversion efficiency
26. For climax which statement is INCORRECT?
(a) Number of perennial species increases
(b) Dependency on detritious food chain increases
(c) Vertical stratification of community increases
(d) Exploitation competition is more then normal competition
27. At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as
(a) They both have common ancestors
(b) Human have evolved from monkey
(c) Both have very distinct phylogeny
(d) Relationship can not be established
28. Most of new species are formed by the process of –
(a) Anagenesis (b) Cladogenesis
(c) Sympatric speciation (d) Phylogenetic evolution
29. The alternative pathway of respiration can be inhibited by
(a) Cyanide (b) SHAM
(c) Arachodoic acid (d) Amphicillin
30. Dendrogram is-
(a) Arrangement of chromosomes
(b) graphical representation of phylogenetic tree
(c) taxonomic key to establish relationship
(d) evolutionary time scale representation
31. Development of sporophyte directly from gametes without fertilization is termed as-
(a) Apogamy (b) Apospory
(c) Adventive embryony (d) Apomixis
32. Goblet cells are located in-
(a) Liver (b) Oesophagus
(c) Intestinal villi (d) Duodenum
33. The phytohormone which provides desiccation resistance to embryo in germinating
seed is-
(a) Gibberlic Acid (b) Ethylene
(c) Abssicic acid (d) Cytokinin
34. Plants growing in cold environments generally have
(a) high cholesterol (b) high saturated fatty acid
(c) high unsaturated fatty acid (d) short chain fatty acids
35. Which is not true about TCA cycle-
(a) takes place in mitochondrial matrix
(b) Single largest source of direct ATP
(c) is linked to glycolysis via pyruvate
(d) there is formation of NADPH and FADH
36. Which is correct relationship between habitat disturbance and biodiversity-
(a) Areas with no habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(b) Areas with high habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(c) Areas with moderate habitat disturbance tends to have high biodiversity
(d) Areas with no habitat disturbance tends to have low biodiversity
37. The probability of capturing an individual of certain species is Pi, then total biodiversity
can be represented as
(a) S(Pi)2 (b) 1 – S (Pi)2
(c) 1– S(1-Pi)2 (d) 1/S(Pi)2
38. Hardy Weinberg law operates on-
(a) Non-evolving population (b) Slow evolving population
(c) Random evolving population (d) Fast evolving population
39. If a gene have a three alleles namely p, q, r. Then Hardy- Weinberg law can be
represented as-
(a) (p + q + r)2 (b) (p + q + r)3
(c) (p + q + r) (d) (p + q)2
40. In a graph population density is plotted on X-axis then what should be plotted on
Y-axis to get a bell shape curve
(a) dN/dt (b) 1 – dN/dt
(c) T (d) Nt – 1
41. In an organism G + C content is 50 %. What is probability of matching 6 nucleotide
sequence in genome
(a) (0.25)4 (b) (0.25)5
(c) (0.25)6 (d) (0.25)7
42. The bacteria which are classified on basis of morphology are-
(a) Spore forming bacteria
(b) non-sporulating bacteria
(c) aerobic bacteria
(d) anaerobic bacteria
43. Among the following which groups do not obey Linneus Nomenclature?
(a) Virus (b) Bacteria
(c) Archae (d) fungi
44. ICBN stands for
(a) International Code for Botanical Nomenclature
(b) International Code for Biological Nomenclature
(c) International Code for Botanical Naming
(d) International Code for Binomial Nomenclature
45. The differences in chromosome morphology between different species can be compared
(a) chromosome banding
(b) Tritium Hydrogen labeling
(c) Fluorescence screening
(d) in-situ hybridization
46. Typical mendelian dihybrid ratio for F2 generation is-
(a) 9:3:3:1 (b) 9:7
(c) 1:2:1 (d) 9:7
47. Smallest unit which can evolve is-
(a) Individual (b) Species
(c) population (d) cell
48. Nerves are connected to each other by
(a) hormone (b) neurotransmitter
(c) bones (d) muscles
49. Endocrine signaling is analogous to-
(a) Making a telephone call (b) Radio transmission
(c) Talking to self (d) Talking to partner over walky-talky
50. Examples of connective tissue are
(a) Bone and muscle (b)Muscle and Blood
(c) Bone and cartilage (d) Blood and skin

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Founder Principle OR Founder Effect

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