Monday, April 6, 2020


 1. Which one is the main function of Golgi complex-

(a) Protein synthesis (b) Protein sorting

(c) Detoxification (d) Phagocytosis

2. Cytological manifestation of crossing over during meiosis is visible as-

(a) Synaptinemal complex (b) Chaisma

(c) Diakinesis (d) Sister chromatid exchange

3. Recombination of genes takes place during-

(a) Pachytene (b) Diplotene

(c) Zygotene (d) Diakinesis

4. In mammals effective dosage of genes of two sexes is made equal by-

(a) Elimination of X chromosome

(b) Hyper activation of X

(c) Hypoactivation of X

(d) Inactivation of X

5. A well known genetic disorder is carried by a woman. She marries a normal man and

her all female child are alive but she lost all male child. Such a disorder must be-

(a) X-linked dominant (b) X-linked recessive

(c) Y-linked dominant (d) Autosomal recessive

6. Among the following enzyme which is not involved in DNA replication process-

(a) Primase (b) RNA polymerase

(c) DNA polymerase (d) Helicase

7. Ratio of observed double crossover frequency to the expected frequency of double

crossover gamete is termed as-

(a) Coefficient of interference (b) Coefficient of Coincidence

(c) Coefficient of variance (d) Coefficient of suppression

8. The somatic cell hybridization of human and mouse cell can be effectively carried out


(a) PEG (b) Dextron

(c) Inactivated Sendai virus (d) Enzymatic treatment

9. Which enzyme is involved in repair mechanism-

(a) DNA polymerase (b) RNA polymerase

(c) Restriction endonuclease (d) Photolase

10. Which statement is not true for DNA transcription-

(a) Template strand & m-RNA have complementary sequences

(b) Template strand is used as coding strand

(c) Transcription is in 5’ ® 3’ direction

(d) Template strand & m-RNA have identical sequences

11. The most critical step for correct proteins synthesis is-

(a) Binding of ribosome to m-RNA

(b) Formation of Initiation complex

(c) Aminoacylation of t-RNA

(d) Translocation of ribosome

12. Point mutation in which there is deletion or addition of one base pair is termed as-

(a) Deletion (b) Transition

(c) Transversion (d) Frame shift mutation

13. Chromosome aberration in which suppression of crossing over, psuedo-dominance,

lethal gene and non-reversal of mutation occurs in-

(a) Inversion (b) Deletion

(c) Translocation (d) Duplication

14. In human males, autosomal and sex trisomy mainly occurs due to-

(a) Non-dysjuncion of chromosome

(b) Error in meiosis

(c) Dominant Y chromosome

(d) Faulty Repair mechanism

15. Among the following which do not have any role in blood clotting mechanism-

(a) Ca++ (b) Na+

(c) Prothrombin (d) Platelets

16. Among the following which chemical inhibits the mitochondrial electron transport


(a) Streptomycin (b) Nystanin

(c) Azides (d) Penicillin

17. The main force involved in protein folding are-

(a) H-bonding (b) Hydrophobicity

(c) Covalent bonds (d) Vanderwall force

18. RBC obtain their energy from-

(a) Mitochondria (b) Fatty acid synthesis

(c) Anaerobic glycolysis (d) Glyoxylate cycle

19. Shape of RBC is-

(a) Circular Biconcave (b) Oval Biconcave

(c) Circular Biconvex (d) Oval Biconvex

20. The Shape of RBC is maintained by-

(a) Proteins of Cytoskeleton (b) Hemoglobin

(c) Fibronectin (d) Cell wall

21. Degradation of protein takes place in-

(a) Lysosome (b) Lysome & Cytoplasm

(c) Mitochondria & Lysosome (d) Mitochondria

22. pH of endosome is about-

(a) 3-4.5 (b) 5-6

(c) 7 (d) 8-9

23. Phytohormone responsible for conversion of stored proteins into glucose in germinating

cereals is-

(a) Cytokinin (b) Auxin

(c) Gibberellin (d) Abscissic Acid

24. Biston betualaria population have different colored individuals because-

(a) To escape from predators

(b) To keep genetic equilibrium

(c) To occupy different niche

(d) To keep distinct identity

25. In honey bee males are developed parthenogenetically while female gives females

and sterile workers on fertilization. It means-

(a) Males cannot have male child

(b) Males cannot have female child

(c) Females cannot have male child

(d) Females cannot have female child

26. The main reason for various genetic disorders are-

(a) Mutation in gene at one more location’

(b) Faulty repair mechanism

(c) Faulty Transcription process

(d) Incorrect protein synthesis

27. Farmers generally grow legumes after cereals. Since leguminous plant have symbiotic

nitrogen fixing bacteria which provide nitrogen to plants. The nitrogen available to

plant is in form of-

(a) Nitrates (b) Nitrites

(c) Ammonia (d) Ammonium nitrate

28. The main force involved in protein folding are-

(a) H-bonding (b) Hydrophobicity

(c) Covalent bonds (d) Vanderwall force

29. Fossils are generally found in-

(a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Igneous rocks

(c) Metamorphic rocks (d) Ice reserves

30. Pepsin which digest protein donot digest the cells of intestine because-

(a) Intestine cells do not have proteins

(b) Half life of pepsin is very low

(c) Pepsin acts only in acidic pH

(d) Pepsin do not digest intestine proteins

31. Which hormone is present in high amount during pregnancy in urine and used for

pregnancy test-

(a) hCG (b) Progestrone

(c) Estrogen (d) Relaxin

32. Osmotic potential in plant cell is maintained by-

(a) Proline & beta Glycine (b) Histidine

(c) Lysine (d) Glycine

33. Which of the following are involved in antibody production-

(a) T cells, Macrophages

(b) B cells

(c) B cells, T cells, Macrophages

(d) Macrophages

34. Drug such as methotrexate which inhibit DNA synthesis are generally used for

treatment of cancer because-

(a) Cancer cells are converted into normal cells

(b) Drugs act only on rapidly dividing cells

(c) Cancerous cells are selectively eliminated

(d) Enzyme telomerase is inhibited

35. When two fungi namely one sterile and other Microconidial are grown together in

culture, it was seen that sterile fungi get degenerated while size of conidia of

microconidial fungi increased. The probable reason might be-

(a) Sterile fungi suicide to provide nutrition to micro conidial fungi

(b) Microconidial fungi secreted toxins in medium

(c) Both cultures can not be grown together

(d) Nutritional requirement of both fungi is different

36. During inhibition of enzyme action Vmax remains unchanged while Km is altered.

Inhibition is-

(a) Competitive (b) Non-competitive

(c) Un-competitive (d) Allosteric

37. During an enzyme assay if the initial velocity Vo=Vmax , then substrate concentration

will be-

(a) a Km (b) Km

(c) ½ Km (d) 0.2 Km

38. The maximum possible available energy of substance is termed as-

(a) Free energy (b) Entropy

(c) Enthalpy (d) Chemical potential

39. The primary cause of variation among individual is-

(a) Recombination (b) Mutation

(c) Isolation (d) Hybridization

40. Biological species are defined on basis of-

(a) Morphology (b) Alkaloids

(c) Anatomy (d) Reproductive isolation

41. In phylogenetic relationship can be best established by-

(a) Allozymes (b) Alakaloids

(c) Alcohol dehydrogenase (d) Morphology

42. Among the following which trend shows the decreasing population-

(a) More individual in post reproductive stage

(b) More individual in pre-repd stage and repd. stage

(c) Less individual in pre-repd stage & more in post repd stage

(d) Less individual in repd stage & more in repd stage

43. r-selection is characterized by-

(a) Rapidly developing individuals

(b) Slowly developing individuals

(c) Small number of offsprings

(d) Large sized offsprings

44. Water potential decreases when-

(a) Solute concentration increases

(b) O.P decreases

(c) Solute concentration decreases

(d) DPD decreased

45. Pyramid of energy may be inverted in-

(a) Desert (b) Oceans

(c) Tundra (d) Grasslands

46. Net productivity of closed ecosystem is-

(a) 0 (b) <0

(c) >0 (d) +1/–1

47. Number of individual surviving to reproductive stage is termed as-

(a) Fecundity (b) Net reproduction rate

(c) Survivorship curve (d) Reproductive Mortality

48. Major source of green house gases are-

(a) Burning of plants (b) Burning of fossil fuels

(c) Respiration (d) Use of LPG

49. Global warming is due to-

(a) Absorption of UV by Ozone

(b) Absorption of IR by CO2

(c) Absorption of IR by ozone

(d) Absorption of UV by CO2

50. Soil in naturally growing vegetation is-

(a) Acidic due to Bicarbonate in soil

(b) Basic due to Bicarbonate in soil

(c) Neutral

(d) Acidic due to Sulphuric acid

1. Which one is the main function of Golgi complex-
(a) Protein synthesis (b) Protein sorting
(c) Detoxification (d) Phagocytosis
2. Cytological manifestation of crossing over during meiosis is visible as-
(a) Synaptinemal complex (b) Chaisma
(c) Diakinesis (d) Sister chromatid exchange
3. Recombination of genes takes place during-
(a) Pachytene (b) Diplotene
(c) Zygotene (d) Diakinesis
4. In mammals effective dosage of genes of two sexes is made equal by-
(a) Elimination of X chromosome
(b) Hyper activation of X
(c) Hypoactivation of X
(d) Inactivation of X
5. A well known genetic disorder is carried by a woman. She marries a normal man and
her all female child are alive but she lost all male child. Such a disorder must be-
(a) X-linked dominant (b) X-linked recessive
(c) Y-linked dominant (d) Autosomal recessive
6. Among the following enzyme which is not involved in DNA replication process-
(a) Primase (b) RNA polymerase
(c) DNA polymerase (d) Helicase
7. Ratio of observed double crossover frequency to the expected frequency of double
crossover gamete is termed as-
(a) Coefficient of interference (b) Coefficient of Coincidence
(c) Coefficient of variance (d) Coefficient of suppression
8. The somatic cell hybridization of human and mouse cell can be effectively carried out
(a) PEG (b) Dextron
(c) Inactivated Sendai virus (d) Enzymatic treatment
9. Which enzyme is involved in repair mechanism-
(a) DNA polymerase (b) RNA polymerase
(c) Restriction endonuclease (d) Photolase
10. Which statement is not true for DNA transcription-
(a) Template strand & m-RNA have complementary sequences
(b) Template strand is used as coding strand
(c) Transcription is in 5’ ® 3’ direction
(d) Template strand & m-RNA have identical sequences
11. The most critical step for correct proteins synthesis is-
(a) Binding of ribosome to m-RNA
(b) Formation of Initiation complex
(c) Aminoacylation of t-RNA
(d) Translocation of ribosome
12. Point mutation in which there is deletion or addition of one base pair is termed as-
(a) Deletion (b) Transition
(c) Transversion (d) Frame shift mutation
13. Chromosome aberration in which suppression of crossing over, psuedo-dominance,
lethal gene and non-reversal of mutation occurs in-
(a) Inversion (b) Deletion
(c) Translocation (d) Duplication
14. In human males, autosomal and sex trisomy mainly occurs due to-
(a) Non-dysjuncion of chromosome
(b) Error in meiosis
(c) Dominant Y chromosome
(d) Faulty Repair mechanism
15. Among the following which do not have any role in blood clotting mechanism-
(a) Ca++ (b) Na+
(c) Prothrombin (d) Platelets
16. Among the following which chemical inhibits the mitochondrial electron transport
(a) Streptomycin (b) Nystanin
(c) Azides (d) Penicillin
17. The main force involved in protein folding are-
(a) H-bonding (b) Hydrophobicity
(c) Covalent bonds (d) Vanderwall force
18. RBC obtain their energy from-
(a) Mitochondria (b) Fatty acid synthesis
(c) Anaerobic glycolysis (d) Glyoxylate cycle
19. Shape of RBC is-
(a) Circular Biconcave (b) Oval Biconcave
(c) Circular Biconvex (d) Oval Biconvex
20. The Shape of RBC is maintained by-
(a) Proteins of Cytoskeleton (b) Hemoglobin
(c) Fibronectin (d) Cell wall
21. Degradation of protein takes place in-
(a) Lysosome (b) Lysome & Cytoplasm
(c) Mitochondria & Lysosome (d) Mitochondria
22. pH of endosome is about-
(a) 3-4.5 (b) 5-6
(c) 7 (d) 8-9
23. Phytohormone responsible for conversion of stored proteins into glucose in germinating
cereals is-
(a) Cytokinin (b) Auxin
(c) Gibberellin (d) Abscissic Acid
24. Biston betualaria population have different colored individuals because-
(a) To escape from predators
(b) To keep genetic equilibrium
(c) To occupy different niche
(d) To keep distinct identity
25. In honey bee males are developed parthenogenetically while female gives females
and sterile workers on fertilization. It means-
(a) Males cannot have male child
(b) Males cannot have female child
(c) Females cannot have male child
(d) Females cannot have female child
26. The main reason for various genetic disorders are-
(a) Mutation in gene at one more location’
(b) Faulty repair mechanism
(c) Faulty Transcription process
(d) Incorrect protein synthesis
27. Farmers generally grow legumes after cereals. Since leguminous plant have symbiotic
nitrogen fixing bacteria which provide nitrogen to plants. The nitrogen available to
plant is in form of-
(a) Nitrates (b) Nitrites
(c) Ammonia (d) Ammonium nitrate
28. The main force involved in protein folding are-
(a) H-bonding (b) Hydrophobicity
(c) Covalent bonds (d) Vanderwall force
29. Fossils are generally found in-
(a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Igneous rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks (d) Ice reserves
30. Pepsin which digest protein donot digest the cells of intestine because-
(a) Intestine cells do not have proteins
(b) Half life of pepsin is very low
(c) Pepsin acts only in acidic pH
(d) Pepsin do not digest intestine proteins
31. Which hormone is present in high amount during pregnancy in urine and used for
pregnancy test-
(a) hCG (b) Progestrone
(c) Estrogen (d) Relaxin
32. Osmotic potential in plant cell is maintained by-
(a) Proline & beta Glycine (b) Histidine
(c) Lysine (d) Glycine
33. Which of the following are involved in antibody production-
(a) T cells, Macrophages
(b) B cells
(c) B cells, T cells, Macrophages
(d) Macrophages
34. Drug such as methotrexate which inhibit DNA synthesis are generally used for
treatment of cancer because-
(a) Cancer cells are converted into normal cells
(b) Drugs act only on rapidly dividing cells
(c) Cancerous cells are selectively eliminated
(d) Enzyme telomerase is inhibited
35. When two fungi namely one sterile and other Microconidial are grown together in
culture, it was seen that sterile fungi get degenerated while size of conidia of
microconidial fungi increased. The probable reason might be-
(a) Sterile fungi suicide to provide nutrition to micro conidial fungi
(b) Microconidial fungi secreted toxins in medium
(c) Both cultures can not be grown together
(d) Nutritional requirement of both fungi is different
36. During inhibition of enzyme action Vmax remains unchanged while Km is altered.
Inhibition is-
(a) Competitive (b) Non-competitive
(c) Un-competitive (d) Allosteric
37. During an enzyme assay if the initial velocity Vo=Vmax , then substrate concentration
will be-
(a) a Km (b) Km
(c) ½ Km (d) 0.2 Km
38. The maximum possible available energy of substance is termed as-
(a) Free energy (b) Entropy
(c) Enthalpy (d) Chemical potential
39. The primary cause of variation among individual is-
(a) Recombination (b) Mutation
(c) Isolation (d) Hybridization
40. Biological species are defined on basis of-
(a) Morphology (b) Alkaloids
(c) Anatomy (d) Reproductive isolation
41. In phylogenetic relationship can be best established by-
(a) Allozymes (b) Alakaloids
(c) Alcohol dehydrogenase (d) Morphology
42. Among the following which trend shows the decreasing population-
(a) More individual in post reproductive stage
(b) More individual in pre-repd stage and repd. stage
(c) Less individual in pre-repd stage & more in post repd stage
(d) Less individual in repd stage & more in repd stage
43. r-selection is characterized by-
(a) Rapidly developing individuals
(b) Slowly developing individuals
(c) Small number of offsprings
(d) Large sized offsprings
44. Water potential decreases when-
(a) Solute concentration increases
(b) O.P decreases
(c) Solute concentration decreases
(d) DPD decreased
45. Pyramid of energy may be inverted in-
(a) Desert (b) Oceans
(c) Tundra (d) Grasslands
46. Net productivity of closed ecosystem is-
(a) 0 (b) <0
(c) >0 (d) +1/–1
47. Number of individual surviving to reproductive stage is termed as-
(a) Fecundity (b) Net reproduction rate
(c) Survivorship curve (d) Reproductive Mortality
48. Major source of green house gases are-
(a) Burning of plants (b) Burning of fossil fuels
(c) Respiration (d) Use of LPG
49. Global warming is due to-
(a) Absorption of UV by Ozone
(b) Absorption of IR by CO2
(c) Absorption of IR by ozone
(d) Absorption of UV by CO2
50. Soil in naturally growing vegetation is-
(a) Acidic due to Bicarbonate in soil
(b) Basic due to Bicarbonate in soil
(c) Neutral
(d) Acidic due to Sulphuric acid

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Founder Principle OR Founder Effect

When a few individuals or a small group migrate from a main population, only a limited portion of the parental gene pool is carried away. In...