Monday, April 6, 2020


1. In Human number of linkage groups present in male is:
(a) 21 (b) 22
(c) 23 (d) 24
2. Holiday junction is observed during:
(a) Mitosis (b) Interphase
(c) Recombination (d) DNA Repair
3. Layer of Atmosphere possessing ozone is-
(a) Stratosphere (b) Mesosphere
(c) Ionosphere (d) Troposphere
4. The Ozone layer saves from lethal UV. It mainly absorbs-
(a) UV-A &B (b) UV-B
(c) UV-B & C (d) UV-A & C
5. Major hot spot of biodiversity in India are-
(a) Andaman & western ghats
(b) Eastern Ghats & Western Himalayas
(c) Western ghats & N.E Himalayas
(d) North East and Western Himalayas
6. In humans, XX males and XY Females are rare, such rare sexes are due to-
(a) Deletion of X chromosome
(b) Deletion of Y chromosome
(c) XY translocation
(d) Duplication of X chromosomes
7. The major difference in PS-I and PS-II found in Chloroplast are-
(a) Position on lamellae (b) Chlorophyll a
(c) Position of electron carriers (d) Energy harvesting
8. Testosterone hormone necessary for spermatogenesis is secreted by-
(a) Leydig cells (b) Sertoli cells
(c) Spermatozoa (d) Cowpers gland
9. The major site of attack by HIV-virus on immune system is-
(a) MHC (b) B- Lymphocytes
(c) T- Lymphocytes (d) Macrophages
10. Rarely there is occurrence of gill clefts in higher animals, this shows-
(a) They may be useful for that organism
(b) Ancestral returns of that character
(c) Favorable mutation in organism
(d) Retrogressive Evolution
11. A single base pair mutation occurs in strand CATTACCG, its complementary strand
had a sequence GTTATGGC. It means mutation has changed base pair-
(a) A ® T (b) T ® T
(c) T ® A (d) A ® A
12. Crossing over occurs during-
(a) Mitotic Metaphase (b) Meiotic Metaphase
(c) Mitotic Prophase (d) Meiotic Prophase
13. Maize has 10 pairs of chromosome, what will be number of chromosome and chromatids
at Metaphase II-
(a) 10 & 10 (b) 10 & 20
(c) 20 & 40 (d) 5 & 10
14. In plants IAA causes cell elongation due to-
(a) Increase in pH of Apoplast
(b) Increase in pH of cytoplasm
(c) Decrease in pH of Apoplast
(d) Increase in pH of cytoplasm
15. In bacteria site of respiration is-
(a) Glogi bodies (b) Cytoplasm
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Microsomes
16. In human females there is inactivation of one X chromosomes for dosage compensation
due to-
(a) Methylation (b) Acetylation
(c) Phosphorylation (d) Formylation
17. Type of proofreading activity by DNA polymerase I in E. COLI is-
(a) 5' – 3' exonuclease
(b) 5' – 3' endonuclease
(c) 3' – 5' exonuclease
(d) 3' – 5' endonuclease
18. Fungus used for commercial production of citric acid is-
(a) Neurospora (b) Penicillum
(c) Aspergillus (d) Sacchromyces
19. Wild Ass are found at-
(a) Kaziranga (b) Nandan Kanan
(c) Runn of Kutch (d) Nilgiri hills
20. Rifampicin resistant mutants of E. Coli were obtained in an experiment which of
following is most likely to undergo mutation-
(a) Aminoacyl t-RNA synthetase
(b) Beta subunit of RNA Polymerase
(c) Sigma factor of RNA polymerase
(d) Alpha Subunit of RNA polymerase
21. Induction of b-galactosidase activity by IPTG is result of-
(a) Stimulation of lac repressor function
(b) IPTG binding to lac operon & inducing transcription
(c) IPTG binding to lac I gene product and inhibiting its activity
(d) Inhibition of b galactosidase degradation
22. Set of genes that are originate by gene duplication are known as-
(a) Paralogues (b) Homologues
(c) Orthologues (d) Epilogues
23. Mammalian promoters sequence is located-
(a) at about 20 bp upstream of translational start site
(b) at about 20 bp upstream of transcriptional start site
(c) downstream of coding sequence
(d) within coding sequence
24. Agrobacterium rhizogenes causes-
(a) Crown gall (b) Nodules
(c) Hairy root (d) Pustles
30. Which chemical is used for cryo-preservation-
(a) DMSO (b) DCMU
(c) PITC (d) Thiourea
25. If there is double bond between A & T and triple bond between GC, then which
sequence will be most stable at higher temperature-
 26. If a tall pea plant is crossed with pure dwarf pea plant, all F1 progenies were tall, in
subsequent generation after selfing of F1 generation progeny, the ratio of tall to
dwarf plant will be-
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 3:1 (d) All tall3. White blood cells (WBC) have major function as-
(a) Defensive role (b) Respiration
(c) Tumor suppressor (d) Phagocytosis of cell debris27. (b) 28. (c)
29. (c)
27. For muscles the major source of energy is-
(a) ATP (b) Phosphocreatin
(c) GTP (d) Lactic Acid
28. Pelvic girdle and hind limbs in python are example of-
(a) Analogous organ (b) Homologous organ
(c) Vestigial organ (d) Orthologous organ
29. Reverse transcriptase of retero virus is-
(a) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(c) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(d) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
27. Rules stating that as we move toward the polar region from tropics the size of organism
(a) Allen’s rule (b) Bergman’s rule
(c) Fischer rule (d) Copes rule5. During photosynthesis evolution of oxygen is from-
(a) Water (b) CO2
(c) Glucose (d) Chlorophyll
31. The major pollution in lake by effluents coming from cloth industry containing high
detergents is by-
(a) Nitrates (b) Sulphates
(c) Phosphates (d) Silcates
32. In a stable well adapted populations there are frequent increase and decrease in
population size around a mean value, such population fluctuations are due to-
(a) Genetic drift (b) Disease & Mortality
(c) Carrying capacity (d) Migration
33. Hardy-weinberg law helps in detecting-
(a) Allele frequency (b) Genotype frequency
(c) Heterozygote frequency (d) Inbreeeding
34. A normal ovulating female may be sterile due to-
(a) Blockage in fallopian tube (b) Hyposecretion of LH
(c) Hyposecretion of FSH (d) Hyposecretion estrogen
35. Bacterial genomes is prevented by its own endonucleases by-
(a) Methylation at restriction sites
(b) Immune mechanism
(c) Nuclease resistant genome
(d) Are not much effective on bacterial genome
36. In some cases there are male characteristics in females due to-
(a) Hormonal imbalance (b) XXY chromosomes
(c) XYY (d) XXX
37. In Eukaryotic 5' -Capping in m-RNA is required for-
(a) Initiation of transcription (b) Initiation of translation
(c) Intron removal (d) Termination of transcription
38. Plasmids in bacteria helps in-
(a) Transformation (b) Transduction
(c) Conjugation (d) Replication
39. Production of sound due to grinding of hind limbs can been seen in-
(a) Cricket (b) Dragon fly
(c) Mouse (d) Cockroach
40. In Present condition origin of life from inorganic molecules is not possible because of-
(a) Absence of raw material (b) Presence of Oxygen
(c) Low enthalpy (d) Presence of ozone layer
41. A female with 47 chromosomes have normal phenotype. Her chromosome complements
will be-
(a) 44 + XXY (b) 44 + XXX
(c) 45 + XX (d) 44 + XYY
42. A Rh + ve male marries a Rh-ve female, their progenies will be-
(a) Rh +ve only (b) Rh -ve only
(c) Both Rh +ve & – ve (d) Cannot be predicted
43. Self cross between Aa results in AA, Aa & aa F1 progenies, the force of evolution
preserving either AA or aa is-
(a) Stabilizing selection (b) Cyclic
(c) Disruptive (d) Directional
44. A non harmful species copies a harmful and tasteless form, the type of mimicry
shown is-
(a) Bateson (b) Mullerian
(c) Darwinian (d) Morganarian
45. In mitochondria the enzymes of electron transport chain are located at-
(a) Outer membrane (b) Inter membrane space
(c) Inner membrane (d) Matrix
46. Glucose-1-P level is increased in body by the action of glycogen phosphorylase, this is
released from-
(a) Increased glycogen breakdown (b) Reduced glycogenesis
(c) Both (d) None
47. False statement of competitive inhibition is-
(a) Structure same as substrate
(b) Inhibits substrate binding
(c) Binds to active site
(d) Reaction cannot be favorably biased by increasing substrate concentration
48. Change in elasticity of cell membrane is due to-
(a) Change in cis-trans phase of fatty acids
(b) Change in Protein confirmation
(c) Cholesterol
(d) phospholipids
49. Amino acid sequence for a protein is known, we can estimate the sequence of m-RNA
coding that protein -
(a) Precisely (b) Can’t be predicted
(c) Precisely to certain extent if codon frequency is known
(d) Data not sufficient
50. Modern molecular taxonomy involves comparison of-
(a) chromosome morphology (b) r-RNA
(c) C-DNA (d) t-RNA

1. In Human number of linkage groups present in male is:
(a) 21 (b) 22
(c) 23 (d) 24
2. Holiday junction is observed during:
(a) Mitosis (b) Interphase
(c) Recombination (d) DNA Repair
3. Layer of Atmosphere possessing ozone is-
(a) Stratosphere (b) Mesosphere
(c) Ionosphere (d) Troposphere
4. The Ozone layer saves from lethal UV. It mainly absorbs-
(a) UV-A &B (b) UV-B
(c) UV-B & C (d) UV-A & C
5. Major hot spot of biodiversity in India are-
(a) Andaman & western ghats
(b) Eastern Ghats & Western Himalayas
(c) Western ghats & N.E Himalayas
(d) North East and Western Himalayas
6. In humans, XX males and XY Females are rare, such rare sexes are due to-
(a) Deletion of X chromosome
(b) Deletion of Y chromosome
(c) XY translocation
(d) Duplication of X chromosomes
7. The major difference in PS-I and PS-II found in Chloroplast are-
(a) Position on lamellae (b) Chlorophyll a
(c) Position of electron carriers (d) Energy harvesting
8. Testosterone hormone necessary for spermatogenesis is secreted by-
(a) Leydig cells (b) Sertoli cells
(c) Spermatozoa (d) Cowpers gland
9. The major site of attack by HIV-virus on immune system is-
(a) MHC (b) B- Lymphocytes
(c) T- Lymphocytes (d) Macrophages
10. Rarely there is occurrence of gill clefts in higher animals, this shows-
(a) They may be useful for that organism
(b) Ancestral returns of that character
(c) Favorable mutation in organism
(d) Retrogressive Evolution
11. A single base pair mutation occurs in strand CATTACCG, its complementary strand
had a sequence GTTATGGC. It means mutation has changed base pair-
(a) A ® T (b) T ® T
(c) T ® A (d) A ® A
12. Crossing over occurs during-
(a) Mitotic Metaphase (b) Meiotic Metaphase
(c) Mitotic Prophase (d) Meiotic Prophase
13. Maize has 10 pairs of chromosome, what will be number of chromosome and chromatids
at Metaphase II-
(a) 10 & 10 (b) 10 & 20
(c) 20 & 40 (d) 5 & 10
14. In plants IAA causes cell elongation due to-
(a) Increase in pH of Apoplast
(b) Increase in pH of cytoplasm
(c) Decrease in pH of Apoplast
(d) Increase in pH of cytoplasm
15. In bacteria site of respiration is-
(a) Glogi bodies (b) Cytoplasm
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Microsomes
16. In human females there is inactivation of one X chromosomes for dosage compensation
due to-
(a) Methylation (b) Acetylation
(c) Phosphorylation (d) Formylation
17. Type of proofreading activity by DNA polymerase I in E. COLI is-
(a) 5' – 3' exonuclease
(b) 5' – 3' endonuclease
(c) 3' – 5' exonuclease
(d) 3' – 5' endonuclease
18. Fungus used for commercial production of citric acid is-
(a) Neurospora (b) Penicillum
(c) Aspergillus (d) Sacchromyces
19. Wild Ass are found at-
(a) Kaziranga (b) Nandan Kanan
(c) Runn of Kutch (d) Nilgiri hills
20. Rifampicin resistant mutants of E. Coli were obtained in an experiment which of
following is most likely to undergo mutation-
(a) Aminoacyl t-RNA synthetase
(b) Beta subunit of RNA Polymerase
(c) Sigma factor of RNA polymerase
(d) Alpha Subunit of RNA polymerase
21. Induction of b-galactosidase activity by IPTG is result of-
(a) Stimulation of lac repressor function
(b) IPTG binding to lac operon & inducing transcription
(c) IPTG binding to lac I gene product and inhibiting its activity
(d) Inhibition of b galactosidase degradation
22. Set of genes that are originate by gene duplication are known as-
(a) Paralogues (b) Homologues
(c) Orthologues (d) Epilogues
23. Mammalian promoters sequence is located-
(a) at about 20 bp upstream of translational start site
(b) at about 20 bp upstream of transcriptional start site
(c) downstream of coding sequence
(d) within coding sequence
24. Agrobacterium rhizogenes causes-
(a) Crown gall (b) Nodules
(c) Hairy root (d) Pustles
30. Which chemical is used for cryo-preservation-
(a) DMSO (b) DCMU
(c) PITC (d) Thiourea
25. If there is double bond between A & T and triple bond between GC, then which
sequence will be most stable at higher temperature-
 26. If a tall pea plant is crossed with pure dwarf pea plant, all F1 progenies were tall, in
subsequent generation after selfing of F1 generation progeny, the ratio of tall to
dwarf plant will be-
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 3:1 (d) All tall3. White blood cells (WBC) have major function as-
(a) Defensive role (b) Respiration
(c) Tumor suppressor (d) Phagocytosis of cell debris27. (b) 28. (c)
29. (c)
27. For muscles the major source of energy is-
(a) ATP (b) Phosphocreatin
(c) GTP (d) Lactic Acid
28. Pelvic girdle and hind limbs in python are example of-
(a) Analogous organ (b) Homologous organ
(c) Vestigial organ (d) Orthologous organ
29. Reverse transcriptase of retero virus is-
(a) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(c) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(d) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
27. Rules stating that as we move toward the polar region from tropics the size of organism
(a) Allen’s rule (b) Bergman’s rule
(c) Fischer rule (d) Copes rule5. During photosynthesis evolution of oxygen is from-
(a) Water (b) CO2
(c) Glucose (d) Chlorophyll
31. The major pollution in lake by effluents coming from cloth industry containing high
detergents is by-
(a) Nitrates (b) Sulphates
(c) Phosphates (d) Silcates
32. In a stable well adapted populations there are frequent increase and decrease in
population size around a mean value, such population fluctuations are due to-
(a) Genetic drift (b) Disease & Mortality
(c) Carrying capacity (d) Migration
33. Hardy-weinberg law helps in detecting-
(a) Allele frequency (b) Genotype frequency
(c) Heterozygote frequency (d) Inbreeeding
34. A normal ovulating female may be sterile due to-
(a) Blockage in fallopian tube (b) Hyposecretion of LH
(c) Hyposecretion of FSH (d) Hyposecretion estrogen
35. Bacterial genomes is prevented by its own endonucleases by-
(a) Methylation at restriction sites
(b) Immune mechanism
(c) Nuclease resistant genome
(d) Are not much effective on bacterial genome
36. In some cases there are male characteristics in females due to-
(a) Hormonal imbalance (b) XXY chromosomes
(c) XYY (d) XXX
37. In Eukaryotic 5' -Capping in m-RNA is required for-
(a) Initiation of transcription (b) Initiation of translation
(c) Intron removal (d) Termination of transcription
38. Plasmids in bacteria helps in-
(a) Transformation (b) Transduction
(c) Conjugation (d) Replication
39. Production of sound due to grinding of hind limbs can been seen in-
(a) Cricket (b) Dragon fly
(c) Mouse (d) Cockroach
40. In Present condition origin of life from inorganic molecules is not possible because of-
(a) Absence of raw material (b) Presence of Oxygen
(c) Low enthalpy (d) Presence of ozone layer
41. A female with 47 chromosomes have normal phenotype. Her chromosome complements
will be-
(a) 44 + XXY (b) 44 + XXX
(c) 45 + XX (d) 44 + XYY
42. A Rh + ve male marries a Rh-ve female, their progenies will be-
(a) Rh +ve only (b) Rh -ve only
(c) Both Rh +ve & – ve (d) Cannot be predicted
43. Self cross between Aa results in AA, Aa & aa F1 progenies, the force of evolution
preserving either AA or aa is-
(a) Stabilizing selection (b) Cyclic
(c) Disruptive (d) Directional
44. A non harmful species copies a harmful and tasteless form, the type of mimicry
shown is-
(a) Bateson (b) Mullerian
(c) Darwinian (d) Morganarian
45. In mitochondria the enzymes of electron transport chain are located at-
(a) Outer membrane (b) Inter membrane space
(c) Inner membrane (d) Matrix
46. Glucose-1-P level is increased in body by the action of glycogen phosphorylase, this is
released from-
(a) Increased glycogen breakdown (b) Reduced glycogenesis
(c) Both (d) None
47. False statement of competitive inhibition is-
(a) Structure same as substrate
(b) Inhibits substrate binding
(c) Binds to active site
(d) Reaction cannot be favorably biased by increasing substrate concentration
48. Change in elasticity of cell membrane is due to-
(a) Change in cis-trans phase of fatty acids
(b) Change in Protein confirmation
(c) Cholesterol
(d) phospholipids
49. Amino acid sequence for a protein is known, we can estimate the sequence of m-RNA
coding that protein -
(a) Precisely (b) Can’t be predicted
(c) Precisely to certain extent if codon frequency is known
(d) Data not sufficient
50. Modern molecular taxonomy involves comparison of-
(a) chromosome morphology (b) r-RNA
(c) C-DNA (d) t-RNA

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Founder Principle OR Founder Effect

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