Saturday, December 14, 2013

NEET BIOLOGY MCQ-Morphology of Flowering Plants

1.  In albuminous  plants food is stored
a)   endosperm b) cotyledons c) embryo d) plumule

2. Which floral family has (9) + 1 arrangement of anthers in the androecium
a)    malvaceae b) rutaceae c) fabaceae  d) caesalpinaceae

3. The largest leaves are found in
a)   Musa paradisiacal         b) Victoria regia c) Nelumbium nucifera  d) Amorphophallus

4. The existence of two types of leaves in the same plant is
a)   phyllody b) phylloclade c) heterophylly d) heterosis

5. In the members of family malvaceae, anthers are described as
a)   diadelphonus and dithecous b) diadelphous and monothecous
c)   monadelphous and dithecous d) monadelphous and monothecous

6. A plant with photosynthetic roots is
a)   Trapa b) Dahlia c) Momordica d) Mirabilis

7 .Multiple root cap occurs in
a)   maize b) Pandanus c)Vanda d)Lemna

8. A monocot showing reticulate venation is
a)   Zea b) plum c) Bambusa d) Smilax

9. A flower having both sepals and petals is
a)   achlamydeous b) dichlamydeous  c) monochlamydeous d) diclinous
10.In angiosperms, Ovule represents
a) Megasporophyll b) Megasporangium       c) Megaspore        d) A megaspore mother cell

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