Saturday, December 14, 2013

NEET BIOLOGY MCQ-Kingdom Plantae

 1.Prothallus (gametophyte) gives rise to fern plant ( sporophyte) without fertilization.  It is
a)   aoispory b)apogamy c) parthenocarpy d)parthenogenesis

2. In Pinus/Cycas/gymnosperms, the endosperm is
a)   triploid b)haploid c) diploid d)Tetraploid

3. The plant group that produces spores and embryo but lacks vascular tissues and seeds is
a)   pteridophyta b)rhodopyta c)bryophyte d)phaeophyta

4. Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is
a)   stekkate b) cyo-shaped c) collar-shaped d) spiral

5. Which of the following is not a correct match?
a)   chord moss-Funaria b)maiden hair tree-Ginkgo
c)   walking fern-Camptosorus   d)bog moss-Sphagnum

6. Tallest angiosperm is
a)   Eucalyptus b)red wood tree c) oak tree d) Pinus

7. A well developed archegonium with neck consisting of 4-6 rows and neck canal cells,
a)   gymnosperms and flowering plants b) pteridophytes and gymnosperms
c)   gymnosperms only                                   d) bryophytes and pteridophytes

8.  Heterospory and seed habit are often exhibited by a plant possessing
a)   petiole b)ligule c)bract  d)spathe

9. In  gymnosperms, the endosperm is formed by
a)   fusion of two polar nuclei   b) fertilized egg
c)   fusion of one polar nucleus d) germination of one megaspore.

10. Hormogonia are the vegetative reproductive structures of
a)   Oscillatoria b)Ulothrix c) Spirogyra d)  Chlamydomonas

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