Saturday, December 14, 2013

MCQAIPMT BIOLOGY -Anatomy of Flowering Plants

1. Tunica corpus theory is connected with
a) root apex b) root cap c) shoot apex d) secondary growth

2. An organised and differentiated cellular structure having cytoplasm but no nucleus is
a) vessel b) xylem parenchyma c) sieve tube d) trachied

3. A bicollateral vascular bundle is characterised by
a) phloem being sandwitched between xylem        b) transverse splitting of vascular bundle
c) longitudinal splitting of vascular bundle            d) xylem being sandwitched between phloem.

4. Balloon like outgrowth of parenchyma, into the lumen of vessels, is known as
a) phellogen b) tunica c) tyloses d) histogen

5. The healing of wounds in plants takes place by the activity of
a) apical meristem  b) secondary meristem      c) laterial meristem d) intercalary meristem

6. The cells, which help in folding or rolling of leaves in grasses, are called
a) trichoblasts b) bulliform cells c) guard cells d) mucilagenous cells

7. One growth ring of plants consists of
a) only autumn wood b) spring wood and early wood
c) only spring wood d) spring wood and autumn wood

8. The grafting is not possible in monocots, because they
a) have parallel venation  b) lack cambium   c) are herbaceous  d) have scattered vascular bundle

9. ‘Cystolith’ is made up of
a)   silica b) insulin c) calcium oxalate d) calcium carbonate

10. Plastochron is
a) a type of pigment b)  a small organelle
c) instrument for cutting section d)  time gap between two successive leaf primordia.

11.  ‘Korper-kappe concept’ of root-apex organization was given by
a)   Clowes b) Schuepp c)  Hanstein d) Nageli

12.  Dermatogen produces
a)  epidermis b) hypodermis cortex and pith
c)   hypodermis, cortex and endodermis          d) pericycle, vascular strand and pith

13.  Match the columns.
(i) macrosclereids (p) hair like cells in monster roots
(ii)   osteosclereids (q) bone- like cells
(iii)  astrosclereids (r) star-shaped cells
(iv)  trichosclereids (s) rod-shapped cells in seed coat
a)    (i)- (s), (ii)- (q), (iii)- (r), (iv)  -(p)          b)       (i)-(p),  (ii)- (q),  (iii)- (r),  (iv)  -(s)
c)    (i) -(q), (ii)- (p), (iii)- (r), (iv)  -(s)          d)       (i)-(r),  (ii)- (p),  (iii)- (p),  (iv)  -(s)

14.   Plerome is a histogen that gives rise to
a)     pericycle b) pith c) vascular bundles d) all of these

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