Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.      Lichens are the best indicators of air pollution and are sensitive to
(a) Radioactive fallout                      (b) Nitrogen oxides                 (c) Sulphur dioxide     
(d) Methane                                      (e) Smoke and root
2.   All protest protozoans possess
      (a) Motile organelles             (b) Contractile vacuole            (c) Ability to ingest food
      (d) Eukaryotic organization              (e) All the above
3.   In a high productivity ecosystem the net productivity is about 20 to 40 t/ha/yr ; this type of maximum
      Productivity occurs in
      (a) temperate forest                           (b) sugarcane fields                 (c)savannah
      (d) paddy fields                                (e) all the above
4.   The maximum components needed for an ecosystem to survive are
      (a) producers and primary consumers                       (b) producers and primary carnivores
      (c) producers and decomposers                                (d) primary consumers and decomposers
      (e) primary consumers, secondary consumers and decomposers
5.   Without any involvement of histocompatibility antigen or any prior antigenic sensitization, which type  
      of cells destroy pathogens?
      (a) T – cells        (b) N K cells             (c) B – cells              (d) plasma cells            (e) macrophages
6.   Montreal protocol refers to
      (a) pollution by radioactive fallout                (b) global warming & climate change
      (c) conservation of biodiversity                    (d) pollutants that deplete ozone
      (e) biosafety of GM organisms
7.   In which one of the following organisms, the number of chromosomes is represented correctly

8.      During protein synthesis in an organism the process at one point comes to a halt; which one of the
following codons can bring about this half?
      (a) UUC, UUA, UAC                     (b) UUU, UCC, UAU            (c)  UAG, UGA, UAA
      (d) UUG, UCA, UCG                     (e) UGG, UCG, UGC
9.   Which one of the following represents commensalism and amensalism
      (a) + +, + -                (b) - +, + -                    (c) + 0, + -                   (d) + 0, - 0                   (e) – 0, - 0
10.  When a grassland ecosystem is compared to a pond ecosystem; it reveals that
      (a) biotic components are similar in both                  (b) abiotic components are similar
      (c) primary consumers are similar                             (d) secondary consumers are similar
      (e) abiotic and biotic components are different
11.  Midbrain contains
      (a) Olfactory lobe                 (b) diencephalon          (c) corpora quadregemina       
      (d) pons varoli                      (e) pineal body
12.  The secretion of testosterone by Leydig’s cell is stimulated by
      (a) FSH                     (b) TSH                       (c) LH              (d) ACTH                  (e) ICSH
13.  Match columns and choose the correct options given
Columns  I
Columns  II
1. anaphylaxis
p - HLA complex
2. multiple sclerosis
q – immuno deficiency disease
r – hypersensitivity
4. Haplotype
s – haemolytic disease
5. Erythroblastosi & foetalis
t – autoimmune disease
(a) 1 = r,  2 = t,  3 = q, 4 = p, 5 = s               (b) 1 = s,  2 = p,  3 = t, 4 = r, 5 = q
      (c) 1 = t,  2 = s,  3 = q, 4 = p, 5 = r               (d) 1 = q,  2 = r,  3 = p, 4 = t, 5 = s
      (e) 1 = s,  2 = q,  3 = r, 4 = p, 5 = t

14. Anterior lobe of pituitary seeretes
      (a) ACTH, FSH, TSH and relaxin               (b) FSH, TSH, LH  and prolactin
      (c) TH, LH, ACTH, and oxytocin               (d) TSH, ACTH, ADH and growth hormone
      (e) LH, FSH, ACTH and vasopressin
15. Find out the correct statements
      1. Bidder’s canal lies inside the kidney of male frog
      2. Shark, Frog and whale are ureotelic
      3. Unine reaches the bladder from kidney through urethra
      4. ADH helps in water elimination
      5. Renal threshold of glucose is 180 mg/ 100ml of blood
      (a) 1,3 and 5             (b) 1,2 and 5                (c) 2,4 and 5                (d) 2,3 and 5                (e) 2,3 and 4
16. Organ of Corti Sends information to brain through cranial nerve
      (a) V                         (b) X                            (c) III                           (d) VIII                        (e) XII
17. Among rust, smut and mushroom, all the three
      (a) are edible     (b) are pathogens      (c) bear ascocarps      (d) bear basidiocarps      (e) are Sac- fungi
18. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its characteristic and taxon
Sea – anemone
Mantle – cavity
19. All mammals without any exceptions are characterized by
      (a) viviparity  and non – nucleated RBC      (b) extra abdominal testes and four chambered heart
      (c) heterodont dentition and 12 pairs of cranial nerves        
      (d) muscular diaphragm and milk producing glands (e) all the above
20. Which day is celebrated as Mosquito-day since Sri Ronald Ross established the mosquito-malaria
      relationship on this day
      (a) August 29           (b) July 11       (c) June 5         (d) December 29         (e) November 14
21. Match items in column I with those given in column II and choose the correct options
Column I
Column II
1. lg – G
p- abundant in colostrum
2. lg – A
q- mediates allergic reactions
3. lg – M
r- ability to cross placenta
4. lg – D
s- largest antibody
5. lg – E
t- activates B cells
      (a) 1 = r, 2 = p, 3 = s, 4 = q, 5 = t                 (b) 1 = s, 2 = r, 3 = p, 4 = t, 5 = q
      (c) 1 = t, 2 = q, 3 = r, 4 = p, 5 = s                 (d) 1 = q, 2 = s, 3 = p, 4 = t, 5 = r
      (e) 1 = r, 2 = p, 3 = s, 4 = t, 5 = q
22. Which one is correctly matched
      (a) Filarial worm and tapeworm                               flatworms
      (b) Jelly fish and starfish                                            radial symmetry
      (c) Round worm and earthworm                               body cavity lined by meroderm
      (d) Dinoflagellates and diatoms                                 red tide phenomenons
      (e) Balanoglossus and Amphioxus                            Notochord in adult stage
23. The common point of similarity between DNA and RNA is
      (a) double stranded                           (b) identical sugar molecule                 (c) identical pyramidines
      (d) polymers of nucleotides              (e) fuelgen positive
24. Primary succession is the development of communities on
      (a) freshly harvested crop field                     (b) pond filled with water after a drought
      (c) forest area destroyed by fire                    (d) newly exposed habitat                   (e) all the above
25. F ind out the wrong pair
      (a) Halophyte with viviparity                                Rhizophora
      (b) Xerophyte with succulent leaf                         Casuarina
      (c) Hydrophyte with no root-system                       Wolffia

     (d) Chlorophyte with living in hyper saline water                                 Dunaliella
      (e) Xerophyte with root system reaching ground water                         Prosopis
26. Humus is a
      (a) Topographical factor                   (b) Biotic factor                                        (c) Edaphic factor
      (d) Geological factor                        (e) All the above
27. The mineral particles of silt-soil ranges from
      (a) 0.0002 to 0.00002mm                 (b) 0.002 to 0.0002mm                              (c) 0.2 to 2mm
      (d) 0.002 to 0.02mm                        (e) 0.02 to 0.2mm
28. Alphine zone has its characteristic vegetation of
      (a) Conferous trees                            (b) Deciduous plants                               (c) Non-deciduous plants
      (d) Lichens and mosses                    (e) Taiga
29.When population 18 cm maximum carrying capacity , then
      (a) Natality = mortality                     (b) Mortality > natality                              (c) Mortality < nataliy
      (d) Biotic potential < environmental resistance                  (e) Biotic potential > environmental resistance 30.Which one is a renewable source of energy
     (a) Coal         (b)Nuclear fuel            (c ) Minerals             (d) Ground water            (e) Petroleum
31.Findout the wrong match in the interspecific association of the following cases
      (a) Shark and suckerfish                     Ectoparasitism
      (b) Cattle egret and cattle                     Protocooperation
      (c) Entamophilous flowers and pollinating insect                         Mutalism
      (d) Orchid perched on tree                       Commensalism
      (e) Aphids kept under cheek by introducing Myna                         Predation
32.The sequence of  Nitrogen bases in a particular region of the non-coding strand of DNA is found to be
CAT GTT TAT  CGC.What would be the sequence of Nitrogen bases in the m-RNA that is transeribed                by the corresponding coding strand of DNA?
(a)    GUA CAA UAA GCC             (b) GTA CAA ATA GCA          (c) CAU GUU UAU CGC
(d)CAA GAA TAU GCC               (e) CAG CGC ATA GCG
33.The major event that occur during anaphase of mitosis is
     (a) Condensation of chromosomes                   (b) Splitting of centomere
     (c) Splitting of chromosomes     (d) Replication of genetic material                (e) all the above
34. In which one of the following, the type of cell, its secrection and function is not correctly matched
     (a) oxyntic cells                        intrinsic factor                       absorption of vitamin B12                     X               
     (b) Alfa cells of islets of Langerhans                      glucagon                        glycogenolysis
     (c) Goblet cells                             mucus                               lubrication
     (d) Sertoli cells                           testosterone                         male musculature
     (e) Acinar cells of panereas                      trypsinogen                       protein digestion
35. In the control of blood – sugar level which organs function as modulator and effector respectively
    (a) liver and islets of Langerhans                                (b) hypothalamns and liver
    (c) hypothalamus and islets of  Langerhans                (d) liver and piitutary        (e) thyroid and parathyroid
36. Crassulaccan acid metabolism (CAM) occurs in
   (a) sciophytes        (b) heliophytes         (c) hydrophytes         (d) halophytes           (e) sacculant xerophytes
37. Monoclomal antibodies are produced from hybrid cells called hybridomas. The cells employed to get
     this hybridomas are myeloma cells and
    (a) B- cells                  (b) bone – narrow cells            (c) T-cells        (d) macrophages          (e) NK cells
38. Match items given in column I with those given in column II and choose correct option
Column I
Column II
Polygenic inharitance
p- ABO blood group
Incomplete dominance
q- white eye mutation in Drosophila
Co- dominance
r- human skin- colour
Multiple allelism
s- MN blood groups
Pleiotropic effect
t- Flower Colour in Mirabilus jalapa
      (a) 1 = r, 2 = t, 3 = s, 4 = p, 5 = q                             (b) 1 = t, 2 = q, 3 = p, 4 = s, 5 = r
      (c) 1 = q, 2 = r, 3 = t, 4 = s, 5 = p                             (d) 1 = s, 2 = p, 3 = q, 4 = t, 5 = r
      (e) 1 = t, 2 = s, 3 = r, 4 = q, 5 = p
39. Which of thefollowing sets belong to the category mentioned against them ?
      (a) Rennin , helicase , hyaluronidese and nuclease                                        Enzymes
      (b) Lysine , leucine , thiamine and isolucine                                                       Amino acids
      (c) Olfactory , optic , auditory and vagus                                                            Sensory nerves
      (d) Melatonin , parathormone , relaxin and calciferol                                        Hormones
      (e) Kwashiorkar , marasmus , obesity & hypercholesterolemia                         Malnutritional diseases
40.Identify the incorrect matching of crop , its disease and the causative pathogen given in the following                        table.

Xanthomonas citri
   Late blight
Phytophthora infestans
Fusarium udum
Chick pea
   Bacterial blight
Xanthomonas campestris
Sugar cane
Pseudomonas rubrilineans

41.Grafting is successful in dicots but not in monocots because the dicots have
      (a) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring
      (b) Cambium for secondary growth                        (c) Cork cambium
      (d) Closed vascular bundle                                      (e) Sclerenchymatous hypodermis   
42.Plants of which one of the following groups of genera are pollinated by the same agency ?
        (a) Triticum , Cocos , Mangifera , Adamsonia
        (b) Ficus , Casuarina , Anthocephalus , Kigelia
        (c) Silvia , Morus , Euphorbia ,Zostera
        (d) Vallisneria , Ceratophyllum , Euphorbia , Rafflesia
        (e) Bombax , Butea , Bignonia , Erythrina
43.The disorder with a defective haemoglobin is
       (a) Haemophilia      (b) Haematuria         (c) Sickle cell anaemia        (d) Slokes-Adams  syndrome
44.Both photosynthesisand respiration require
       (a) Mitochondria     (b) Sun-light      (c) Chloroplasts        (d)Cytochromes    (e)All the above
45.Examine the following statements
      (a) Haemoglobin is needed for the transport of CO2
      (b) Carbonic anhydrase is essential for the transport of CO2
      (c) Plasma is a non-living intercellular fluid with a PH of 7.4
      (d) About 0.3ml of CO2 is transported by 100ml of blood
      (e)At high PO2 oxygen is released from oxyhaemoglobin.
  Of the above statements
      (a) 1,3 and 5 are wrong          (b) 2 and 4 are wrong           (c) 5 alone is wrong
      (d)1,2 and 5 are correct          (e) 4 and 5 are correct                                
46.Which of the following is not due to the influence of auxins ?
       (a) Apical dominance      (b) Parthenocarpy                         (c) Tropic movements
       (d) Seed dormancy          (e) Enhancing of flowering
47.Identify the endocrine structures with the corresponding hormones and functions.Choose the            incorrectly matched one.       
Functional maturity of gonads
Anterior pituitary
Maturation and ovulation of oocyte
Male musculature
Expansion of pubic symphysis
Adrenal cortex
Salt-water balance
48.Gynaecium is tricarpellary , syncarpous and ovary superior in
         (a)Liliaccae       (b)Solanaccae        (c)Asteraccae            (d)Brassieaccae           (e)Fabaccae
49.Examine the following statements
         (a)In lac-operon system the repressor protein binds only with operator gene.
         (b)Restriction endonucleases are obtained from bacterial  cells
         (c)All the terminator codons begin with adenine nucleotide
         (d)VNTR in DNA molecule is useful in recombinant DNA technology
         (e)Vaccines prepared by genetic engineering are second generation vaccines.
          Of the above statements

       (a)1,3 and 5 are correct             (b) 2 and 4 are wrong                 (c) 3,4 and 5 are correct
       (d) 4 alone is wrong                  (e) 3 and 4 are wrong.
50.Which one group of the following are uricotelic
       (a) Frog & Pigeon        (b)Camel &Frog          (c)Crow & Lizard           (d) Salamander &Shark
       (e)Cockroach & Frog
51.During cell cycle a cell has double the amount of its DNA content in nucleus at the
       (a)Beginning of G1 phase               (b) End of G1-phase                         (c)Beginning of S-phase
       (d)End of M-phase                          (e)Beginning of G2-phase
52.Glycosylation of protein occurs in
         (a)Lysosome        (b)Mesosome          (c)Smooth ER          (d)Golgi apparatus        (e)Mitochondrion        
53.Find out the wrong statement
        (a)The unit of natural selection is population                       (b) Species is the taxon with a real existence
        (c)Bioinformatics is concerned with the analysis of biological data       
        (d)The amount of genetic variation is the basis of speciation      
        (e)The earliest organisms that appeared on earth were non-green and anaerobes
54. Match columns and choose correct combination from the options
Column I
Column II
1. prokaryotic ribosome
p- 18s r-RNA and 33 proteins
2. Eukaryotic smaller subunit 40s
q- 80s = 60s + 40s
3. Eukaryotic larger subunit 60s
r- 16s r- RNA and 21 proteins
4. Eukaryotic ribosome
s- 28s r- RNA, 5s r- RNA, 5.85 r- RNA and 50 proteins              
5. Prokaryotic smaller submit 30s
t- 70s = 50s +30s
         (a) 1 = q, 2 = r, 3 = t, 4 = s, 5 = p                             (b) 1 = t, 2 = p, 3 = s, 4 = q, 5 = r
         (c) 1 = r, 2 = s, 3 = p, 4 = t, 5 = q                             (d) 1 = s, 2 = q, 3 = t, 4 = p, 5 = r
         (e) 1 = q, 2 = t, 3 = r, 4 = s, 5 = p
55. Find out the incorrect match
      (a) Tectona                             gymnospermous tree of coniferous forest
      (b) Spirulina                           blue – green alga rich in protein
      (c) Azolla                               association with nitrogen fixing Anabacna
      (d) Mycorrhiza                      mineral uptake from soil
      (e) Saccharomyces                 ferments glucose amaerobically to ethyl alcohol and CO2
56. Companion cells in plants are associated with
      (a) vessels       (b) sieve elements          (c) guard cells                      (d) cork cambrium       (e) lenticels
57. We find mangoes with different flavours, colour, fibre- content taste, glucose- content and even shell-
       life. This large variation is due to
      (a) alfa diversity    (b) beta diversity    (c) gamma diversity   (d) genetic diversity    (e) species diversity
58. Find out the wrong statement
      (a) Cytoplasmic genes found in mitochondria are inherited through egg- cytoplasm
(b)   Hirudin is produced from transgenic Brassica napus
(c)    Polytene chromosome has very little amount of DNA
(d)   Cancer is caused by the damage of genes regulating cell- cycle
(e)    Somaclonal  variation is seen in plants raised by tissue culture
59. The body parts that do not appear in MRI scanning are
      (a) molar teeth and lens of eye          (b) Scapula & canines             (c) ribs & ligments
      (d) tendons & premolars                   (e) cartilage and tendons
60. Column I lists the componens of body- defense and column II lists the mechanisms and process of
      defense. Match the two columns and choose correct option
Column I
Column II
1. Active natural immunity
p- memory cells
2. Physiological barrier
q- surface barriers
3. Secondary immune response
r- direct contact with the invaded pathogen
4. Artificial passive immunity
s- gastric Hel and lysozyme
5. First line defense
t- antitetanus serum
      (a) 1 = s, 2 = t, 3 = p, 4 = q, 5 = r                                   (b) 1 = r, 2 = s, 3 = p, 4 = t, 5 = q
      (c) 1 = q, 2 = p, 3 = t, 4 = r, 5 = s                                   (d) 1 = t, 2 = r, 3 = s, 4 = q, 5 = p 
      (e) 1 = s, 2 = q, 3 = r, 4 = t, 5 = p
61. Which one correctly represents the organism and its niche
      (a) Wolffia                              pond              (b) Rhizophora                       salt – marsh
      (c) Desert locust                    desert             (d) Hornbill                             dense forest
      (e) Earthworm                       Organic humus                                              
62. Which one of the following statement is wrong
    (a) ER consists of a net work of membranous tubules involved in transport, synthesis and secrection
    (b) Lysosomes are single- membrane bound vesieles budded of from GC and contain oxidative enzymes
(c)Mitochondria are double membrane bound bag containing DNA,RNA and protein synthesibing devices               
(d) Sphaerosome are single membrane bound and associated with synthesis and storage of lipid
(e) Nucleolus lacks membranous covering and is attached to chromatin reticulam at nucleolar organizer
63.DNA is present in
    (a) Chromosomes and dictyosomes                (b) mesosomes and chromosomes
    (c) Chloroplasts and phagosomes                  (d) Mitochondria and mesosomes
    (e) Mitochondria and chloroplasts
64.”Cri-du-chat syndrome” is caused by the
    (a) Deletion of short arm of chromosome -5         (b)Duplication of long  arm of chromosome-5
    (c) Trisomy of chromosome -13                            (d) Monosomy of chromosome -18
    (e) Recessive mutation of chromosome -5
65.The first step in Southern  Blot technique is
    (a)Identificationof a particular segment of DNA within a complex mixture
    (b)Denaturation o DNA on the gel with specific  probe
    (c) Productio of generally identical cell.                       (d)Digestion of DNA by restriction endonuelease
    (e)Isolation of DNA from nucleated cell from the scene of crime
66.The structures with similar functions are
      (a)Choanocytes , Malpighian tubules & typhlosole            (b)Antennae , tympanum , and clitellum
      (c) Coelenteron, stomach and mantle                                  (d) Nephridia, flame cells and remal tubule
      (e) Book lungs, gills and raula
67. The correct statement with respect to salt- water balance in living organism is
      (a) body fluid of fresh water fish is hypotonic
      (b) camels exerete highly concentrated urine during water shortage
      (c) Green glands are exeretory structures in molluscs
      (d) Marine inverlebrates and hag fish are osmoconformers
      (e) Osmolarity of human blood is about 1200 mosm/ litre
68. Formation of non-functional methaemoglobin causes ‘blue baby syndrome’ it is due to excess
      (a) Arsenic in drinking water          (b)Fluoride in drinking water       (c) Nitrate in drinking water
      (d) Methyl mercury poisoning         (d) Cadmium pollution
69.A tumor indicing plasmid used in the production of transgenic plant is that of
       (a) Escherichia coli               (b)Bacillus thurungiensis       (c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
       (d) Pseudomonas putida       (e) Staphylococeus aureus
70.Which one of the following event is correctly matched with the time period in a normal menustrual
      Cycle of 28 days duration.
        (a) Regeneration of endometrium                                     8 to 12 days
        (b) Release of egg                                                              28th day
        (c) Rise of progesterone level                                            5-10 days
        (d) Implantation                                                                 7th day
        (e) Rise of estrogens and LH                                            22-24 days
71.Match columns to get correct combination and choose the correct option.

Compensatory regeneration
p- regeneration in Hydra
q-growth in Ascaris
Accretionary growth
r-regeneration of lost limb in salamander
Auxetic growth
s-regeneration of human liver
t-growth by virtue of reserve cells
        (a)1=t,2=s,3=r,4=p,5=q         (b)1=s,2=r,3=t,4=q,5=p        (c) 1=q,2=t,3=p,4=s,5=r
        (d)1=r,2=p,3=p,4=t.5=q         (e)1=t,2=q,3=p,4=s,5=r
72.The wrong statement pertaining to plant structure
        (a)Quiscent centre in root apical meristem      (b)Passage cells transfer water from cortex
        (c) Cok cells donot have lenticels                   (d)Procambium gives origin to vascular issues
        (e) Casparian strips are deposition of wax
73.In which one of the following pairs,the two items do not mean one,and the same thing
         (a)Reverse transcription                                   Teminism
         (b)Malleus                                                         Anvil
         (c)Alleles                                                           Allalomorphs
         (d)Coelenteron                                                  Gastrovascular cavity
         (e)DNA finger printing                                       DNA profiling
74.No oxygen is evolved in the photosynthetic activity of
       (a)Red algae    (b)Diatoms    (c) Photosynthetic bacteria     (d) Cyanobacteria    (d)Euglenoid protists
75.Which one of the following is not used by Stanley Miller in his simulation experiment ?
         (a)CH4                   (b) NH3                       (c)H2              (d)CO2                        (e)H2O
76.The human genome is estimated to be about
      (a) 3 billion base pairs and 30000 genes                               (b) 180 million base pairs and 13000 genes
      (c) 12 million base pairs and 18000 genes                            (d) 4.7 million base pairs and 4000 genes
      (e) 97 million base pairs and 18000 genes
77.The drug and its category are correctly matched in
      (a) amphetamine                    Stimulant                    (b) heroin                   psychotropic
(c) LSD                   narcotic      (d) barbiturate                  hallucinogen      (e) caffeine                 depressent
78. What is not true about t – RNA
      (a) 5’ and has an amino acid attaching site               (b) 3’ and has a CCA – OH terminus
      (c) R.W. Holly proposed a clover leaf model           (d) anticodon loop is specific for m – RNA
      (e) constitutes about 15 % of total RNAs
79. Which one of the following is not correctly matched regarding the institution and its location
      (a) Indian Botanical Garden                    Howrah      
      (b) National Botanical Research Institute                     Lucknow
      (c) Royal Botanical Garden                  Kew
      (d) Indian Council of Agricultural Research                   New Delhi
      (e) Nandankanam zoological park                    Hyderated
80. Examine the following statement
       1.WBCs squeeze out of blood capillaries  by diapedesis
       2. Erythropoietin increases stem-cell mitosis in bone marrow
       3. Cyclosporine used as immunodepressant inhibits the ac tivity of helper T-cells
       4. Atrial Natriuretic factor opposes the activity of RAAS
       5. A rise of WBC count is called laukopenia
     Of the above statement
     (a) 1,3 and 5 are correct           (b) 2,4 and 5 are correct         (c) 2 and 3 are wrong
     (d) 5 alone is wrong                 (e) all  are correct
 81. According to the genic balance theory of sex determination in Drosophila proposed by Bridges
       Which one of the following is not correct with respect chromosome compliment , X/A ratio and
       sexual morphology
              X/A ratio
            Meta female
             Inter sex

             Inter sex
  82. The genotype of a B-group father of an O-group child is
           (a) 1BlB                 (b) ilB               (c) 1A1B             (d) ilA                 (e) ii
83. Find out the wrong statement
       (a) Frame shift mutation occurs when a nitrogen base is deleted or added
       (b) Chromosone with centromere at its terminal is telocentric
       (c)  Application of genetic principle for improvememt of human race is eugenics
       (d)  Wobble hypothesis was given by H.G.Khorana
       (e) Pure line breed refers to homoxygority only
84. Match columns to get the correct combination and choose correct option
                     Column I
                         Column I
Hugo de  Vries
p-Pisum sativum
Fredrick Griffith
q-Biston butularia
Bernard Kettlewell
r-Oenothera lamarckiana
Gregor Mendel
s-Anopheles stephense
Ronald Ross
t-Diplococcus pneumoniae
                (a) 1=s , 2=p , 3=t , 4=q , 5=r        (b) 1-r , 2=t , 3=q , 4=p , 5=s       (c) 1=t , 2=q , 3=p , 4=s , 5=r            
                (d) 1=q , 2=p , 3=t , 4=r , 5= s       (e)1=s , 2=r , 3=p , 4=t , 5=q
85. Which one of the following is not a correct match of certain body-features and its count in normal     
      (a) Blood urea level                   17-35 mg/100 ml            (b) Blood sugar                80-100 mg / 100 ml
      (c)  Rate of breathing                  14-18 times / minute     (d)  Cardiac out put                5040 ml / minute
      (e)  WBC count                     4.5-5.5 million / cubic mm
86. Find out the incorrectly matched pair
     (a) Odontoid process                 atlas                      (b) Deltoid ridge                   humarus
     (c) Acromian process                  scapula               (d) Xiphoid process                  sternum
     (e) Abduretor foramen                   pelvic girdle
87. The process that follows immediately after the entry of fertilizing sperm in to ovum is
     (a) Capacitation         (b) Insemination          (c) Acrosome reaction        (d) Cortical reaction
     (e) Maturation of sperm
88. Calcium ions bring about muscle contraction by
      (a) Activating GTP       (b) Breaking down glycogen           (c) Activation of myosine ATPase
      (d) Initiation of action potential         (e) Depolarisation of motor end-plate
89. Match the bones given in column І with their respective articulating bones given in column ІІ
                        Column І
                       Column ІІ 
Occipital condyle
7th rib
(a)1=r , 2=p , 3=q , 4=t , 5=s             (b) 1=s , 2=t , 3=p , 4=q , 5=r        (c)  1=q , 2=r , 3=t , 4=s , 5=p
(d) 1=t, 2=q , 3=s , 4=p , 5=r             (e) 1=r , 2=t , 3=s , 4=p , 5=q
90. Artificial pace maker is required for patient having,
       (a) Coronary thrombosis                               (b) Arteriosclerosis                             (c) Hypertension 
       (d) Irregularity in heart rhythm                    (e) All the above
91. Find out the wrong match
(a) Programmed cell death              apoptosis            (b) Study of ageing              gerontology
(c) Accretionary growth               stem cells    (d) Medical care of aged people              geriatrics
(e) Growth of lost limb               morpholaxis
92. Match columns to get correct combination and choose correct option
      Column І  
 Column ІІ
1. anterior dorsal fin modified as sucker
p- Scoleodon
2. liver is a rich source of retinol
q- Torpedo
3. musculature modified as electric organ
r- Echenies
4. poisonous sting at the base of the tail
s- Trygon
5.pectoral fin enlarged as wings
t- Exocoetus
(a) 1-s, 2-q,  3-t, 4-r, 5-p                    (b)1-r, 2-p, 3-q, 4-s, 5-t                 (c) 1-t,  2-s, 3-r, 4-q, 5-p
(d) 1-q, 2-r, 3-s, 4-t, 5-p                       (e) 1-s, 2-t, 3-p, 4-q, 5-r
93. Find out the wrong match
   (a) HLA complex                chromosome-6              (b) autosomal SCID                chromosome 20
   (c)  phenylketoneuria                  chromosome 1

 (d)  philadelphia chromosome               chromosome 22      (e) TFD gene              X chromosome
94. The Mesozoic era is regarded as the age of reptiles as well as the age of -------------------
(a) Ferns      (b) flowering plants      (c) mosses        (d) gymnosperms         (e) marine algae
95. A person is wearing spectacle with concave lenses for correcting vision, while not using the glasses the
       image of distant object in his case will be formed
(a) in front of retina,         (b) behind retina         (c) on yellow spot           (d) on blind spot
(e) none of the above
96 The vitamin which has no role as coenzyme in citric cycle and ET system is
 (a) Thiamine          (b) Riboflavin           (c) Niacin       (d) Retinol       (e) Pantothenic acid
97. The region of nephron that absorbs most of the essential metabolites is
 (a) Collecting duet                    (b) Ascending limb                 (c) Loop of Henle  
 (d)Proximal convolution          (e) Distal convolution
98.The source of somatostatin is same as that of
 (a) Oxytocin and vasopressin          (b) Insulin and glucagon        (c) Estrogen and  progesterone
 (d) Thyroxine and calcitonin           (e) Both  A and B
99.Which one of the following  is not pertaining to human cerebellum ?
 (a) Purkinje cells and motor function                        (b) Vermis and arbor vitac     
 (c) Outer grey matter and inner white matter            (d) Superior and inferior colliculi  
 (e)Rapid muscular activities
100.The number of ATP produced at substrate levelduring every turn of TCA cycle is
  (a)38                      (b)36                             (c)12                               (d)1                              (e) 2
101. Pick up the wrong match
       (a) Effector organs                                            Muscles and glands
       (b) Bipolar neuron                                            Olfactory epithelium and retina
       (c) frontal lobe                                                  visual and auditory areas 
       (d) Sensory nerve                                             ІІ and II cranial nerves
       (e) Cerebro spinal fluid                                    Reduction in the weight of brain
102.The statement not true about glycolysis is
 (a) A hexose sugar is reduced to 2 moleculesof pyruvic acid
 (b) It  is a part of anaerobic and aerobic respiration
 (c) Total ATP produced at substrate level is 4
 (d) in prokaryotes it occurs in Cytoplasm
 (e) In eukaryotes it takesplace in the matrix of mitochondria
103. Owls and cat feeding on mice occupy the
 (a) Same niche and same habitat                                           (b)Same habitat and different niche
  (c) Same habitat                             (d) Same niche                                     (e) None of the above
104. Column І lists the infective stages of some pathogenic parasites and column ІІ lists the
     parasites. Match columns and choose correct option   

               Column І                                                   
                       Column ІІ
Tetranucleated cyst
p- Wucheraria banerofti
Embryonated egg
q-Fasciola hepatica
Encysted metacrcaria
r-Ascaris lumbricoides
Cisticercus / bladder worm
s-Entamoeba histolytica
t-Taenia solium
(a) 1=q , 2=t , 3=p , 4=r , 5=s          (b)1=r , 2=p , 3=q , 4=t , 5=s      (c) 1=s , 2=r , 3=q , 4=t , 5=p
(d) 1=t , 2=s , 3=r , 4=q , 5=p          (e)1=r , 2=q , 3=s , 4=p , 5=t
105.Find out the mismatch
(a) Kyoto protocol                        1997                            (b) Montreal protocol                        1987
(c) Earth summit at Rio de Janciro                      1992
 (d) Convention on Biodiversity                          1972     (e) National forest policy                        1988
106.Which one of the F2 dihybrid ratio represents supplementary gene action
 (a) 9:7        (b) 13:3                        (c) 15:1                         (d) 9:3:3:1                   (e) 9:3:4
107. Which one is not a heterozygote ?
(a) cc DD ee             (b) Dd                        (c) Dd Ee                       (d) Cc Dd Ee              (e) Cc DD
108.A  characteristic not pertaining to Bryophytes is
(a) Development of zygote into sporophyte                        (b) Vascular tissues
       (c) Amphibious habit       (d) Filamentous rhizoids      (e)Dominant gametophytic generation. 109.Eukaryotic organization is not mct with in
(a) Green algar           (b) Brown algar           (c) Red algar        (d) Blue-green algar     (e)Golden algar
110.The rate of transpiration will be very less in a situation where
 (a) Environment is very hot and dry                      (b) High velocity wind is blowing
 (c) Humidity is very high          (d) Ground water is sufficiently available                (e) All the above
111. When two pea-plants were cross pollinated , 182 plants were produced in the next generation,of these
      93 plants were tall and 89 plants were dwarf. The genotypes of the two parental plants are likely to be
 (a) TT & tt              (b) Tt & Tt              (c) Tt & tt                  (d) TT &Tt                  (e) TT &TT
   112. Match columns to get correct combination
Column I
Column II
1. Coprophagy
p- cockroach
2. Larvivorous
q- earthworm
3. Sanguinivorous
r- Gambusia
4. Omnivorous
s- rabbit
5. Detritivorous
t- cattle leech

(a) 1= t, 2= q, 3= p, 4= r, 5= s
(b) 1= q, 2= t, 3= s, 4= p, 5= r
(c)   1= s, 2= r, 3= t, 4= p, 5= q
(d) 1= r, 2= p, 3= q, 4= s, 5= t
(e) 1= q, 2= p, 3= s, 4= t, 5= r
113. Pick up the wrong statement
(a) Tusks of elephants are modified incisors
(b) Diastemma is a toothless space between incisors and premolars
(c) Premolars of man are monophydont
(d) Salivary amalyse is absent in carnivores
(e) Calorie values of carbohydrate, protein and fat are 4 kcal/g, 5kcal/g and    6 kcal/g respectively
114. Inner lining of stomach and intestine is formed of
(a) squamous epithelium
(b) columnar epithelium
(c) cuboidal epithelium
(d) pseudostratified epithelium
(e) transitional epithelium

  1. Functionally acrosome corresponds to
(a)    mesosome
(b)   sarcosome
(c)    ribosome
(d)   lysosome
(e)    nucleosome
  1. Glandular structure seen in both human male and female is
(a)    Bartholin’s gland
(b)   bulbourethral gland
(c)    ceruminous gland
(d)   Tysons’s gland
(e)    Cowper’s gland
  1. Which one is not an extra embryonic structure
(a)    allatois
(b)   archenteron
(c)    yolk-sac
(d)   chorion
(e)    amnion
  1. Match columns to get correct combination
Column I
Column II
        1. Menarche
    p- stoppage of reproductive cycle
        2. Ecdysis
   q- foreskin
        3. Menopause
    r- first menstruation
        4. Hyaluronidase
    s- casting of skin
        5. Prepuce
    t- acrosome of sperm head
(a)  1= t, 2= p, 3= s, 4= q, 5= r
(b)   1= r, 2= s, 3= p, 4= t, 5= q
©   1= s, 2= t, 3= q, 4= p, 5= r
(d)   1= q, 2= r, 3= t, 4= s, 5= p
(e)    1= t, 2= q, 3= r, 4= p, 5= s
  1. During spermatogenesis developing spermatozoans remain associated with
(a)    sertolicells
(b)   Leydig’s
(c)    Kupffer’s cells
(d)   spermatogonia
(e)    interstial cells
120. The sequence of hormones leading to menstrual cycle is
           (a) oestrogensàprogesteromsàLH
           (b) FSHàoestrogensàLH
           (c) oestrogensàprogestromeàFSH
           (d) FSHàoestrogensàprogestrome
           (e) FSHàprosgestromeàoestrogens




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Founder Principle OR Founder Effect

When a few individuals or a small group migrate from a main population, only a limited portion of the parental gene pool is carried away. In...