Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.         If an unfertilized frog’s egg is picked with a microneedle, it will:
            a) die immediately       b) start dividing           c) will remain undivided                      d) transform into a tadpole at a faster rate  d) start differentiation
e) none of these
2.         Conversion of spermatid into spermatozoom is called
            a) gametogenesis         b) spermatogenesis                  c) spermiogenesis       
d) Karyokinesis           e) oogensis
3.         Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as
a) vitelline membrane              b) chorion                    c) zona pellucida        
d) corona radiate                      e) None
4.         Antifertilizin is a substance which is produced by
            a) acrosome of sperm  b) sperm nucleus         c) egg before sperm fertilization          d) egg after sperm fertilization                  e) Gastrula
5.         Which of the following stages does the differentiation of cells takes place?
            a) Gastrula       b) Morula        c) Neurula       d) Blastula       e) all of these
6.         Human ovarian cycle consists of 28 days, ovulation takes place on
            a) 2nd day of cycle                   b) 14th day of cycle                  c) 21st day of cycle      d) 24th - 26th  day of cycle            e) 28th day of cycle
7.         Yellow body (corpus luteum) in mammals is present in
            a) skin as pain receptor            b) brain to connect cerebral hemisphere
            c) ovary for secretion of progesterone d) heart to initiate the heart beat
            e) none of these
8.         The rate of clevage is inversely proportional to the amount of
            a) Pigment present in the egg              b) Yolk present in the egg
            c) Cytoplasm present in the egg          d) RNA present in the egg
            e) DNA present in the egg
9.         The fluid filled cavity around the growing primary oocyte in the mammalian graafian follicle is called
            a) Centrum      b) Antrum        c) Caruncle      d) Amnion       e) Blastocoel
10.     Androgens are
a)      produced from leydig cell and influence development of male characters
b)      male hormones and functionality equivalent to female oestrogens
c)      produced in male at the age of twelve
d)      testosterone and rosterone             e) all the above
11.     Which of the following is the opposite force of biotic potential?
            a) carrying capacity     b) immigration c) natality        
            d) environmental resistance     e) emigration
12.     The inherent ability of a population to increase at its maximum rate under ideal condition is called
            a) immigration             b) biotic potential         c) carrying capacity    
d) environmental resistance     e) doubling time
13.     Which of the following is an example of ‘ex situ’ conservation. Conservation in
            a) National park           b) Zoo             c) Sanctuary    d) Biosphere reserve
            e) None of these
14.     Types of immunoglobulin present in colostrum is
            a) lgA              b) lgG              c) lgD              d) lgE              e) lgM
15.     A person has developed interferons in his body due to
            a) Tetanus        b) malaria        c) Measles       d) typhoid        e) Kala-azar
16.     B cells and T cells are produced by
            a) both by bone marrow          b) both by thymus       c) both by pineal
            d) B cell by bone marrow and T cells by thymus       
e) B cells by thymus and T cells by bone marrow
17.     Monoclonal antibodies are
            a) antibodies that can be used only once         b) non-functional antibodies
            c) antibodies produced by hybridoma technique        
d) antibodies involved in autoimmunity                     
e) antibodies that are produced by experimental organism and employed in antiserum production
18.     Pyrogens are
a)      chemicals produced for opsonisation        
b)      components of complement system of immunity  
c)      member of antihistaminase complex         
d)      compounds released by WBCs enhance temperature       
e)      immunosuppressants
19.     Which of the following is a imaging technique that produces clear views of flowing blood in vessels and indicate the presence of blockage
            a) Aniography             b) CAT            c) MRI             d) PET            
e) Sonography
20.     A scanner used to monitor the consumption of substances like glucose by neurons is
            a) CT               b) CAT            c) PET             d) MRI                        e) Angiography
21.     A technique to carry out minor operation in uterus fallopian tube, ovaries etc without cutting overlying tissue is called
            a) Endoscopy    b) Gastroscopy    c) Laproscopy          d) Vasectomy     e) None
22.     HIV has a protein coat and a genetic material which
            a) Single stranded DNA   b) single stranded RNA     c) double stranded RNA
            d) Double stranded DNA
23.     The spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is called
            a) benign tumor           b) metastasis    c) malignant     d) carcinoma    e) sarcoma
24.     In EEG which type of waves is produced by neuron during brain damage at awaken state?
            a) α – waves    b) β – waves    c). δ – waves   d) χ – rays        e) Ө - waves
25.     Southern blotting is used for
            a) detecting specific proteins   b) blot transfer of RNAs         
            c) DNA finger printing            d) measuring blood pressure               

e) both a and c

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