Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.  Nervous system is first formed in
       (a) platyhelminthes (b) cnidarians
       (c) annelids (d) sponges.
02.  Which one of the following arthropod share
       some character with annelids?
       (a) Limulus (b) Peripatus
       (c) Boophilus (d) Scolopendra
03.  Corals belong to the phylum
       (a) ctenophora (b) cnidarians
       (c) porifera (d) ciliophora.
04.  Neopilina galathea exhibits the characters of
       (a) annelida and arthropoda
       (b) arthropoda and mollusca
       (c) annelida and mollusca
       (d) mollusca and echinodermata.
05.  Comb jellies belong to the phylum
       (a) ciliophora (b) coelenterata
       (c) porifera (d) etenophora.
06.  Modern representatives of an ancient link
       between the echinoderms and the chordates is
       represented by
       (a) hemichordata (b) urochordata
       (c) cephalochordata (d) vertebrates.
07.  The animal with haemocoel is
       (a) Hydra (b) Leucosolenia
       (c) centipeda (d) earthworm
08.  Tissue grade type of organization originated
       from    (a) protozoa (b) porifera
                  (c) cnidarians (d) platyhelminthes.
09.  Gemmules in sponges are helpful in
       (a) digestion       (b) sexual
       (c)asexual reproduction
       (d) water current relation.
10.  One of the following is a connecting link
       between protozoans and poriferans
       (a) Cliona (b) Leucosolenia
       (c) Oscarella (d) Proterospongia
11.  Neptune’s cup is common name of
       (a) Leucosolenia (b) Euplectella
       (c) Hippospongia (d) Proterion.
12.  Water current in Leucosolenia is produced by
       (a) choanocytes (b) pinacocytes
       (c) archaeocytes (d) thesocytes.
13.  Water comes from ostia and flows into
       numerous channels in sponges, it is known as
       (a) water vascular system (b) canal system
       (c) open circulatory system
       (d) circulatory system.
4.  If Hydras is cut into three pieces,the middle one
       will grow and form
       (a) both sides
       (b) oral side
       (c) pedal dise side
       (d) none above but only tentacles.
15.  Cnidaria is characterised by
       (a) nematoblasts (b) coelenteron
       (c) tissue level of organisation
       (d) all the above.
16.  Fungia is commonly known as
       (a) red coral       (b) tube coral
       (c) mushroom coral       (d) organ pipe coral.
17.  Life cycle of Hydra inculdes
       (a) polyp stage only       (b) medusa stage only
       (c) both above       (d) none above.
18.  Physalia is a
       (a) colonial polyp (b) medusa
       (c) single polyp (d) none above.
19.  In cnidarians characteristic larva is
       (a) planula (b) oncosphere
       (c) rhabditiform (d) cysticercus.
20.  An example of scyphozoca is
       (a) jelly fish (b) cuttle fish
       (c) silver fish (d) cat fish
21.  The poisonous fluid of Hydra’s nematocyst is
       (a) toxin (b) venom
       (c) haematin (d) hypotoxin.
22.  which one of the following is an example of
       (a) Plasmodium (b) Trypanosoma.
       (c) Wuchereria (d) Schistosoma.
23.  Chenopodium oil is most successfully used for
       the expulsion of
       (a) tape worm (b) liver flukes
       (c) flat worm (d) round worm.
24.  Which constitutes the correct piaring?
       (a) Flatworm-Planaria    (b) Fluke-Sea urchin       (c) Roundworm-Taenia  (d) None above.
25.  In Schistosoma, the gynaecophoric canal       contains
       (a) eggs (b) larva
       (c) male (d) female organism.          


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