Saturday, December 14, 2013

AIPMT BIOLOGY MCQ-Reproduction in Flowering Plants

1. Double fertilization and triple fusion were discovered by
a) Hofmeister b) Nawschin and Guignard c) Leeuwenhoek d) Strasburger

2. Nucellar embryo is
a) amphimictic haploid    b) amphimictic diploid c) apomictic haploid d) apomictic diploid

3. Sperm and egg nuclei fuse due to
a) base pairing of their DNA and RNA b) formation of hydrogen bonds
c) mutual attraction due to differences in electrical charges d) attraction of their protoplasts.

4. Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is
a) chalazogamy b) misogamy c) porogamy d) pseudogamy

5. Ovule is straight with funiculus, embryo sac, chalaza and micropyle lying on one straight line.  It is
a) orthotropous b) anatropous c) campylotropous d) amphitropous.

6. In an angiosperm, how many microspore mother cells are required to produce 100 pollengrains?
a) 75 b) 100 c) 25 d) 50

7. In angiosperm all the four microspores of tetrad are covered by a layer which is formed by
a) pectocellulose b) callose c) cellulose d) sporopollenin

8. When pollen grains are not transferred from anthers to stigma in a flower, due to the barrier, it is called
a) cleistogamy b) herkogamy c) dichogamy d) heterogamy

9.  Apomixis is a type of reproduction that results in the development of a/an
a) new seed with fusion of gametes   b) embryo from nucellus
c) new seed without fusion of gametes d) embryo from endosperm

10.  In a mature fertilized angiosperm ovule n,2n and 3n conditions are found respectively in
a)  antipodals, synergids and integuments b) egg, antipodals and nucellus
c)  antipodals, egg and endosperm d) endosperm, nucellus and egg.

11.  Ubisch bodies are secreted from
a)  ovule b) tapetum c) both of these d) none of these

12 .Filiform apparatus is characteristic of
a)   synergids b) egg c) anther wall d) antipodal cells

13. ‘Pollen kitt’ is chiefly made of
a)   chlorophylls b) lipids c) carotenoids d) both (b) and (c)

14. Sequence of development during the formation of embryo sac is
a)   archesporium →   megaspore  →    megaspore mother cell → embryo sac
b)   megasporocyte → archesporium → megaspore →  embryo sac
c)  megaspore →   megaspore mother cell  →  archesporium → embryo sac
d)  archesporium → megaspore mother cell → megaspore → embryo sac

15. Number of meiotic divisions required to produce 200/400 seeds of pea would be
a) 200/400 b) 400/800 c) 30/600 d) 250/500

16.  Translator is employed for pollination in
a)    Erythrina b) Calotropis c) Jasminum d) Cestrum

17. During grafting rootstock is generally derived from a plant
a) efficient in water and mineral absorption b) resistant to diseases
c)  that grows strong and healthy branches d) all of the above

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