Saturday, November 30, 2013


  1. The percentage of Sodium Chloride in human urine is
(a)    1.5%
(b)    2.6%
(c)     0.3%
(d)    0.09%
(e)     9.5%
  1. Pick up the wrong pair
(a) Earthworm – Chloragogan cells
(b) Tapeworm – Flame cells
©   Prawn- green glands
(d)   Ascaris – Rennet cell
(e)    Shark- Chloride excreting cells on gills
  1. Glomerulus is involved in
(a)    reabsorption of urea
(b)   Synthesis of salt
(c)    Filtration of blood
(d)   Secretion of blood
(e)    Reabsorption of salts
  1. If Henle’s loop is absent in human nephron which one of the following is to be excepted?
(a)    absence of glomerular filtration
(b)   there will be no urea synthesis
(c)    more concentrated urine
(d)   more diluted urine
(e)    no change in the quality and quantity of urine
  1. A terrestrial animal must be able to
(a)    excrete more water in urine
(b)   excrete more salts in urine
(c)    conserve water
(d)   conserve large amount of Na+ in blood
(e)    synthesis a large amount of urea
  1. Volume of urine is regulated by
(a)    ADH and Oxytocin
(b)   ADH alone
(c)    Aldosterone
(d)   Aldosterone and ADH
(e)    Aldosterone and testosterone
7. The main site of tubular secretion involved in urine formation is
(a) Bowman’s Capsule
(b) Ascending limb                                                        
(c) Descending limb
(d) Proximal and distal convoluted tubules
(e) collecting duct
8. The Counter current mechanism of urine concentration is formed by
(a) Vasa rectae and Henle’s loop
(b) Afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole
(c) Glomerulus and Bowman’s Capsule
(d) Ascending limb and descending limb
(e) All the above
9. Diuresis means
(a) Kidney damage
(b) Loss of excess glucose in urine
(c) Elimination of excess urine
(d) Loss of excess water in urine
(e) Painful urination
10. The most toxis exeretory product is
(a) Urea
(b) CO2
 (c) Uric acid
(d) Ammonia
(e) Guanosine
11. Which one of the following statement is not related to muscular contraction ?
(a) ATP provides energy for contraction
(b) Length of ‘A’ band remains unchanged
(c) ATP in produced from creatine phosphate
(d) Anaerobic breakdown of glucose provides ATP
(e) Size of Sarcomere increases by 60-70%
12. The innermost and outermost coverings of a muscle fibre in a bundle are
(a) Sarcolemma and perimysium
(b) Endomysium and epimysium
(c) Sarcolemma and endomysium
(d) Sarcolemma and epimysium
(e) none of these
13. The upper jaw and lower jaw bones of man are
(a) Maxilla and Mandible
(b) Maxilla and Nasal
© Mandible and Vomer
(d) Maxilla and Zygomatie bone
(e) Nasal and Vomer
14. Bone formed by the ossification of Cartilage is
(a) Dermal bone
(b) Membrane bone
© Sesamoid bone
(d) Replacing bone
(e) Investing bone
15. The ear ossicles of middle ear are arranged from ear-drum to cochlea in the order of
(a) Malleus- stape s- incus
(b) Incus - malleus - stapes
© Malleus – incus - stapes
(d) Incus - stapes - incus
(e)Stapes – malleus - incus
16. In elderly persons the stiffness of joint is due to
(a) Hardening of bones
(b)Hardening of Muscles
(c) Enlargement of bones
(d) Decrease in sinuvial fluid
(e) Increase in sinuvial fluid
17. Pick up the wrong statement
(a) Each bilateral half of pelvic girdle is called Os-innominatum
(b) The smallest and largest bones in man are stapes and femur respectively
(c) Axis vertebra can be identified by its odontoid process
(d) Human vertebrae are amphiplatyan
(e) Pelvie girdle is formed by the fusion of ilium, iselium & coccyx.
18. The ratio of Na+ and K+ ions across nerve membrane is
(a) 60 : 50
 (b) 60 : 30
 (c) 15 : 10
(d) 40 : 10
(e) 60 : 20
19. A polarized neuron in the one that is
(a) Pumping K+ ions out
(b) Having action potential
(c) At resting potential
(d) An excited neuron
(e) Conducting stimulus
20. Mach the columns to get correct combinations
Column I
Column II
     1. Telencephalon
        P- pons varoli
     2. Diencephalon
       q- medulla oblongata
     3. Mesencephalon
        r- olfactory lobe
    4. Metencephalon
        s- hypothalamus
    5. Myclencephalon
        t- carpora quadrigemina
(a) 1=s, 2=q, 3=p, 4=t, 5=r
(b) 1=t, 2=p, 3=q, 4=r, 5=s
(c) 1=q, 2=r, 3=s, 4=t, 5=p
(d) 1=r, 2=s, 3=t, 4=p, 5=q
(e) 1=s, 2=t, 3=q, 4=r, 5=p
21. Pick up the wrong match
(a) Trigeminal – Mixed nerve
(b) Choroid plexus- blood capillaries
(c) Non-myelinated axon- Saltatory transmission
(d) Optic nerve- sensory
(e) Trochlear-motor
22. Midbrain contains
(a) Offactory lobe
(b) diencephalon
(c) Pineal body
(d) Pons varoli
(e) Corpora quadrigemina
23.Pick up the correct statement
1. Dorsal root gangion is sensory
2. Synaptic fatique is due to lack of neurotransmitters
3. Afferent nerve fibres carry impulses from CNS to receptors
4. Corpus cavernosum connects the two cerebral hemispheres
5. Nerve cell in the largest cell in an animal body
(a) 1, 2 and 4
(b) 2, 3 and 5
(c) 1, 3 and 5
(d) 2, 4 and 5
(e) 1, 2 and 5
24. The site from which the nerve impulse for hearing originates in man is
(a) Anditory meatus
(b) tympanum
(c) Pinna
(d) Anditory nerve
(e) Cochlea
25. Alcohol affects
(a) Thalamus
(b) Frontal lobe
(c) Cerebellum
(d) Medulla Oblongata
(e) Hypothalamus
26. Pick up the wrong pair
(a) Action Potential –    -70 mv
(b) Third Venticle –  Diocoel
(c) Origin of Brain– Ectoderm
(d) White matter– Myelination
(e) Appetite and satiety centre– Hypothalamus
27. Injury to vagus nerve will not affect
(a) Gastrointestinal movement
(b) Tongue movement
(c) Cardiac movement
(d) Pancreatic secretion
(e) Pulmonary ventilation
28.The lens of human eye is
(a) Biconcave
(b) Convex
(d) Biconvex
(e) Convex at one side and Concave at the other
29. The defective condition of the eye in which distant objects are seen distinct but near ones are indistinct is
(a) Cataract
(b) Hypermetropia
(c) Glaucoma
(d) Myopia
(e) Presbyopia
30. Association area of the cerebral cortex
(a) Receives direct Sensory stimulus
(b) Initiates motor impulse directly
(c) Processes and interprets sensory impulse
(d) All the above
(e) None of the above.

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