Saturday, November 30, 2013


1.         Shinecter of oddi occurs between
a) pylorus and duodenum   b) oesophagus and stomach           
c) large intestine and small intestine                     
d) ampulla of vater and duodenum            e) none of these
2.         Castle’s intrinsic factor is necessary for the intestinal absorption of
            a) Vitamin K               b) Vitamin D              c) Vitamin C  
d) Vitamin B12          e) Vitamin B1
3.         In expiration diaphragm becomes
            a) arched        b) relaxed      c) flattened     d) remain in the same position       e) None of the above
4.         Crypts of Lieberkuhn are
a) Intestinal glands   b) In appendix                       c) Gastric glands       
d) salivary glands                  e) lacteals
5.         Payers patches are
a) lymph nodules in intestine          b) mucus cells of gastric gland       
c) gastric pits of stomach     d) milk glands                        e) none of these
6.         Surgical removal of gall bladder in man would lead to
            a) impairments of digestion b) jaundice     c) increased acidity  
            d) marasmus                         e) kwashiorkor
7.         Beauty vitamin is
            a) Vitamin K          b) Vitamin A            c) Vitamin C           d) Vitamin E
            e) Vitamin B1
8.          Canabolic feed
            a) own species                       b) any species                        c) faecal material            d) blood
            e) fruit

9.Bile salts usually contains
a) sodium bicarbonate and sodium taurocholate b) sodium glycolate and sodium carbonate           c) sodium glycolate and sodium taurocholate                     
d) inorganic salts and sodium glycolate     e) Pottassium bicarbonate and sodium glycolite
10.Animal in which gall bladder is absent is
a) cow             b) elephant    c) horse          d) gibbon       e) man
11.  Which of the following is called the graveyard of RBC
            a) liver                        b) spleen        c) kidney        d) bone marrow        e) Thymus
12.  Chief fat digesting enzyme is found in
            a) bile             b) succus entericus   c) gastric juice                       d) pancreatic juice    e) saliva
13.  The region of alimentary canal of man where the digestion of food is completed
            a) stomach     b) mouth        c) Ileum          d) Duodenum            e) rectum
14.  The chief function of bile is to
            a) digest fats by enzymatic action   b) eumsify fats for digestion                                    c) eliminate waste products                     d) regulate digestion of proteins
            e) convert maltose to glucose
15.  Brunner’s glands are found in
a) Stomach       b) Ileum         c) Colon         d) Duodenum                   e) Rumen
16.  The fats absorbed from the gut are transported to the blood in the form of
a) Liposomes                         b) Chemomicrons     c) Chylomicrons
d) Micelles                  e) Phagocytes
17.  Which are the enzymes of gastric gland?
a) trypsin & rennin   b) pepsin & rennin    c) lipase & trypsin    
d) vasopressin & lipase        e) erepsin and lactose
18.  Scurvy is the disease caused by the
            a) person of RH antigen in blood    b) deficiency of vitamin E     c) a virus        d) deficiency of ascorbic acid                 e) release of histamine
19.  Stomach in vertebrates is the chief site of digestion of
            a) proteins     b) fats             c) carbohydrates       d) vitamin
            e) all of the above
20.  Hardest substance of the body is
            a) bone                       b) enamel       c) cartilage     d) connective tissue
            e) muscle
21.  Conversion of glygogen into glucose is
            a) gluconeogenesis   b) glycolysis   c) glycogenolysis       d) glycogenesis
            e) none of these
22.  Enamel of teeth is secreted by
            a) osteoblast     b) ameloblast          c) Odontoblast                       d) Dentoblast
            e) chondrioblast
23.  Argenatffin cells occur in
a) large intestine       b) stomach     c) small intestine       d) both c & b
e) pancreas
24.  In an organism utilizing carbohydrates as source of energy anaerobically, the RQ is likely to be
            a) Infinity       b) 1.0              c) 0.9               d) 0.4              e) 1
25.  Highest calorific value is found in
            a) Lipid           b) Protein       c) Glucose      d) Hexese sugar       
e) Amino acid
26.  Vermiform appendix in man is an extension of
            a) Duodenum            b) Jejunum     c) Ileum          d) Caecum      e) Colon
27.  The teeth of human beings are fastened in the sockets of jaw bone. These type belong to
            a) Bunodont  b) Thecodont c) Diphyodont           d) Heterodont           e) none
28.  Secretion of bile is promoted by
            a) CCK b) secretion   c) insulin        d) gastrin       e) endogastrin
29.  Brunner’s glands are present in
            a) stomach     b) liver                        c) small intestine       d) large intestine
            e) pancreas
30.  Anti-pellagra factor is
            a) Vit B           b) Vit B2         c) Vit B5         d) Vit B12       e) Vit C

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