Saturday, November 30, 2013


1.         Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium is found in
a) Epidermis of skin of land vertebrate    b) oral cavity and pharynx
c) Vagina and cervix                                   d) Both (b) and (c) 
e) None of the above
2.         Endothelium lining of a blood vessel is formed of
            a) ciliated epithelium                                       b) columnar epithelium           
c) cuboidal epithelium                                     d) simple squamous epithelium          
e) transitional epithelium
3.         Which blood corpuscle is largest in diameter?
            a) Erythrocyte              b) monocyte                c) neutophil                 d) lymphocyte             e) platelet
4.        Name the main constituent of food in the absence of which one cannot live 
a) Carbohydrates      b) Mineral salts        c)  Proteins                d) Vitamins               e) Fat
5.        Stomach is protected from HCI and gastric juice because
a)  The two are dilute          
b) Wall has neutralizing agents 
c) Epithelial lining is resistant to them 
d) Mucous lining is covered by mucus 
e) HCL is weak  
6.        The human intestine is long because
a) Bacteria in food can be killed gradually
b) It provides more space for food storage
c) It increases surface area for absorption of food
d) retain food for a long time  
e) None of these  
7.         Secretion of gastric juce is stopped
            a) gastrin                                  b) pancryozymin                                 c) cholecytokinin        
d) enterogastrone                     e) villikinin
8.         Sphincter of oddi occurs between
a) pylorus and duodenum                                b) oesophagus and stomach            
c)large intestine and small intest                      d) ampulla of vater and duodenum     
e) none of these
9.         Adam’s apple corresponds to
a) epiglottis                  b) trachea                     c) larynx                      d) thyroid                     e) thymus
10.     In lungs air is separated from venous blood by
            a)   squamous epithelium and tunica exerna of blood vessel
b)      squamous epithelium and endothelium of blood vessel
c)      transitional epithelium and tunica media of blood vessel
d)      columnar epithelium and 3layered wall of blood vessel
e)none of these
11.     During Rigor mortis there is
a) permanent irreversible contraction              
b) establishment of permanent link between actin and myosin           
c) loss of ATP                         d) Stiffness of muscles             e) all the above

12.     Castle’s intrinsic factor is necessary for the intestinal absorption of
            a) Vitamin K               b) Vitamin D               c) Vitamin C   
d) Vitamin B12           e) Vitamin B1
13.     In expiration diaphragm becomes
            a) arched          b) relaxed        c) flattened       d) remain in the same position     e) None of the above
14.     Crypts of Lieberkuhn are
a) Intestinal glands                   b) In appendix                         c) Gastric glands         
d) salivary glands                    e) lacteals
15.     The CO2 transport, HCO3  diffuses from RBC to plasma and inturn to keep the ionic balance an equal number of Cl ions pass into the RBC. This process in known as
a) Hamburger phenomenon     b) Bicarbonate Shift                c) Transport rate   
d) Carbonation                        e) Carbo-chlorosis
16.     In heavy smokers the alveoli of the lungs are enlarged and damaged which reduces the surface area for the exchange of  respiratory gases. This condition is called
a) Asthma        b) Silicosis       c) Emphysema             d) Anosmnia       
e) Bronchitis
17.     Coagulation of blood can be prevented by
            a) heparin        b) calcium removal      c) oxalate solution       d) hirudin
            e) all
18.     Hepatic portal system starts from
            a) digestive system to liver      b) kidney to liver         c) liver to heart
            d) liver to kidney
19.     The chief difference between erythrocytes of man and frog is
            a) Human erythrocytes have more nuclei       
b) Human erythrocytes have two nuclei
c) Human erythrocytes have no nuclei
d) Human erythrocytes have more haemoglobin
e) Human erythrocytes have three nuclei
20.     The pH of blood is maintained in balance by ration of
a) CO2 and H2O                                  b) Pyruvic acid and H2CO3    
c) Lactic acid and pyruvic acid            d) NaHCO3 and H2CO3         
e) CO2 and H2CO3
21.     Human blood is isotonic to
            a) 6% starch solution   b) 0.9% sodium chloride        
c) 1.0% potassium sulphate                 d) sea water                
e) 10% sodium chloride
22.     Right auricle of human heart receives
a) pulmonary veins and vena cavae     b) Coronary vein and pulmonary veins
c) coronary vein and vena cavae        
d) superior vena cavae, inferior vena cavae and coronary vein                      
e) coronary artery and vena cavae
23.     Squeezing out of leucoctyes from the endothelium of capillaries to the tissue is called
            a) haemolysis               b) haemopioiesis          c) phagocytosis           
d) diapediesis               e) filtration
24.     Payers patches are
a) lymph nodules in intestine   b) mucus cells of gastric gland           
c) gastric pits of stomach         d) milk glands              e) none of these
25.     Areolar connective tissue joins
            a) bones with bones     b) fat body with muscles        
c) integuments with muscle                 d) bone with muscles   e) bone to CNS
e) eye to orbit
26.     Lining of nasal chamber is sensitive to smell and also known as
            a) Schneiderian membrane      b) Circulating membrane        
c) Storage membrane               d) Reisnners membrane          
e) Basilar membrane
27.     Surgical removal of gall bladder in man would lead to
            a) impairments of digestion     b) jaundice      c) increased acidity     
            d) marasmus                e) kwashiorkor
28.     Erythroblastosis foetalis can occur in the case of
            a) Man Rh+ and Woman Rh+             b) Man Rh- and Woman Rh-
            c) Man Rh+ and Woman Rh-              d) All the above           e) None
29.     In mammals the opening of post caval in the right auricle is guarded by
            a) mitral vlave              b) eustachius valve                  c) sino-auricular valve             d) tricuspid valve         e) thebesius valve
30.     The wall of the left ventricle are relatively thick because
            a) it contains oxygenated blood                       b) it pumps blood to the entire body               
c) it is bigger than the right ventricle               d) aorta arises from it
            e) all the above

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