Saturday, November 30, 2013


1.  Vocal cords present of mammals are made up of
    (a) Cartilage and muscles                   (b) Muscles only                    (c) Folds of mucous membrane
    (d) Muscles and bones                       (d) Tendon

2. Mammalian lung contains enormus number of alveoli. This is to allow
    (a) More spongy texture of lungs     (b) More nerve supply                (c) More surface area for diffusion of gases
    (d) More space for inspired air         (e) For easy exchange of oxygen

3. Which types of respiratory organs are present in spiders
    (a) Gills                 (b) Lungs               (c) Book gills                              (d) Books lungs                (e) Skin

4. The number of lobes in the right lung of rabbit is
   (a) 2 lobes              (b) 3 lobes              (c)  4 lobes                                  (d) 5 lobes                         (e) 6 lobes           

5. With effort, a person can inspire 2 or 3 litres of air in excess of his tidal volume. This volume is
    (a) Expiratory  reserve volume         (b) Inspiratory  reserve volume   © Total lung capacity             
    (d) Vital capacity                                 (e) Residual air

6. Even if there is no air in it, trachea of human does not collapse due to
    (a) Presence of chitinous rings         (b) Turgour pressure                   (c) presence of cartilaginous rings
    (d) Presence of long rings                    (e) presence of bony structures

7. Adam’s apple in man is
   (a) Catrilage in lungs                            (b)  Catrilage in trachea              (c) Thyroid catrilage in larynx
   (d) Epiglottis                                         (e) Syrinx

8. Formation of oxyhaemoglobin in lungs is affected by
    (a) Increased percentage of CO2 in blood                                        (b)   Decreased percentage of CO2 in blood
    © High percentage of carbon monoxide in alveolar air                          (d) all of them                    (e) none of the above

9. In which form the CO2 is carried in the blood
   (a) Magnesium bicarbonate                 (b) Sodium carbonate                  (c) Sodium bicarbonate   
   (d) Potassium carbonate                       (e) Calcium phosphate

10. Minutes and numerous tubes leading to the lungs are called
     (a) Hilumn         (b) Bronchi                      (c) Alveoli                                 (d) Bronchioles                          (e) In fundibulum

11.Which of the following does not contribute to breathing movements in mammals
     (a) Abdominal muscles                      (b) Ribs                                        (c) larynx             
     (d) Diaphragn                                     (e) none of the above

12. Cellular respiration is different from breathing because in cellular respiration
     (a) O2 dissociated from oxyhaemoglobin diffuses into cells
     (b) In lungs O2 combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
     © Percentage of O2 is more in inspired air and less in expired air
    (d) CO2, is water and energy are liberated after oxidation of glucose                                              (e) both are same
13. Percentage of CO2 in expired air is
     (a) 6.9 %            (b) 3.6 %              (c) 0.24 %                                (d) 0.04 %                         (e) 21 %

14. In an organism utilizing carbohydrates as source of energy anaerobically, the R.Q. is likely to be
     (a) Infinity        (b) 1.0                     (c) 0.9                                      (d) 0.4                             (e) 1

15. Oxygen is transported to every cell of the body through
     (a)  WBC         (b) RBC                 (c) WBC and RBC                     (d) RBC and hormones     (e) Plasma

16. The exchange of gases in lung alveoli occurs by
      (a) Simple diffusion                                 (b) Active transport                        (c) passive transport  
     (d) Osmosis                                   (e) Carrier mediated transport

17.The concentration of CO2 adversely effects the formation of haemoglobin.  This is described as
     (a) Bohr’s effect                           (b) Chloride effect                                   (c) Haldane’s effect  
     (d) Herring Breuer’s effect          (e) Hamberger phenomenon

18. Carbonic anhydrase helps in
     (a) Release excess of O2             (b) Release excess of CO2                        (c) Breakdown of O2
      © Breakdown of CO2                (d) None of the above

19. Exphysema is a condition resulting from
     (a) Drug addiction                     (b) Cigarette smoking                     (c) Liquor consumption
     (d) none of these                       (e) both b and c

20. In expiration diaphragm becomes
     (a) Arched                                   (b) Relaxed                                               (c) Flattened
     (d) Remain in the same position                                                        (e) None of these

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