Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.  A taxon is
a)  a group of related families b) a group of related species
c)  a type of living organisms d) a taxonomic group of any ranking

2. The book which has left the maximum influence on the thinking of taxonomists is
a) Species Plantarum b) Origin of Species c) Systema Naturae d) Historia Plantarum

3. Phylogeny and inter-relationship found between taxa on the basis of number, type and arrangement of chromosomes is
a) cytotaxonomy b) Chromotaxonomy c) karyotaxonomy d) chemotaxonomy

4. “Taxonomy without phylogeny is similar to bones without flesh” is the statement of
a) Oswald Tippo b) John Hutchinson c) Takhtajan d) Bentham and Hooker

5. The scientist who first gave the dynamic concept of species
a) Julian Huxley b) Linnaeus c) Lamarck d) John Ray

6. ICVN  is
a) International code of veterinary nomenclature b) International code of viral nomenclature
c) International code of vertebrata nomenclature d) International code of vermes nomenclature

7. A tautonym is
a) non-latinised name b) same name for genus and species
c) common name used as scientific name d) unscientific explanation of phenomenon

8. Match the columns

(A) Early Blight of Potato (i) Puccinia graminis
(B) Late Blight of Potato (ii) Ustilago tritici
(C) Smut of Wheat (iii) Phytophthora infestans
(D) Rust of Wheat (iv) Alternaria solani

a) (A)- (i)    (B)- (ii)    (C)- (iii)    (D)- (iv)       b)     (A)- (iv)     (B)- (iii)    (C)- (ii)     (D)- (i)
c)  (A)- (ii)   (B)- (iii)   (C)- (iv)   (D)- (i) d)     (A)- (iv)    (B)- (ii)     (C)- (iii)     (D)- (i)

9. The deadliest mushroom is
a) Agaricus b ) Amanita c) Pleurotus d) Volvariella

10.  L.S.D. is derived from
a) Papaver somniferum  b) Cannabis sativa   c) Sclerospora graminicola    d) Claviceps purpurea

11. Fairy ring is the name given to
a) young reproductive bodies of Agaricus present in a ring
b)   ring of secondary xylem produced during spring season
c)   a ring of thin walled cells in the apical region of moss capsule
d  ) ring like thickening developed in the tracheids of plants

12. Which one of the following statements about viruses is correct?
a)   viruses possess their own metabolic system b)  all viruses contain both RNA and DNA
c)   viruses are obligate parasites d)   nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid

13. On germination a moss spore produces
a) protonema b) leafy gametophyte c) sporogonium d) sporophyte

14.  Archegonium is absent in
a)  bryophyte b) pteridophyta c) thallophyta d) gymnosperms

15.  Mark the heterosporous fern
a)  Adiantum b) Salvinia c) Polypodium d) Dryopteris

16.  Which is commonly known as ‘Living fossil’?
a)    Ginkgo biloba b) Pinus c) Cycas d) none of these

17.  Phenomenon of  ‘Sulphur shower’ is related with
a)    Cycas b) Pinus c) Ginkgo d) none of these

18.  Resin and turpentine are obtained from
a)  Cycas b)  Pinus c) Cedrus d)Abies

19.  Which of the following structure changes into pericarp after ripening?
a)  seed coat (testa) b) tegmen c) ovary wall d) placenta

 20. “Red Snow is caused by which of the following in alpine region
a)   Oscillatoria b) Chlamydomonas nivalis c) Batrachospermum d) Sargassum

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