Saturday, December 14, 2013


1. A sexual reproduction in red algae occurs by the formation
a)  biflagellated zoospores b) non motile spores
c)  multiflagellate zoospores d)quardriflagellate zoospores

2.   Star shaped chloroplast are found in
a) chalmdyomonas b) chlorella c) spirogyra d) zygnema

3. Brown algae are characterized by the pigment
a) phycocyanin b) phycoerythrin c)  fuxoanthin d) haematochrome

4. Zygotic meiosis takes place in
a) Selaginella b) spirogrya c) pinus d) brassica

5. Pyrenoids of algae are the centre of storage
a) fats b) starch c) Enzymes d) proteins

6. Which one of following is a true moss
a) Reindeer moss b) club moss c) Iceland moss d) peat moss

7. Brophytes are not characterized by
a) well developed root system b) Vascular tissues
c) alternation of generation d) presemce of chlophyll

8. The plant group that produces spores and embryo but lacks vascular tissues and seeds in
a) Pteridophyta b) Algae c) Bryophyta d) Gymnosperms

9. Largest ovules, trees and gametes are found in
a) Angiosperms b) Gymnosperms c) Monocots d) Dicots

10. Double fertilization is unique to
a) Pteridophytes b) Bryophytes c) Gymnosperms d) Angiosperms

11. The sporophyte of funaria always begins development within the
a) antheridium b) archegonium c) capusule d) protonema

12. The water fern Azolla is biofertilizer because it
a) has Rhizoium     b) has cyanbacteria       c) is fast growing in human  d) has mycorrizal

13.  Bladderwort, sundew and venusfly trap are respectively
a) dionea, drosera and utricularia b) drosera, dionea, utricularia
c) utricularia, drosera, dionea d) utricularia, dionea, drosera

14. Through it does not have cotyledon uet it is placed in dicots
a) citrus b) viscum c) cuscuta d) plumbago

15. Insectivorous plants occur in
a) mangroves      b) swamps      c) tropical rain forests     d) nitrogen deficient soils

16. Most primitive living vascular plants are
a) mosses b) cycads c) kelps d) ferns

17. Which of these is known as “ living fossil”
a) ginko biloba b) pinus longifolia c) mirabilis d) dalbergia sissoo

18. Cycas has the largest
a) egg b) sperm c) ovule d) all of these

19. Winged pollengrains are found in
a) pinus b) cycas c) triticum d) solanum

20. Which of the following plants produces seeds but not fruits?
a) maize b) Mint c) Peepal d) Pinus

21. A genus have only species is called
a) monotype b) unispecific c) polytypic d) none of these

22. The term ‘New systematic’ was coined by
a) Aristotle b) Huzely c) Lamarrk d) Hutchinson

23. A cell wall material present in blue-green algae and bacteria is
a) muramic acid b) chitin c) cellulose d) pectin

24. The site for respiratory activity in bacteria is
a) Microsome b) episome c) Ribosome d) Mesosome

25. In cyanobacteria the structure specialized for nitrogen fixation is
a) endospore b)aplanospore c) heterocyst d) nucleoid

26. The smallest living cell with cell wall are
a) virodis b) mycoplasma c) bacteria d) blue green algae

27. Little leaf disease of brinjal is caused by
a) fungus b) bacterium c) mycoplasma d) algae

28. The evolutionary history on any group of organism is termed
a) ontogeny b) phylogency c) phenology d) limonology

29. Bacteria differ from virus in having
a) cytoplasm     b) Their own generic material    c) No proper nucleus d) pathogenic nature

30. Botullism is caused by
a) clostridium botulinum b) vibrio cholera c) Microbacterium d) clostridium tetani

31. Some bacteria are not easily killed because of
a) Their tolerant power b) chitinous wall c) capsule                 d) endospore formation

32. Prions are
a) infectious nuclecid acid b) infectious lipids
c) infectious proteins   d) infectious necleoproteins

33. Fusion between two morphologically similar but physiologically different thalli in fungi is known as
a) Homogamy b) Isogamy c) Homothalism d) Heterothalism

34. Wall material present in bacteria and cyanobacteria is
a) Peptidoglycan/mucopeptide      b) cellulose c) Chitin d) pectin

35. Bacteria having a single curve in their body belong to
a) Coccus b) spirillum c) bacillus d) vibrio

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