Monday, December 16, 2013


The process of oogenesis occurs in the cells of the germinal epithelium of the ovary, such cells are known as primordial germinal cells. The oogenesis is completed in the following three successive stages :
1. Multiplication phase;
2. Growthphase;
 3. Maturation phase.
1. Multiplication Phase
The primordial germinal cells divide repeatedly to form the oogonia (Gr., oon=egg). The oogonia multiply by the mitotic divisions and form the primary oocytes which pass through the growth phase.
2. Growth Phase
The growth phase of the oogenesis is comparatively longer than the growth phase of the spermatogenesis. In the growth phase, the size of the primary oocyte increases enormously. For Eg., the primary oocyte of the frog in the beginning has the diameter about 50 mm but after the growth phase the diameter of the mature egg reaches about 1000mm to 2000mm. In the primary oocyte, large amount of fats and proteins becomes accumulated in the form of yolk and due to its heavy weight (or gravity) it is usually concentrated towards the lower portion of the egg forming the vegetal pole. The portion of the cytoplasm containing the egg pronucleus remains often separated from the yolk and occurs towards the upper side of egg forming the animal pole.
The cytoplasm of the oocyte becomes rich in RNA, DNA, ATP and enzymes. Moreover, the mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, etc., become concentrated in the cytoplasm of the oocyte. In certain oocytes (Amphibia and birds) the mitochondria become accumulated at some place in the oocyte cytoplasm and forming the mitochondrial clouds. During the growth phase, tremendous changes also occur in the nucleus of the primary oocyte.The nucleus becomes large due to the increased amount of the nucleoplasm and is called germinal vesicle. The nucleolus becomes large or its number is multiplied due to excessive synthesis of ribosomal RNA by rDNA of nucleolar organizer region of chromosomes. The chromosomes change their shape and become giant lampbrush chromosomes which are directly related with increased transcription of mRNA molecules and active protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. When the growth of the cytoplasm and nucleus of the primary oocyte is completed it becomes ready for the maturation phase.
3. Maturation Phase
The maturation phase is accompanied by the maturation or meiotic division. The maturation division of the primary oocyte differs greatly from the maturation division of the spermatocyte. Here after the meiotic division of the nucleus, the cytoplasm of the oocyte divides unequally to form a single largesized haploid egg and three small haploid polar bodies or polocytes at the end. This type of unequal division has the great significance for the egg. If the equal divisions of the primary oocyte might have been resulted, the stored food amount would have been
distributed equally to the four daughter cells and which might prove insufficient for the developing embryo. Therefore, these unequal divisions allow one cell out of the four daughter cells to contain most of the cytoplasm and reserve food material which is sufficient for the developing embryo.
(i) First maturation division. During the first maturation division or first meiosis, the homologous chromosomes of the primary oocyte nucleus pass through the pairing or synapsis, duplication, chiasma formation and crossing over. Soon after the nuclear membrane breaks and the bivalent chromosomes move towards the opposite poles due to contraction of chromosomal fibres. A new nuclear envelope is developed around the daughter chromosomes by the endoplasmic reticulum.
After the karyokinesis the unequal cytokinesis occurs and a small haploid polar body or polocyteand a large haploid secondary oocyte or ootid are formed.
(ii) Second meiotic division. The haploid secondary oocyte and first polocyte pass through the second meiotic division. Due to the second meiotic division the secondary oocyte forms a mature egg and a second polocyte. By the second meiotic division the first polocyte also divides into two secondary polocytes : These polocytes ooze out from the egg and degenerate while the haploid eggcell becomes ready for the fertilization.
Structure of Mature Egg
The mature egg has a cell-like structure and composed of the following parts
1. Plasma membrane. The mature egg is covered by a plasma membrane which is the unit membrane. It is composed of an outer and an inner layer of protein. Both the layers are 50Ao in thickness. Between the proteinous
layers there occurs a lipodous layer of 60Ao thickness.
2. Primary egg membranes. In addition to the plasma membrane, the eggs of most animals except the sponges and certain coelenterates consist of certain other additional egg membranes. These membranes are known as the primary and secondary egg membranes. The primary egg membrane is secreted around the plasma membrane by the oocyte tself. In the insects, molluscs, amphibians and birds the primary egg membrane is known as the vitellinemembrane, while in tunicates and fishes this membrane is known as the chorion. The mammalian eggs contain similar membrane and in them this is known as the zona pellucida. The vitelline membrane is composed of mucoproteins and fibrous proteins. The vitelline membrane usually remains closely adhered to the plasma membrane but in later
stages a space is developed between the plasma membrane and the vitelline membrane and this space is known as the perivitelline space.
3. Secondary egg membranes. The secondary egg membranes are secreted by the ovarian tissues around the primary egg membranes. They are composed of either jelly-coats in amphibians or chitinous shells in insects, ascidians and cyclostomes.
4. Tertiary egg membranes. The tertiary egg membranes are formed by the oviduct or other accessory parts of female reproductive system. They may be composed of either jelly coats in amphibians, albumen and hard horny capsule in elasmobranch fishes, or albumen, shell membranes and calcareous shell in birds.
5. The ooplasm. The cytoplasm of the egg cell is known as the ooplasm. The ooplasm consists of large amount of reserve food material in the form of yolk. It is also composed of a lipoprotein, pigment granules, water, RNA, ribosomes, mitochondria and various other cellular inclusions. The peripheral layer of the ooplasm is known as the cortex and it contains many microvilli and cortical granules

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