Monday, December 16, 2013

NEET -Biology MCQ human physiology

  1. Lacteals absorb
(a)     Lactic acid
(b)    Lactose
(c)  Amino acid
(d)  Fatty acid
(e)  All the above
  1. Carbohydrates are more suitable for the production of energy than fats and proteins as they
(a)    have higher calorie values
(b)   require more Oxygen for Oxidation
(c)    contain more Oxygen molecules relatively
(d)   are major source of blood and sugar
(e)    can be stored as glycogen in tissues
  1. The set of terms pertaining to human dentition is
(a)    thecodont – aerodont – diphyodont
(b)   heterodont- polyphyodont- thecodont
(c)    thecodont-heterodont-diphyodont
(d)   heterodont- thecodont-pleurodont
(e)    diphyodont- heterodont- homodont
  1. The first organ receiving nutrient-rich blood after absorption from intestine is
(a)    Brain
(b) Heart
(c) Lung
(d) Liver
(e) Spleen
  1. Damage of which cell of the Stomach will result into Pernicious Anaemia
(a)    Chief cells
(b) Goblet cells
(c) Argentaffia cells
(d) Zymogen cells
(e) Oxyntic cells
  1. What is common among Ptyalin, Renin and Pepsin
(a)    Protein digesting enzymes
(b)   Produced in stomach
(c)    Act at pH lower than 7
(d)   Digestive enzymes
(e)    Proteinacious substances
  1. The digestive glands of rat differ from those of man in the presence or absence of
(a)    Salivary glands
(b)   Lobed liver
(c)    Gall bladder
(d)   Gastric glands
(e)    Pancreas
  1. The buccal Cavities of frog and rat are identical as both
(a)    have teeth for mastication
(b)   Saliva containing salivary amylase
(c)    Have vomerine teeth
(d)   Immovable upper jaw and movable lower jaw
(e)    Have bilobed tongue
  1. Pick up the wrong one
(a)    Prorennin ----HClà  rennin
(b)   casein ----rennin à  paracasein
(c)    paracasein ----ca++ à calcium paracaseinate
(d)   calcium paracaseinate ----pepsin à  peptones + proteoses
(e)    peptones ----pepsinogen à amino acids
  1. Vitamins are not involved in
(a)     growth
(b)    metabolism
(c)     synthesis
(d)    respiration
(e)     digestion
  1. If we take lime juice after meals, then the action of salivary amylase on starch
(a)     is stopped
(b)    is reduced
(c)     is enhanced
(d)    remains unaffected
(e)     none of the above
  1. Just as HCl is to pepsinogen, so is enterokinese to
(a)    prothrombin
(b)   prorennin
(c)    paracaesin
(d)   trypsinogen
(e)    all the above
13.Match columns to get correct combination.

Column I
Column II
  1. A complete digestive juice
p – Saccus entericus
  1. A watery alkaline secreation with no enzymes.
q – Bile secreted by liver

  1. Active at PH 2.0 --- 3.0
 r – Pancreatic juice
  1. Essential for fat digestion
 s – Secretion of Brunner’s glands
  1. Secretions of  intestinal glands
 t – Gastric juice

(a)    1= t, 2= p, 3= r, 4= q, 5= s.
(b)   1= q, 2= r, 3= s, 4= p, 5= t.
(c)    1= r, 2= s, 3= t, 4= q, 5= p.
(d)   1= s, 2= q, 3= p, 4= t, 5= r.
(e)    1= t, 2= r, 3= q, 4= p, 5= s.
14.Which one of the following is not involved in blood coagulation.
(a) fibrin
(b) thrombin
(c) fibrinogen
(d) calcium ions
(e) heparin
15. Artificial pace-maker is required for patient having
(a) coronary thrombosis
(b) arteriosclerosis
(c) hypertension
                        (d) irregularity in heart rhythm
                        (e) cerebral thrombosis
      16. Though human heart is myogenic, it is innervated by a nerve called
                        (a) occulomotor
                        (b) hypoglossal
(c) vagus
(d) trochlear
(e) trigeminal
17. The action potential generated at SA node travels at a velocity of
(a) 0.3 m/sec
(b) 0.9 m/sec
(c) 1.3 m/sec
(d) 3.0 m/sec
(e) 33 m/sec
18. A transverse glove present on human heart between the atria and ventrieles is
(a) chorda tendinae
(b) foramen ovalis
(c) oval fossa
(d) coronary suclus
(e) auriculoventricular value
19. The right atrium of heart receives blood drawn from all parts of the body except
(a) heart
(b) brain
(c) kidney
(d) lungs
(e) skin
20. The statements true about human RBC are
1. About 4.5 to 5.5 million per cubic millimeter
2. Circular, biconcave and disk shaped
3. 12-15 um in diameter
4. Enzyme carbonic anhydrase present
5. Plays a vital role in blood coagulation
(a) 1, 2 and 5
(b) 2, 4 and 5
(c) 1, 3 and 5
(d) 2, 4 and 5
(e) 1, 2 and 4

21. The enlarged Q-R segment of ECG is an indication of
(a) insufficient oxygen to heart muscle
(b) failure of depolarization of atria
© myocardial infarction
(d) expression of ventricular depolarization
(e) delayed depolarization of atria
22. Pick up the wrong statement
(a) There are 300 millions of alveoli in two lungs of man
(b) At rest breathing occurs about 16-18 times per minute
© A cardiac cycle takes 0.88 sec
(d) Arterial pulse rate is about 72-80 per minute
(e) The normal systolic and diastolic pressure of a healthy man is 80 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg
23. Match the columns to get correct combination
Column I
Column II
    1. Vital Capacity
      p -1200 ml of air
    2. Tidal Volume
      q -100 ml of air
    3. Residual Volume
      r - 2500 ml of air
    4. Expiratory reserve volume
     s - 500 ml of air
    5. Functional residual capacity
      t - 3400 – 4800 ml of air

(a)  1=t, 2=s, 3=p, 4=r, 5=q
(b)  1=r, 2=p, 3= q, 4=s, 5=t
©   1=t, 2=s, 3=p, 4=q, 5=r
(d)  1=q, 2=t, 3=r, 4=p, 5=s
(e)  1=s, 2=q 3=t, 4=r, 5=p
 24. At tissue level 100ml of blood carries
                        (a) 4.4 ml of oxygen
                        (b) 1.34 ml of oxygen
                        © 14.4 ml of oxygen
                        (d) 19.4 ml of oxygen
                        (e) 20 ml of oxygen

25. The most active of all the white blood cells in terms of mobility and phagocytosis are
(a) lymphocytes and monocytes
(b) neutrophils and monocytes
©  eosinophils and basophils
(d) neutrophils and basophils
(e) lymphocytes and eosinophils
26. Sodium citrate is an anti coagulant used for storing blood in blood banks, it prevents blood coagulation by
(a) blocking fibrinogen convertion
(b) By removing thrombin
© inactivating prothrombin
(d) inhibiting clotting factors of blood
(e) By removing Ca++ ions of blood.
27. A man of blood group A marries an AB blood group woman, which type of progeny indicates that the man is not homozygous?
(a) AB
(b) A
(c) B
(d) O
(e) all the above
28. Pick up the wrong statement
(a) Hepatic vein has the highest amount of urea
(b) Carotid artery carries oxygenated blood to brain
(c) Normal blood glucose level is 80-90mg/100ml
(d) Blood coagulation occurs in consequence of destruction of RBCs
(e) The squeezing out of leucocytes from capillaries is called diapedesis
29. A mature RBC has characteristic of a prokaryotic cell in the absence of
(a) genetic material
(b) nucleus
©  plasma membrane
(d) membrane bound structures
(e) all the above
30. Which one of the following is not expected when a person ascends up at high altitude where oxygen pressure is not low?
(a) hypoxia
(b) polycythemia
(c) eupnea
(d) asphyxia
(e) hyperpnea

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