Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.      Two allelic genes are located on
a) the same chromosome                         b) two homologous chromosomes
c) two non-homologous chromosomes                d) any two chromosomes
e) chromosomes of two different individual
2.      The exchange of chromosomes segments between non-homologous chromosomes is called
a) Translocation               b) Deletion                  c) Transfer      
d) Frame shift                   e) Dislocation
3.      Okazaki fragments are
a)      Short DNA fragments on the lagging strand
b)      Short DNA fragments on the leading strand
c)      The RNA primers required for initiation of DNA synthesis
d)      The DNA fragment produced due to radiation action
e)      The DNA fragment resulted from dimerization
4.      RNA polymerize which is on the promoter, moves to the structural genes to transcribe them. However, it happens when
a)      There is no repressor on the operator                        
b)      There is repressor on the operator
c)      Inducer binds to structural genes
d)      RNA polymerase shifts first to regulator gene
e)      Regulator gene induces promoter
5.      If the blood of parents are AB and O, the possible blood group children are
a) O only  b) AB only     c) AB and O only        d) A or B group           e) O+ only
6.      The special unwinding enzyme that helps in breaking the weak hydrogen bond which hold the two strands of DNA is
a) Primase            b) DNA ligase             c) DNA polymerase               
d) Helicase           e) Topoisomerase       
7.      Transfer of DNA from one bacteria to another through cell to cell contact is known as
a) Conjugation     b) Transformation        c) Transduction           d) Transcription
e) Endomixis
8.      The four nitrogen base sequence which form the code words for DNA language are
a) UTAC       b) ACTU         c) AGCU       d) ATCG        e) GAUT
9.      The ratio of 1:1:1:1 is obtained from a cross between the parents
a) RRYY x rryy               b) RRYY x rrYy                     c) RRYY x Rryy        
d) RrYy x rryy                 e) rryy x rryy
10.  Turner’s syndrome is an example of
a) Monosomy                   b) Bisomy                    c) Trisomy
d) Polyploidy                   e) Translocation          
11.  DNA strands are antiparallel because of the presence of
a) H-bonds                       b) Peptide bonds          c) Disulfide bonds
d) Phosphate diester bonds           e) None of the above
12.  “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material”. This is written by
a) Meselson and Stahl      b) Archibold Garrod                c) Severo Ochoa
d) Watson and Crick        e) Beadle and Tatum
13.  If the linkage was known at time of Mendel, then which of the following low Mendel was unable to explain?
a) Law of dominance                   b) Law of independent assortment
c) Law of segregation                   d) Law of purity of gametes
14.  Transformation experiments using pneumoccocus bacteria led to the hypothesis that
a)      RNA is the transfer link between DNA and protein synthesis
b)      Chromosomes are made up of DNA
c)      DNA is genetic substance
d)      Bacteria has sexual reproduction
15.  The type of RNA specifically responsible for directing the proper sequence of amino acids in protein sythesis is
            a) Ribosomal RNA     b) messenger RNA      c) chromosomal RNA     d) None
16.  The base sequence of the strand of DNA is CATTAG CATGAT GAC. What will be the sequence of RNA strand which is complimentary with the DNA
            a) GTA ATC GAT CTA        b) UA AUC GUA GUA CUG
            c) GTA ATG ATG GUA CUG         d) Date insufficient
17.  The phenomenon of ‘Like begets like’ is due to
            a) Protoplasm  b) germplasm   c) heredity       d) genetics       e) None of these
18.  Study of improvement of human race by providing ideal ‘nature’ is called
            a) eugenics      b) euphenics    c) euthenics     d) genetics       e) None of these
19.  If a haemophilic man marries a woman carrier for haemophilia, what would be the possibility that their daughter would be haemophilic?
            a) 100%           b) 75%             c) 50%             d) 0%               e) None of these
20.  In dihybrid corss, pure homozygour plants will be
            a) 9                  b) 2                  c) 1                  d) 3                  e) None of these
21.  Foetal sex can be determined by examining cells from amniotic fluid looking for
            a) Barr bodies              b) Chiasmata   c) sex chromosomes    d) Kinetochonoes        e) None
22.  A husband and wife have normal vision but father of both of them were colorblind. Probability of their first daughter to be color blind is
            a) 25%             b) 50%             c) 75%             d) 0%               e) None of these
23.  To be evolutionary successful a mutation must be
            a) Germplasm DNA    b) somatoplasm DNA             c) Cytoplasm   d) RNA           e) None of these
24.  In human beings sex is determined
a)      Before fertilization sex is determined
b)      During 6th week of foetal life when androgen are produced
c)      At the time of fertilization of ovum
d)      During 7th and 8th week of foetal life when gonads differentiates into testis and ovary
e)      None of these
25.  A test cross distinguish between
            a) two heterozygous forms      b) two homozygous forms
            c) a homozygous recessive and a heterozygous form              e) None of these
26.  A pure tall Pea was crossed with a pure dwarf Pea. All the plants of F1 were found to be tall. This is due to
            a) Dominance  b) disappearance of factor for dwarfness in F1 generation
            c) segregation of factors          d) coordination            e) None of these
27.  HbA and HbS alleles of normal and Sickle celled RBC are
            a) Dominant-recessive alleles  b) Polygenic alleles     c) Codominant alleles
            d) Multiple alleles        e) None
28.  RNA polymerase which is on the promoter, moves to the structural genes to transcribe them. However it happens when
            a) there is no repressor on the operator           
b) there is repressor on the operator
            c) Inducer binds to structural genes                
d) RNA polymerase shifts first to regulator gene                   
e) Regular gene induces promoter
29.  Colchicine inhibits
            a) Meetaphase             b) Anaphae       c) Interphase     d) Spindle formation
            e) A1.      Two allelic genes are located on
a) the same chromosome                         b) two homologous chromosomes
c) two non-homologous chromosomes                d) any two chromosomes
e) chromosomes of two different individual
2.      The exchange of chromosomes segments between non-homologous chromosomes is called
a) Translocation               b) Deletion                  c) Transfer      
d) Frame shift                   e) Dislocation
3.      Okazaki fragments are
a)      Short DNA fragments on the lagging strand
b)      Short DNA fragments on the leading strand
c)      The RNA primers required for initiation of DNA synthesis
d)      The DNA fragment produced due to radiation action
e)      The DNA fragment resulted from dimerization
4.      RNA polymerize which is on the promoter, moves to the structural genes to transcribe them. However, it happens when
a)      There is no repressor on the operator                        
b)      There is repressor on the operator
c)      Inducer binds to structural genes
d)      RNA polymerase shifts first to regulator gene
e)      Regulator gene induces promoter
5.      If the blood of parents are AB and O, the possible blood group children are
a) O only  b) AB only     c) AB and O only        d) A or B group           e) O+ only
6.      The special unwinding enzyme that helps in breaking the weak hydrogen bond which hold the two strands of DNA is
a) Primase            b) DNA ligase             c) DNA polymerase               
d) Helicase           e) Topoisomerase       
7.      Transfer of DNA from one bacteria to another through cell to cell contact is known as
a) Conjugation     b) Transformation        c) Transduction           d) Transcription
e) Endomixis
8.      The four nitrogen base sequence which form the code words for DNA language are
a) UTAC       b) ACTU         c) AGCU       d) ATCG        e) GAUT
9.      The ratio of 1:1:1:1 is obtained from a cross between the parents
a) RRYY x rryy               b) RRYY x rrYy                     c) RRYY x Rryy        
d) RrYy x rryy                 e) rryy x rryy
10.  Turner’s syndrome is an example of
a) Monosomy                   b) Bisomy                    c) Trisomy
d) Polyploidy                   e) Translocation          
11.  DNA strands are antiparallel because of the presence of
a) H-bonds                       b) Peptide bonds          c) Disulfide bonds
d) Phosphate diester bonds           e) None of the above
12.  “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material”. This is written by
a) Meselson and Stahl      b) Archibold Garrod                c) Severo Ochoa
d) Watson and Crick        e) Beadle and Tatum
13.  If the linkage was known at time of Mendel, then which of the following low Mendel was unable to explain?
a) Law of dominance                   b) Law of independent assortment
c) Law of segregation                   d) Law of purity of gametes
14.  Transformation experiments using pneumoccocus bacteria led to the hypothesis that
a)      RNA is the transfer link between DNA and protein synthesis
b)      Chromosomes are made up of DNA
c)      DNA is genetic substance
d)      Bacteria has sexual reproduction
15.  The type of RNA specifically responsible for directing the proper sequence of amino acids in protein sythesis is
            a) Ribosomal RNA     b) messenger RNA      c) chromosomal RNA     d) None
16.  The base sequence of the strand of DNA is CATTAG CATGAT GAC. What will be the sequence of RNA strand which is complimentary with the DNA
            a) GTA ATC GAT CTA        b) UA AUC GUA GUA CUG
            c) GTA ATG ATG GUA CUG         d) Date insufficient
17.  The phenomenon of ‘Like begets like’ is due to
            a) Protoplasm  b) germplasm   c) heredity       d) genetics       e) None of these
18.  Study of improvement of human race by providing ideal ‘nature’ is called
            a) eugenics      b) euphenics    c) euthenics     d) genetics       e) None of these
19.  If a haemophilic man marries a woman carrier for haemophilia, what would be the possibility that their daughter would be haemophilic?
            a) 100%           b) 75%             c) 50%             d) 0%               e) None of these
20.  In dihybrid corss, pure homozygour plants will be
            a) 9                  b) 2                  c) 1                  d) 3                  e) None of these
21.  Foetal sex can be determined by examining cells from amniotic fluid looking for
            a) Barr bodies              b) Chiasmata   c) sex chromosomes    d) Kinetochonoes        e) None
22.  A husband and wife have normal vision but father of both of them were colorblind. Probability of their first daughter to be color blind is
            a) 25%             b) 50%             c) 75%             d) 0%               e) None of these
23.  To be evolutionary successful a mutation must be
            a) Germplasm DNA    b) somatoplasm DNA             c) Cytoplasm   d) RNA           e) None of these
24.  In human beings sex is determined
a)      Before fertilization sex is determined
b)      During 6th week of foetal life when androgen are produced
c)      At the time of fertilization of ovum
d)      During 7th and 8th week of foetal life when gonads differentiates into testis and ovary
e)      None of these
25.  A test cross distinguish between
            a) two heterozygous forms      b) two homozygous forms
            c) a homozygous recessive and a heterozygous form              e) None of these
26.  A pure tall Pea was crossed with a pure dwarf Pea. All the plants of F1 were found to be tall. This is due to
            a) Dominance  b) disappearance of factor for dwarfness in F1 generation
            c) segregation of factors          d) coordination            e) None of these
27.  HbA and HbS alleles of normal and Sickle celled RBC are
            a) Dominant-recessive alleles  b) Polygenic alleles     c) Codominant alleles
            d) Multiple alleles        e) None
28.  RNA polymerase which is on the promoter, moves to the structural genes to transcribe them. However it happens when
            a) there is no repressor on the operator           
b) there is repressor on the operator
            c) Inducer binds to structural genes                
d) RNA polymerase shifts first to regulator gene                   
e) Regular gene induces promoter
29.  Colchicine inhibits
            a) Meetaphase             b) Anaphae       c) Interphase     d) Spindle formation
            e) Any of these
30.  ‘Gametes are never hybrid’. It is a statement of law of
            a) dominance                           b) segregation              c) independent assortment       d) random fertilization e) none of the above
31.  Which of the following is correct according to Chargaff’s rules?
            a) A+C=G+T  b) A+T=G+C  c) A+T=T+C   d) All the above are correct
            e) A+G = T+C
32.  A pregnant woman underwent amniocentesis. An extra barr body is present in the embryo. Syndrome likely to occur in child is
a) Klinefelter’s syndrome                    b) Down’s syndrome  
c) Edward’s syndrome                        d) Patau’s syndrome
e) Down’s syndrome 
33.  The flow of information from DNA to mRNA and then to protein is called
            a) Transcription                       b) Translation              c) Central dogma
d) Genetic code                       e) Translocation
34.  Certain genetic elements that regularly ‘jump’ to new locations, often inactivating the gene into which they become inserted, are called
            a) Heterochromatin                  b) Episomes                 c) Overlapping genes 
d) Transposons                        e) Cistron
35.  Christmas disease is another name for
a) sleeping sickness           b) Haemophilia-B        c) Hepatitis-B
d) Down’s syndrome         e) Albinismny of these
30.  ‘Gametes are never hybrid’. It is a statement of law of
            a) dominance                           b) segregation              c) independent assortment       d) random fertilization e) none of the above
31.  Which of the following is correct according to Chargaff’s rules?
            a) A+C=G+T  b) A+T=G+C  c) A+T=T+C   d) All the above are correct
            e) A+G = T+C
32.  A pregnant woman underwent amniocentesis. An extra barr body is present in the embryo. Syndrome likely to occur in child is
a) Klinefelter’s syndrome                    b) Down’s syndrome  
c) Edward’s syndrome                        d) Patau’s syndrome
e) Down’s syndrome 
33.  The flow of information from DNA to mRNA and then to protein is called
            a) Transcription                       b) Translation              c) Central dogma
d) Genetic code                       e) Translocation
34.  Certain genetic elements that regularly ‘jump’ to new locations, often inactivating the gene into which they become inserted, are called
            a) Heterochromatin                  b) Episomes                 c) Overlapping genes 
d) Transposons                        e) Cistron
35.  Christmas disease is another name for
a) sleeping sickness           b) Haemophilia-B        c) Hepatitis-B

d) Down’s syndrome         e) Albinism 

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