Saturday, December 14, 2013


1.      The backcross of F1 hybrid with the recessive parent is called
a) Monohybrid cross                    b) Reciprocal cross                  c) Testcross
d) Punnet square cross                 e) Dominant – recessive cross
2.      The percentage of ab gametes produced by AaBb parent will be
a) 12.5       b) 25.                c) 50               d) 75                e) 80 
3.      The chromosome associated with sex determination is known as
a) Autospores                               b) Accessory chromosomes                
c) Super numery chromosomes    d) Allosomes               e) Autosomes
4.      Multiple allelism controls inheritance of
            a) blood group                         b) phenylketoneuria                 c) colour blindness      d) sickle cell anaemia              e) None of these
5.      Name the scientists who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his genetic studies on the linear arrangement of genes on chromosomes in the fruit fly. Drosophila melanogaster
a) T.H. Morgan                b) C.F. Wolff               c) Frederic Meischer
d) Johansen                      e) R.C. Punnet
6.      Which of the following is an initiation codon?
a) UAA                b) AUG           c) UAG           d) GUA           e) AGU
7.      Some genes are constantly expressed in bacterial cells. These genes are called
a) Link genes                    b) Jumping genes                    c) Constitutive genes
d) Active genes                e) Integrated genes
8.      The person with Turner’s syndrome has
a)      44 autosomes and XXY sex chromosomes
b)      44 autosomes and XO sex chromosomes
c)      44 autosomes and XYY sex chromosomes
d)      44 autosomes and XXX sex chromosomes
e)      44 autosomes and YO sex chromosomes
9.      Number of distinct traits selected by Mendel in garden pea for his breeding experiments are
a) 2           b) 4                  c) 7                  d) 8                  e)1
10.  Skin colour inheritance in man is  
a) Monogenic       b) Polygenic          c) Sex linked         d) Multiple alleles
e) Epistasis
11.  Trisomy of chromosome number 21 in man causes
a) Klinefelter’s syndrome             b) Turner Syndrome    c) Sickle cell anemia
d) Thalassemia                             e) Down’s syndrome
12.  Crossing over is advantageous because it brings about
 a) Variation                      b) Linkage       c) In breeding              d) Stability
13.  Hemophilia in human beings is caused due to
a) Hromosomal aberration       b) Autosomal mutation                                                c) Sex linked mutation d) None
14.  Building blocks of the nucleic acid are
            a) amino acid   b) nucleaoproteins       c) nucleotides  d) nucleosides
15.  Watson and Crick are known for their discovery that DNA
            a) is a single stranded helix      b) contains deoxyribose oly
            c) is a double stranded helix    d) synthesizes r-RNA
16.  The function of t RNA is
            a) selection of amino acids      b) production of m RNA
            c) production of Ribosomes    d) production of microsomes
17.  Through which enzyme can RNA give rise to DNA
            a) Restriction enzyme              b) DNA polymerase
            c) RNA polymerase                d) Reverse ranscriptase
18.  Transcription is a process when
            a) messenger RNA is formed from DNA     
b) protein is synthesized at ribosomes
            c) lysosomes digest the cell                 d) mitochondria are formed
19.  Normally all genes occur in pairs occupying position on the X chromosome and not in Y chromosome. This indicates that
a)      X chromosome is large than ‘X’ chromosome
b)      Entire set gene on X is different from those on Y chromosome
c)      X chromosome is larger Y chromosome
d)      X chromosome is dominating with Y chromosome
e)      None of these
20.  Genetic engineering means
            a) manipulation of genes         b) manipulation of cell contents
            c) manipulation of maculaadherens d) formation of test tube baby      e) None
21.  One of the following did not constitute the seven contrasting pairs of characters noticed by G.J Mendel in Pea
            a) height of the plants              b) shape of the leaves             c) shape of pod            d) colour of pod           e) None
22.  A haploid set of all the genes present in a gamete is called
            a) genotype      b) phenotype   c) genone         d) Linkage group         e) None
23.  Which of the following crosses would produce a genotype ration of 1:2:1 in F2
            a) AB x AB     b) Ab x ab       c) Ab x Ab      d) ab x ab        e) None of these
24.  Genes do not occur in pair in
            a) Zygote         b) Somatic cell   c) Endosperm cells    d) Gametes      e) None
25.  In human beings XX-genotype is
            a) Always female        b) Can be male or female        c) Always male
            d) Normally female with 5 per lakh being male          e) Normally female with 2 per Lakh being male.
26.  Haploid chromosome number is 10. What is number in a monosomic
            a) 19                b) 18                c) 20                d) 22                e) 11
27.  The moneybrid genotypic ratio 1:2:1 in F2 generation indicates
            a) Segregation                         b) dominance               c) independent assortment
d) complementary factor          e) Pleiotropy
28.  Mendel did not propose
            a) Dominance                          b) incomplete dominance        c) Segregation             d) Purity of gametes                e) independent assortment
29.  Dihybrid test cross ratio is
            a) 9:3:31          b) 1:1:1:1         c) 3:1              d) 1:2:1            e) 1:1
30.  Point mutation is a change which involves
            a) loss of a gene                       b) addition of a gene   

c) change in a base of a gene   d) deletion of a segment of gene e) all of these

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