Saturday, November 30, 2013

Features of Mesozoic Era

Mesozoic Era :-
This middle period in the history of life was marked by the  prominence of land living forms. Among animals the reptiles became more dominant. They increased in size and in number. Hence this era is named as
the Golden age of reptiles.
1. Triassic Period :- (210 to 160 million years ago)
For the first time fossils of turtles, crocodiles, and dinosaurs have beenobtained from this period. Fossil evidences show that aquatic andflying reptiles thrived during this time. The mammals orginated from reptiles
during this period.
2. Jurassic Period :- (160 to 130 million years ago)
There was a marked adaptive radiation among dinosaurs. They diversifiedinto carnivorus and herbivorus forms. The first birds originated from thereptiles. The earlist bird thus originated is known as the Archeopteryx. Theorigin of birds was a major physiological change among animals. From a more
common poikilothermic condition through feathers the birds became homeothermic.The modern bony fishes were diversified into several groups.
Cretaceous Period :- (130 to 65 million years ago)
The larger marine molluscs became extinct. The fossils of such organisms are available in places like Ariyaloor, of Tamil Nadu, today. The Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era abruptly became extinct during
this period. Several reasons are given for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Fossilsof dinosaurs were not obtained from later periods.

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