Saturday, November 30, 2013

Features o Cenozoic Era

Cenozoic Era :- (65 million years ago till date)
Plenty of fossil of organisms belonging to this era had been obtained. All modern animals and plants were represented in these fossils. This era is subdivided into Tertiary and Quarternary periods. Further this era contains seven epochs. Through fossils we can trace the origin and evolution of independent
groups of animals, camels and man.
1. Paleocene epoch :-
Modern placental mammals originated during this time.
2. Eocene Epoch :-
Ungulates originated. The ancestral form of modern horses livedduring this epoch.
3. Oligocene epoch :-
Several animals with ancient characteristics became extinct. Modernmammalian families were established. The apes originated during this epoch.
4. Miocene epoch :-
Several varieties of grasses evolved in Europe and N. America. Thuslarge Priaries were formed. These changes encouraged the evolution of fast running herbivorus mammals and their predators. Thus the carnivorousmammals came to prominence.
5. Pliocene Epoch :-
The priaries enlarged still further in several regions. The rodentsbecame more successful. The mammals increased in number.
6. Pleistocene epoch :-
Several glaciations happened during this time. This epoch ispopularly called the ‘Ice age’. The evolution of horses and man reached thefinal stages during this period. The melting of ice that happened 1,500 years
ago is considered as the last stage of this epoch. Today we are living in an
inter-glacial Period.

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