Saturday, November 30, 2013


1.         Conversion of spermatid into spermatozoom is called
            a) gametogenesis         b) spermatogenesis                  c) spermiogenesis       
d) Karyokinesis           e) oogensis
2.         Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as
a) vitelline membrane                       b) chorion                    c) zona pellucida        
d) corona radiate                      e) None
3.         Antifertilizin is a substance which is produced by
            a) acrosome of sperm  b) sperm nucleus         c) egg before sperm fertilization          d) egg after sperm fertilization                  e) Gastrula
4.         Which of the following stages does the differentiation of cells takes place?
            a) Gastrula       b) Morula        c) Neurula       d) Blastula       e) all of these
5.         Human ovarian cycle consists of 28 days, ovulation takes place on
            a) 2nd day of cycle                   b) 14th day of cycle                  c) 21st day of cycle      d) 24th - 26th  day of cycle            e) 28th day of cycle
6.         Yellow body (corpus luteum) in mammals is present in
            a) skin as pain receptor            b) brain to connect cerebral hemisphere
            c) ovary for secretion of progesterone d) heart to initiate the heart beat
            e) none of these
7.         The rate of clevage is inversely proportional to the amount of
            a) Pigment present in the egg              b) Yolk present in the egg
            c) Cytoplasm present in the egg          d) RNA present in the egg
            e) DNA present in the egg
8.               The fluid filled cavity around the growing primary oocyte in the mammalian graafian follicle is called
            a) Centrum      b) Antrum        c) Caruncle      d) Amnion       e) Blastocoel
9.         Androgens are
a)      produced from leydig cell and influence development of male characters
b)      male hormones and functionality equivalent to female oestrogens
c)      produced in male at the age of twelve
d)      testosterone and rosterone             e) all the above
11.  In mammals, the fertilization occurs in
            a) ovary           b) vagina         c) uterus           d) fallpian tube            e) none
12.  The region where sperm enters the egg is called
            a) equator        b) receptor zone           c) animal pole              d) vegetal pole
            e) equitorial pole
13.  Which cell inclusion of the spermatid forms the acrosome of the sperm?
            a) centriole       b) golgi body   c) mitichondria            d) nucleus       
e) Endoplasmic reticulum
14.  The mesoderm gives rise to all structures except:
            a) nervous system        b) muscular system      c) circulatory system    d) gonads
            e) respiratory system   
15.  Mammalian placenta has minute finger like projections called
            a) chorionic villi          b) chorionic network               c) chorionic extensions            d) chorionic plexus      e) Choroid
16.  The middle piece of sperm provides
            a) chromosome            b) energy         c) food            d) genes            e)division
17.   Amphimix means
            a) fusion of male and female gamates       
b) fusion of male and female pronuclei
            c) movement of the sperm towards ovum 
d) movement of the ovum towards sperm
e) fertilizin, anti fertilizin reaction
18.  Seminal fluid consists of sperms and secretion from:
a)      seminal vesicles, ureter and prostate gland           
b)      seminal vesicles, prostate and cowper’s glands
c)      prostate and cowper’s glands and follicles           
d)      follicles, ureter and prostate gland
19.  A human female reaches menopause around the age
            a) 50 years       b) 25 years       c) 15 years       d) 70 years       e) 40 years
20.  Spermatogenesis is controlled by
            a) FSH             b) LH               c) ICSH           d) TSH                        g) H
21.   Endometrium is lining of
            a) Oviduct       b) uterus          c) Vagina         d) Urinary bladder      
e) Ventricle
22.  Polyspermy is prevented by
            a) Vitelline membrane             b) Plasma membrane   c) Corona radiata
            d) Fertilization membrane        e) All of these

23.  A female structure analogous to male penis is
            a) vestibula      b) labia minora            c) cervix          d) vagina         e) clitoris

24.  The development of egg without fertilization is pathogenesis. It occurs in
            a) locust           b) honey bee    c) fowl             d) duck            e) earth worm
25.  Which embryo has parasitic mode of nutrition?
            a) bird’s embryo          b) mammalian embryo c) reptilian embryo
            d) amphibian embryo  e) both a and b
26.  Implantation of human egg takes place
a) soon after syngamy                         b) 10 days after fertilization    
c) 6th or 7th day after fertilization         d) before fertilization              
e) after the egg has divided into two
27.  Allantois of the mammalian embryo helps in
            a) respiration    b) excretion     c) protection    d) nutrition       e) None
28.  A primary spermatocycle is
            a) diploid         b) haploid        c) triploid         d) polyploid     e) Allopolyploid

29.  Which one of the following is responsible for the protection of embro?
            a) Amnion       b) placenta       c) Allantois      d) Chorion       e) pleura
30.  How many cleavage divisions are completed in a 16 cell stage of frog’s egg?
            a) 4                  b) 16                c) 8                  d) 3                  e) 2

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