Saturday, November 30, 2013


1.             Homologus organs exhibit
a) Convergent evolution          b) Divergent evolution            c) Evolution
d) Origin of mammals             e) Origin of vestigial organ
2.             Which of the following states that – in a small randomly maiting population, the allele frequencies remains a constant generation to generation.
a) Darwinism               b) Neo-Larmakism      c) Hardy Weinberg Principle
d) Lamarkism              e) Chromosomal theory of inheritance
3.             “The genetic variation appearing among the members of a population bring about the evolution”. This statement defines
a) Neo Lamarkckism               b) Darwinism              c) Lamarckism
d) Mutation theory                   e) Pangensis
4.             Allopatric speciation occurs when
a)      Genetically related populations inhabit widely separated geographical area.
b)      Genetically unrelated population inhabit same geographical area
c)      Genetically related population inhabit the same geographical area
d)      Genetically unrelated populations inhabit the same geographical area
e)      Genetically mixed population inhabit the geographical area
5.             Correct sequence of stages in evolution of modern man (Home sapien sapien)
a)      Australopithecus, Neanderthal man, Cro-magnon man, Homo-erectus and Modern man.
b)      Australopithecus, Homo-erectus, Neanderthal man, Cro-magnon and Modern man
c)      Home erectus, Neanderthal man, Australopithecus, Cro-magnon and Modern man
d)      Homo erectus, Australopithecus, Neanderthal man, Cro-magnon man and Modern man
e)      Australopithecus, Cro-magnon man, Homo erectus, Neanderthal man, Modern man.
6.             The tadpole of frog resembles with fish is the phenomenon which comes under:
a) mutation                  b) migration                 c) inheritance  
d) recapitulation           e) natural selection
7.             Connecting link between non-chordata and chordata is
            a) periatus        b) sphenodon   c) balanoglossus          d) tachyglossus     
            e) limulus
8.             Role of isolation in evolution is
a) differentiation of species      b) maintenance by speices      
c) evolutionary divergence      d) extermination of species      e) all of them
9.             The change in number and frequency of genes in isolated populations is termed:
            a) genetic drift             b) genetic variations    c) isolation      
d) struggle for existence
10.         The soft and spongy layer of skin over the visceral hump in mollusc is called
      a) Mascular foot                      b) Radula                     c) Mantle
      d) Feathery gills                       e) Trunk
11.         Find the incorrect match
a)      Devonian period – Age of fishes
b)      Carboniferous period – Age of amphibians
c)      Mesozoic era – Age of reptiles
d)      Cenozoic era – Age of mammal
            e) Herpetology – study of reptiles
12Evolution means:
a) history of race          b) development of race           
c) history and development of race with variations    
d) progressive development of the race           e) none of these          
13.         In the experiment for the origin of life, Miller obtained:
a) Hydrogen                b) Proteins                   c) Ammonia   
d) Amino Acid            e) Lactic Acid
14.         Darwin’s theory of natural selection to explain organic evolution was based on:
a)      modifications in organs through use and disuse
b)      prodigality of reproduction, struggle for existence and survival of the fittest
c)      inheritance of acquired character
d)      appearance of sudden large variations, their inheritance and survival of those having these variations
e)      none of these

15.         Name the antibiotics used in Lederberg’s replica plating experiment.
a) Erythromycin          b) Strepotmycin                       c) Pencillin
d) Neomycin               e) Tetracycline
16.         Which of the following sets are vestigial structure in man
a)      Hair, olecranon process, coccyx and vermiform appendix
b)      Wisdom tooth, Mammary glands, Coccyx and Patella
c)      Coccyx, nictitating membrane, appendix, ear muscle
d)      Hair, ear ossicles, patella and atlas
e)      Hair, ear ossicles, coccyx and patella.
17.         A single step large mutation is called.
a) Point mutation         b) Gene mutation                                 c) Saltation     
d) Abberation              e) Chromosomal mutation
18.         Theory of spontaneous generation explains that:
a) Life originated do nova       b) God created all life              c) scientists created all life in laboratories                    d) life begets life                      e) None
19.         Which one of the following was most likely absent in trace form in the primordial atmosphere at the time of origin of life
            a) Oxygen       b) Hydrogen    c) Ammonia    d) Methane      e) None
20.         The first organism to appear on the earth was more like plants than like animals because:    
            a) plants are simple in structure             b) plants can manufacture their own food
            c) there are more plants than animals     d) plants are green colored
            e) none of the above
21.         Fossil is a -------
            a) laboratory preserved animal            b) dead animal             c) stuffed animal
            d) impression, cast or actual remains of past animals               e) all of them
22.         Who gave the principle that man tends to multiply more rapidly than food supply?
            a) Malthus       b) Darwin        c) Haldon        d) Wallace       e) Holmont

23.         For evolutionary success, a mutation must occur in:
            a) Germplasm DNA                b) Germplasm RNA                c) Somatic RNA
d) Somatic DNA                     e) Plasma protein
24.         Prototherians have evolved from:
            a) Reptiles       b) Birds           c) Eutherians   d) Amphibians            e) Fishes
25.         Mosozoic era is the age of
            a) Reptiles       b) Birds           c) Mammals     d) Amphibians
e) Marine invertebrates
26.         The ultimate source of organic variation is:
            a) natural selection       b) sexual reproduction             c) mutation
            d) hormonal action      e) none of these
27.         The greatest evolutionary change enabling the land vertebrator to be completely free from water habitat was the:
            a) four legs                  b) four chambered heart          c) presence of lungs    
            d) shelled egg              e) none of these
28.         The organisms have an inherent character of changing to the changing environmental conditions. This is called
a) organic evolution     b) adaptations  c) divergent evolution     
d) origin of species
29.         Darwin presumed that there is always a contest among males for the  possession of females and for this reason they have developed various methods to attract females. It is known as:
            a) Theory of pangenesis          b) theory of sexual selection    c) artificial selection     d) theory of eternity of life
30.         Lamark proposed his theory of inheritance of acquired characters in the book
            a) Pilosophie zoologique         b) origin of species      c) species planetarium             d) the fall of a sparrow

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