Friday, December 25, 2020

Scoliodon morphology - head region

Scoliodon has an elongated spindle-shaped body. This fish has a laterally compressed body. A fully developed fish  attains a length of about 40 to 60 cm. Body of fish is divi­sible into head, trunk and tail. Head is dorsoventrally flattened and terminates ante­riorly into a dorsoventrally compressed snout.

The upper side of Scoliodon is dark-grey while the underside is pale white. Tail is oval in cross-section and bears a . Mouth is a very wide crescentic aperture lying on the ventral side of the head near its anterior end.

Mouthis bounded by upper and lower jaws; each is beset with one or two rows of sharply pointed and backwardly directed teeth to catch the slippery prey.
The teeth are replaced if these are damaged. The teeth of Scliodon are modified placoid  scales. 

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