Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Contributions of some bio chemists

  • Rouell (1773) :Isolated urea from urine
  • Lavoisier (1785): Oxidation of food stuffs
  • Wohler (1828) :Synthesis of urea
  • Berzelius (1835) :Enzyme catalysis theory
  • Louis Pasteur (1860): Fermentation process
  • Edward Buchner (1897) :Extracted enzymes
  • Fiske & Subbarow (1926) :Isolated ATP from muscle
  • Lohmann (1932) :Creatine phosphate
  • Hans Krebs (1937) ;Citric acid cycle
  • Avery & Macleod (1944); DNA is genetic material
  • Lehninger (1950): TCA cycle in mitochondria
  • Watson & Crick (1953) :Structure of DNA
  • Nirenberg (1961) :Genetic code in mRNA
  • Holley (1963):Sequenced gene for tRNA
  • Khorana (1965): Synthesized the gene
  • Paul Berg (1972): Recombinant DNA technology
  • Kary Mullis (1985): Polymerase chain reaction

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