Friday, January 3, 2014

Ethical Issues, Merits and Demerits of cloning

1. Cloning of animals is considered as an unethical and unnatural technique by some people.
2. It is feared that attempts to clone human may lead to the birth/production of wrong persons.
3. Cloning cannot produce children like the children born to genetic mothers. Variations in traits are bound to appear.
4. When organisms are created by cloning from somatic cells of the adult, the longevity of the new born, disease tolerance capacity are some criteria to be considered. Cloned animals have also developed diseases like arthritis.
5. Cloning also leads to wastage of egg cells. In the cloning of Cat, 200 egg cells were used and 57 were implanted. Out of that only one cloned cat survived to birth.
6. Cloned animals may have health problems. They may die at a much earlier age than the rest of the species. So cloned animals from somatic cells of adult, may have short life span.
7. Among the benefits of cloning, special mention should be made regarding its role in biodiversity. Cloning will help to maintain biodiversity. It can bring back even the animals which have become extinct recently and safe guard all endangered species facing extinction.
8. Though human cloning has its own ethical problems, the principle could be used to grow new organs from the cloned stem cells. Such organ culture may solve transplantation problems, such as tissue incompatibility, tissue rejection, harmful immune reactions etc. Many human lives could be saved.

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