Tuesday, December 17, 2013


(i) A.P.De Candolle : Term Taxonomy given by A P De Candolle
why candolle Realised the essentiality of Taxonomy : Prior to candolle's Taxonomy. Taxonomist used the character were random and changeable. These character were habit, habitat, external morphology and some of these character get changed jfter definite time interval means these were changeable That's the reason many unrerated orlanisms had been crassified in to a common group. Hence the main purpose of crassification to choose onJ member of each group wiil provide broad rdea about each organism of that particurar group, was not sorved and under stanoing and easy study of 1 .7 miilion diversity remaine stand as a teese. That,s the reason candolle realised that there must be some rules and principle for Taxonomist to classify organisms not going OeyonA them (Taxonomy) because taxonomy suggest a taxonomist to consider only unchangeable  static, fixed and liable evolutionary characters.
(ii)JohnRay(1627.1705):Term species is given by JohnRay. He described l800plants and animal in his book "Historia generalis planterum"'
(iii) Aristotle _ An exceptionally Talented person : From Aristotle to Linnaeus every one considered only few limited features in the classification, means external morphological character were sole basts of classification for plants and animals'
Ex. PIant external morphological characters - Root modification, leaf venation, floral structure, number of cotyledon etcAnimal external Morphological characters - colour, shape' size' oviparous' viviparous' etc'
Ø      He is father of biology and zoology both while term zoology given by Lamark and Traviranus'
He wrote two books –
Ø      Historia animalium
Ø      Scala Naturae
Ø      He classified about 500 animals and dissected nearly fifty of them and found that -Shark are viviparous bu tdo not develops plaenta like mammals. Dolphins are also viviparous but develops placenta like mammals and that is the reason he classified Dolphin with Mammals.
(iv) Theophrastus ; He is the father of botany
 Book - .
Ø      Historia planterum (classified 480 plant on the basis of habit and habitat)
Ø      Causes of Plants
Ø      Enquiry into PIant
Ø      Etiolation in Plants
(v) Linnaeus (1707-17781 : Term systematic introduced by Linnaeus and he is known as -
Father of modern Botany
Father of Binomial nomenclature
Books –
Ø      Systema Naturae
Ø      Species Pianterum
Ø      Critica Botanica
Ø      Philosophia Botanica
Ø      Flora Laponica

(1) Aristotle's work on classification (book scala naturae) went urchallenged untill 1753. when Carolus
Linnaeus pubtished a book Species Planterum (This book registers about 6000 species of plants).
(2) Later he also published second book Systema Naturae (1758) and this book recorded more than 4000 species of animals.
(3) Fixity of species and Diversities (Aristotle) : Untill the beginning of 19h century biologist had no idea
about the changeable nature of species. Aristotle's "Scala Naturae" was the ail to explain the cause of
diversities of the living things. ln its essence, a rat was borne as a rat, and Frog as a Frog and so on, all
creatures remained unchanged since they were created as perwisdom of God.
(vi) Lamark : He was the first to discard the ioea of "fixity of species" and " Static species concept" as proposed earlier by Aristotle and LinnaeusBook - Philosophie zoologique
(vii) G.Cuvier : Father of Paleontology and  comparative anatomy. He first rejected the traditional Scala Naturae as unifying concept of evolution..

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