Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Development of mesoderm in frog

In the gastrula, the presumptive mesoderm is located on either side of  notochord. Later they  become delaminated  from the endoderm and notochord.They grow laterally and then downward  between the ectoderm and endoderm until they meet ventrally below the gut.
The mesoderrn becomes divided into three regions. They are
1 . Dorsal or somitic mesoderm or epimere.
2. Intermediate or nephrotomic mesodenn or mesomere.
3. Lateral mesoderm or hypomere.
1.Dorsal Mesoderm: The mesoderm adjacent to the notochord becomes constricted off from the rest of mesoderm and they lie as two bands on either side of the notochord.
Each band becomes transversely constricted into a Series of  segments called somites.
The segmentation starts from the anterior end and proceeds towards the posterior end. Each somite develops a Cavity inside called myocoel. Tte myocoel is  not central but it appears towards the lateral Margin of the somite.As a result the outer layer of the somite remains  thin and is called- dermostome or cutis plate. it develops into derivatives of appendages and musculature. The thicker inner layer myotome give rise to skeletal muscles of back.The space in between myotome and notochord has mesenchymal cells  formed from myotome.They are called sclerotome and give rise to vertebral column.
2.Intermediate mesoderm: The mesoderm lying  on eitlrer side of the somite fprms the  internrediate mesoderm or' nephrotome. It is in the forrn of a stalk inbetween the dorsal
mesoderm and lateral mesoderm.The nephrotome also becomes segmented as somites.the kidney develops from the nephrotome.
3.lateral mesoderm(hypomere): The mesoderm lying lateral to the nephrotome. Constitutes the lateral mesoderm. There appears a slit in the middle of the 'lateral mesoderm .As a result of this slit each mesoderm band is converted into two sheats.Outer sheet near the ectoderm is called somatic mesoderm.Somatic mesoderm and ectoderm together form somatopleure.The inner layer is called splanchnic mesoderm.This mesoderm along with endoderm form splanchanopleure.
The cavity develops between the two mesodermal layer is called coelom.Since the coelom is formed by the splitting of mesoderm,the coelom is called schizocoel.The coelom extends dorsally and ventrally.

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