Saturday, December 14, 2013


The biological science which deals with the study ofstructure, function, molecular organization, growth, reproduction and genetics of the cells, is called cytology (Gr., kytos = hollow vessel or cell; logous = to discourse) or cell biology.The cell biology has been studied by the following three avenues: classical cytology dealt with only light microscopically visible structure of the cell; cell physiology studied biochemistry, biophysics, and functions of the cell and cell biology interpreted the cell in terms of molecules(macromolecules such as nucleic acids and proteins)
1. Cytotaxonomy (Cytology and Taxonomy). Each plant and animal species has a definite number of chromosomes in its cells and the chromosomes of the individuals of a species resemble closely with one another in shape and size. These characteristics of the chromosomes help a taxonomist in determining the taxonomical position of a species. Further, cell biology furnishes strong support to the manner of origin of certain taxonomic units. Therefore, the cytotaxonomy can be defined as a cytological science which provides cytological support to the taxonomic position of any species.
2. Cytogenetics (Cytology and Genetics). Cytogenetics is that branch of cell biology which is concerned with the cytological and molecular bases of heredity, variation, mutation, phylogeny, morphogenesis and evolution of organisms. The Weismann’s germ plasm theory, Mendel’s laws of inheritance and the concept of gene could be well understood only after the application of cytological concept to the genetics.
3. Cell Physiology (Cytology and Physiology). The cell physiology is the study of life activities, viz., nutrition, metabolism, excitability, growth, reproduction or cell division and differentiation of the cell. The cell physiology has helped in understanding various complicated physiological activities at cellular level.
4. Cytochemistry (Cytology and Biochemistry). The cytochemistry is that branch of cytology which deals with the chemical and physico-chemical analysis of living matter. For example, the cytochemical analysis has revealed the presence of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and other organic and inorganic chemical compounds in the cells.
5. Cytopathology (Cytology and Pathology). The application of molecular biology to pathological science has helped in understanding various human diseases at molecular level. Because most diseases are caused due to disorder of genetic codes in DNA molecule which alter the synthetic process of enzymes and ultimately disturb metabolic activities of the cell.
6. Cytoecology (Cytology and Ecology). The cytoecology is the science in which one studies the effects of ecological changes on the chromosome number of the cell. The cytological studies on plants and animals have revealed that the ecological habitat and geographical distribution have the correlation with chromosome numbers.

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