Saturday, November 30, 2013

Defnition o Fertilization

Fertilization is the process whereby two sex cells (gametes) fuse together to create a new
individual with genetic potentials derived from both parents.
Fertilization accomplishes two separate ends: sex or the combining of genes derived from the two parents and reproduction  or the creation of new organisms.
 Thus, the first function of fertilization is to transmit genes fromparent to offspring, and the second is to initiate in the egg cytoplasm those reactions that permitdevelopment to proceed.
Conception generally
consists of four major events:
1. Contact and recognition between sperm and egg. In most cases, this ensures that the sperm and
egg are of the same species.
2. Regulation of sperm entry into the egg. Only one sperm can ultimately fertilize the egg. This is
usually accomplished by allowing only one sperm to enter the egg and inhibiting any others from
3. Fusion of the genetic material of sperm and egg.
4. Activation of egg metabolism to start development.

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