Sunday, September 15, 2013

NEET BIOLOGY MCQ_Animal kingdom

1.              Which of the following is not a lung fish?
                a) latimaria            b) neoceratodus                   c) lepidosiren       d) protopterus       e) all of these
2.              Flightless birds are kept in a particular group of birds called
                a) ratitae                b) impennae                c) carinatae               d) odontognathae                     e) neognathae
3.              Which of the following is present in rat but absent in frog:
                a) salivary gland         b) skin gland          c) adrenal gland      d) thyroid gland     e) none of these
4.              The structure present in earthworm similar to intestinal vill of man is
                a) prostrate gland                 b) typhlosole                        c) chloragogen cells            d) clitellum                           e) none of these
5.              Number of occiptal condyle in mammals is
                a) 1         b) 2         c) some time 1, some time 2              d) uncertain          e) none of these
6.              Respiration in tadpole of frog takes place by
                a) pulmonary respiration                    b) Buccal respiration                          c) Branchial respiration     
              d) Cutaneous respiration                    e) Bucco pharyngeal respiration
7.              Typhlosole is
a)       the respiratory structure of certain aquatic annelids
b)       last segment of nereis
c)       the dorsal fold of alimentary canal of earth worm
d)       the straight region of intestine
e)       fold of skin between segments
8.              Ventral nerve cord in Cockroach has
a)       9 ganglia in abdominal region
b)       3 ganglia in thoracic part and 6 abdominal part
c)       6 ganglia in thoracic part and 3 abdominal part
d)       9 ganglia in thoracic part and 3 abdominal part
e)       Numerous ganglia
9.              A non-matching set in the following is:
                a) Rhacophorus – Flying frog                            b) Ichthyophis – Blind worm
                c) Phrynosoma – Desert lizard                          d) Hippocampus – Dog fish
                e) Echidna             - Spiny ant eater
10.           Venous heart with single circulation is seen in
                a) neoceratodus        b) salamander            c) scoliodon                d) snake                            e) none
11.           Which of the following is absent in frog:
                a) pancreas            b) large intestine         c) salivary glands          d) middle ear           e) cerebellum
12.           Male cockroaches are distinguished from the females by the presence of
                a) anal cercus        b) anal style          c) fore wing           d) coxa                   e) compound eye
13.           Bidder’s canal is present in
                a) rabbit         b) frog         c) rat          d) man                  e) both b & c                   e) cockroach
14.              Nemathelminthes are:
a) triploblastic, acoelomates and bilaterally symmetrical
b) diploblastic, pseudocoelomates and bilaterally symmetrical
c) triploblastic, eucoelomates and bilaterally symmetrical
d) triploblastic, psedoelomates and bilaterally symmetrical
e) triploblastic, pseudocoelomates and radically symmetrical

15.           In tapeworm and liver fluke digestive system, sense organs and locomotor organs are reduced or absent. This is because:
                a) they lead a parasitic mode of life                b) they are produced in large numbers
                c) they are produced in small number              d) they need only less energy            e) they lack nerves

16.           A viviparous parasite:
                a) ascaris                b) hook worm       c) wuchereria              d) enterobius                  e) liver fluke

17.           A unique feature of mollusca is:
                a) gills                    b) shell                   c) mentle               d) soft body           e) muscular foot to crawl

18.           Largest invertebrates are certain:
                a) octopus                b) squids                c) oyster                       d) palaemons                       e)ship worms

19.           Entamoeba differs from amoeba in:
                a) its mode of reproduction                           b) its absence of food vacuole
                c) its absence of contractile vacuole                           d) its outer covering                  e) none

20.           Leech is ________ in food habit
                a) carnivorous                                      b) herbivorous                      c) omnivorous                     
d) sanguivorous                                   e) fruguivorous

21.           An example of mollusc is
                a) star fish                             b) silver fish                         c) cuttle fish                            d) dog fish
22.           A nocturnal parasitic insect:
                a) bed bug                       b) cockroach                    c) housefly             d) beetle          e) all the above

23.            “Venus flower basket” is an example of the phylum:
                a) coelenterata                                      b) porifera                             c) echinodermata                                                 d) rotifera                                              e) amoeba

24.           Which of the following is the sand worm?
                a) megascolex              b) nereis                c) leech              d) polychaetes                 e) balanoglossus

25.           Which of the following is a matching set of groups in animal classification?
a)       Annelida, porifera and mammalia as phyla           
b)       hydrozoa, mollusca and chordata as phyla
c)       protistia, reptilia and mammalia as class
d)       insecta, amphibia and mammalia as class
e)       mollusca, chordata and crinoidea as class
26.           Match the following and select the wrong matching
                a) ragworm            - nereis                   b) pinworm – oxyuris          c) round worm – ascaris
                d) seat worm   - enterobius                 e) sand worm – earth worm
27.           A viviparous parasite
                a) ascaris                b) hook worm       c) wuchereria            d) enterobius          e) liver fluke

Which protozoa resembles the ancestral form from which plants and animals evolved?
                a) amoeba                 b) porifera               c) echinodormata                    d) rotifera                 e) euglena

29.           Grinding and filtration of food in cockroach occur in
                a) Pre-oral cavity           b) Crop           c) Stomach                  d) Proventriculus                   e) Midgut
30.           Classification of sponge is based on:
                a) nutrition            b) locomotion         c) spicules          d) reproduction              e) canal system

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