Sunday, September 15, 2013


  1. Mendel’s finding were rediscovered in the year.
            a) 1857                  b) 1822                  c) 1866                     d) 1884                  e) 1900
2.   A cross after changing the sex of parental plant is called:
            a) Back cross         b) Test cross          c) Reciprocal cross   d) Monohybrid cross
            e) Dihybrid cross
3.   Crossing of F1 individuals back to their recessive parent is called:
            a) Back cross         b) Test cross          c) Reciprocal cross   d) Monohybrid cross
            e) Dihybrid cross
4.   Which among the following ratio is called Mendelian monohybrid genotypic ratio?
            a) 3:1                     b) 9:3:3:1               c) 1:2:1                     d) 1:1                     e) 1:1:1:1
5.   The genotypic classes in the F2 of a dihybrid 
            a) Two                   b) Three                 c) Five                      d) Eight                 e) Nine
6.   What fraction of the dihybrid F2 will be exactly similar to the parents or grand parents
            a) 9/16                   b) 2/16                   c) 3/18                      d) 5/8                     e) ¾
7.   What percentage of the F2 dihybrid will be heterozygous for both dominant trait?
            a) 12.5%                b) 25%                   c) 50%                      d) 75%                   e) 100%
8.   The genotypic and phenotypic ratio of the F2 where incomplete dominance is operating
            a) 3:1 & 1:2:1        b) 1:2:1 & 3:1        c) Both are 3:1          d) Both are 1:2:1   e) 1:1 & 1:1:1:1
9.   The phenomenon by which one gene influences the expression of another gene is called:
            a) Epistasis            b) Pleiotropy          c) Co dominance      d) Multiple allelism
            e) Incomplete dominance
10. In human beings the ability to taste PTC is genetically controlled by a recessive gene ‘t’. If the offspring is taster and mother is a non-taster the genotype of the offspring and his father will be:
            a) Tt & tt                b) tt & Tt               c) Tt & Tt                 d) TT & TT           e) tt & tt
11. The transfer of genetic material from one cell to the other through the medium in which they are living is called:
            a) Transformation  b) Transduction     c) Transcription        d) Conjugation      e) Teminism
12. If two genes c and d are linked and show 30% recombination the proportion of gametes produced in F1 by a dihybrid  + + derived from a cross between ++/++ and cd/cd would be:
            a) ++30; +60; ++d60; cd30                 b) ++30; cd70           c) ++70; cd30          
            d) ++30; cd30; +d15; c+15                 e) ++15; cd15; +d30; c+30
13. In pedigree analysis shaded square represents:
            a) Males with dominant trait                b) Males recessive trait                       
            c) Females with dominant trait            d) Females recessive trait                     e) None of above
14. One among the following is a rediscoveror of  mendelism:
            a) Bovery              b) Morgan             c) Bridges                 d) Correns          e) Bateson
15. Which among the following pattern of inheritance strongly supported the theory of blended inheritance?
            a) Incomplete dominance                    b) Lethal genes         c) Codominance
            d) Complete dominance                      e) Multiple allelism
16. In human beings pentadactyly and right handedness are dominant over polydactyly and left
handed conditions. How many types of progeny are expected from a marriage of left handed pendactyl
man whose father had polydactyl with a left handed polydactyl women
            a) One type            b) Two types         c) Three types           d) Four types      d) Eight types
17. The removal of stamen’s from a bisexual flower during cross tollination is called as
            a) Autogamy         b) Hybridization    c) Emasculation        d) Bagging         e) None of these
18. Multiple allelism is reported in the following characters
            a) Grain of wheat     b) Skin colour of human beings          c) Coat colour of rabbit
            d) Coat colour of dog                          e) Flower colour of Mirabilis
      19. The ability of  a gene to have many effects is called
            a) Epistasis            b) Pleiotropy          c) Mutation               d) Disjunction    e) Dominant apstasis
20. If the blood group of both child and his father is B, what are the possible blood groups of his mother?
            a) A, B or O          b) B, or AB           c) A,B or AB           d) A,B, AB or O      e) AB or O
21. From which among the following types of inheritance Cumulative effect of genes was reported:
            a) Multiple allelism                              b) Incomplete dominance                    c) Partial dominance
            d) Epistasis                                          e) Polygenic inheritance
22. If  two autosomal; set with three x chromosome are present (2A + xxx) in Drosophila, it is a:
            a) Normal male      b) Super male        c) Intersex                 d) Normal female     e) Super female
23. Genic balance theory was proposed by:
            a) Sutton and Boveri                           b) Bridges                 c) Beadle and Tatum
            d) Morgan                                           e) Watson and Crick
24. Which among the following ratio is called as complementary gene interaction ratio?
            a) 12:3:1                b) 15:1                   c) 9:7                        d) 9:3:3:1            e) 1:4:6:4:1
25. Number of different types of gametes produced by an individual having the genotype AAbbCCEeffDDGgPP is:
            a) 8 types               b) 4 types               c) 16 types                d) 2 types            e) 32 types
26. The first artificial mutant was obtained in:
            a) Ankom sheep                                  b) Drosophila                                      c) Neurospora        d) Pisum sativum                                           e) Lathyurus  odoratus 
27. Which among the following vegetative character is not at all sex-linked?
            a) Haemophilia                                    b) Colour blindness                             c) Hairy Pinna
            d) Sickle cell anaemia                          e) All the above
28. Which among the following cross is used to detect the genotype of F1 hybrid
            a) Back cross         b) Test cross          c) Reciprocal cross   d) Monohybrid cross
            e) Dihybrid cross
29. If the haploid number of chromosome is 25. Select the trisomic number.
            a) 75                      b) 26                      c) 51                         d) 49                   e) 24
30. Blender experiment was conducted by Hershey and Chase inorder to prove:
            a) Presence of mutation     b) DNA as the genetic material      c) RNA as the genetic material
            d) DNA or RNA as the genetic materials                                 e) None of these above
31. In human beings, 44A + xxy individuals are with:
            a) Klinefelter’s syndrome          b) Turner’s syndrome             c) Criminal syndrome
            d) Patau’s syndrome                  e) Down’s syndrome
32. The 2n-2 condition represents:
            a) Monosomy        b) Nullisomy         c) Trisomy                d) Tetrasomy      e) Euploidy
33. The formation of RNA from DNA template is called:
            a) Translation        b) Transcription     c) Transformation     d) Teminism       e) None
34. In E.coil the macro unit replisome comprises the main enzymes of replication, which are:
            a) Polymerases, helicases & Ligase                                      b) Polymerases and primases only   
            c) Helicases and Ligases only                                               d) Helicases, primases and Ligases
            e) Polymerases, primases and helicases
35. The fundamental unit which can undergo mutation is:
            a) Recon                b) Cistron              c) Muton                   d) Gene              e) Replicon
36. The form of mutant which can grow only in the supplemented medium is:
            a) Prototroph         b) Necrotroph        c) Auxotroph            d) Autotroph       e) Heterotroph
37. Mendelian monohybrid test cross ratio is:
            a) 3:1                     b) 1:1                     c) 1:1:1:1                  d) 1:2:1               e) 9:3:3:1
38. The percentage of back cross progeny which are recombinant type:
            a) Nil                     b) 25                      c) 12.5                      d) 75                   e) 50
39. Medelian recombinations are due to:
            a) Crossing over                     b) Segregation of alleles             c) Independent assortment of genes
            d) Co-dominance of alleles    e) Incomplete dominance of one or two alleles
40. The first chromosomal map was constructed by:
            a) T.H Morgan                                    b) Beadle and Tatum                           c) H.Sturtevant  
            d) Sutton and Boveri                           e) Francis Crik

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